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Everything posted by Highfox

  1. Because they sound like this (only joking) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2OAzbGCNcw
  2. [quote name='Andy_L' timestamp='1497559952' post='3319171'] I see exactly what you mean, but I'm in a country / country rock band, and clean & warm is more important to me than gut-shuddering low end. If I were in a heavy rock band they probably wouldn't be what I was after [/quote] Cool, sounds you know what you are after, that's half the battle.
  3. Horse's for courses and all that, but I had 2 -112 EBS Classic's and never really got on with them, they lacked a lot of bottom end, lot's of mid drive tho.
  4. If you have it that bad , you might need to get it out of your system, Get the full blown USA version (buy used). Like a lot of the others on here I had to have one, but once the honeymoon period was over I realised it wasn't for me. Looked great, sounded ok, wasn't comfortable for me to play.
  5. Crickey, I tend to go about a year on my sets of rounds as long as they still sound even and have harmonics. (don't need to mention the flats ) Mind you I do have a few basses I swap around so guess that lenghtens the overall use time. The longest I have had a set of strings on without feeling the need to change them and they are still on (of course my bright might be someones's dull) are a set of cheap Bass centre elites nickle plated. I'll be ordering more for sure when these are done. Not sure who the main manufacture are, anyone else tried them?
  6. Personally having owned a pre EB and also A StingRay 4, I'd go for the Classic now if I could afford it and was after a Stingray, best of both worlds imo.
  7. That would take it to another level, always like blocks on Jazz's.
  8. That's a beaut. +1 on the JE's, they can go very very subtle and organic to very punchy. How are the top markers on the neck, are they on the notes or center fret? No probs anyway now it's fretted but just curious.
  9. Get it off the floor on a beer crate or the like if you aren't doing that.
  10. Congratulations, what a fantastic score. Welcome to the P bass just does it live club. (never tried the 5 before, one string too many for me )
  11. Cliche, but these might have to be in there. Those bloody horn players http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3Q80mk7bxE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Amzp7W0RkPA Ther are so many, it's great.
  12. [quote name='such' timestamp='1495530397' post='3304427'] So how are these (the combos particularly) in long-term use? I've been going ampless for a year now, or rather it's been almost a year since I sold my rig after realising I didn't really need to take it anywhere anymore. Now I might need one again (function band). Price, portability, reliability and good sound are important. The new Rumbles look good too, which is not a bad thing. Need to buy new as well. Can these be recommended? [/quote] I've had over 2 years out of my Rumble 500 so far, Practices everyweek and 30 or so gigs and it's not missed a beat.
  13. Of my current stock about 9 years, but I did have the one bass a Streamer from new 89- 2006.
  14. I've had the 500 TH matched with a Genz Benz neo 212T for sometime now.
  15. Highfox

    mm bass

    I seem to be getting more attracted to these basses the older I get Never tried one, have to put that right one of these days. Good luck with the sale.
  16. I was expecting worse, certainly not the most tasteless slapping I have ever heard. Could only manage to listen to the first 2 minutes. He's got some feel
  17. I always get excited when I see this thread has been updated.
  18. As the years have gone by the bass has moved up, maybe it's the belly
  19. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1494922684' post='3299532'] Thanks for that Highfox. As you say, personal preference is a big factor Did you find the half-rounds wore your fingerboard? Or were they not on your bass for long enough? [/quote] No wear at all that I noticed, had them on there a few months giving them a chance (tho the fretless wasn't a fulltime player). I have full on rounds on my fretless now with ebony neck and not noticed any extra wear in a year or so of using them now.
  20. IN my personal experiance I have tried half rounds and ground wound's on a fretless (and fretted) and found both to be not as good as full on flats or rounds, halfway sound and not that good at either for me. Personal taste might suit some.
  21. [quote name='MDWagstaff' timestamp='1494446166' post='3296107'] Is it possible to even move that thing or does the band have to come to you for practice? [/quote] We'd all love a go on that
  22. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1494258130' post='3294426'] Why not put a link up and let anyone who fancies have a crack at it? Like a Great British Master Off? [/quote] Thanks, that's a good idea. Might give that a go at some point. The music isn't that different or special so guess there wouldn't be many takers lol. Roman has promised kindly to give it a go for me, maybe I'll share it after he's done his magic.
  23. The Ibanez Musician basses I like, maybe not that collectable but are good quality and won't break the bank.
  24. [quote name='roman_sub' timestamp='1493912856' post='3291799'] I'm happy to have a go at a track (i'm assuming it's a full band?) - drop me a PM [/quote] That's great thanks, yep it's a 4 piece, Pm on the way.
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