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Everything posted by Highfox

  1. Thanks Nick. Great model you turned out In my opinion it's nice to have those option's on the fly so to speak. I'm normally PJ with it, but ´do switch about depending on the song and feel I want. I'm sure nobody else really notices but I sure do and that's good enough for me.
  2. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1482155053' post='3198048'] Restraint, and a monster tone... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMICD3aMZpw[/media] And a bit less restraint: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjltB723bPc[/media] Leigh Gorman is not my "favourite" bass player by any means, but these two tracks just send shivers down my spine every time I hear them! [/quote] Love his playing. He's got to be right up there as one of the best I have seen playing live. Made me go out and buy my first Wal, thinking I could sound like him [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtIudMd8qy8[/media]
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1482154290' post='3198041'] For me the album released at the end of 1979 that has had the most staying power is PiL's "Metal Box". [/quote] Metal box, is right up there for me as well.
  4. I'm also back to rounds on my fretless, seems to give it more bite and life at least in my hands.
  5. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1481837442' post='3195639'] This thread has led me to Spotifying Sandinista! which I'd never heard before. I kind of expected to not be into it from what I've read. Bloody excellent! It's actually the first album I've played for a while that my wife actually likes as well [/quote] Glad to hear you both like it. All the Albums are great, except the very last one
  6. Think I only bought 1 this year. bloody Spotify! Nine Below Zero - 13 shades of blue, had the most plays out of any of the new stuff I listen to.
  7. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1481785814' post='3195061'] It was 37 years ago today That Joe Strummer taught the band to play Nope, sorry, doesn't work for me. [/quote] I guess that goes along the same kind of lines of that the Pistols couldn't play and Rotten couldn't sing. 1/2 of that is true lol. I guess I'm a little bias as I spent a lot of my youth following the Clash around the country on many of their tours. Still by far the best live band I ever saw for pure energy and stagecraft, never a dull moment watching them. Music touches us all in different ways with it's styles and feel and messages.. It's great not everybody likes the same thing.
  8. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1481719016' post='3194488'] I read somewhere that Norman Watts played on some of them [/quote] Not on that Album I think, Sandinista yes. (I have asked him ) Tho I do think Jonesey or someone else played on this. Different feel to what Paul normally has. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qo-6dd66a8E
  9. By far the most played of any of the Albums I have owned, The music and lyrical content still to this day can send me on almost spiritual daydreams. I can escape and become one with my past and future... Such a positive feeling. It's been a very powerful and meaningful piece of music in my life now for 37 years ,wow! That's without breaking it down to those tasty baselines that run throughout it. For sure my desert Island and lifetime disc The power of music.
  10. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1481516099' post='3192827'] Hate when gear is nicked, but not when John Lydon's flat got taken over by squatters lol oh the indignation. That's called punk, Johnny lol [/quote] I hear you but to be fair to John those must of been difficult times, being Public Enemy no1, being attacked in public and having your home raided by the police every week must of got very tiring, even for a foul mouthed yob lol.
  11. Thought I'd post this , Just saw on FB that a few of Glen Matlocks basses have been stolen, including his 61 P bass! Don't like to see anyones gear being swipped even if he's pro Anarcy in the UK. The list. Stolen from London 1961 Ivory Fender Precision Bass Modern Mexican Black Precision Bass with changed tortoise shell pick guard Blonde Guild D37 Acoustic with built in pick up. All were in soft cases.
  12. I think it adds character, If you are not happy change it otherwise it will always bother you. Only had to ordered a new Fender once and the guy at the shop asked me if I was happy with the one they had got in for me. So you should have a choice.
  13. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1481146260' post='3190105'] EHX Small Stone [/quote] Same here! Fairly cheap but great tone imo.
  14. [quote name='pineweasel' timestamp='1456872712' post='2993192'] I'm pretty sure I read that Linda bought it for him [/quote] Yes, I read that as well, for a Christmas present.
  15. Vey nice, just when I thought I'd gotten over my vintage Fender gas
  16. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1480770604' post='3187003'] my guess is they are early ones [/quote] I had an 89 one, had 2 jazz pick ups and also a humbucker at the bridge, neck thru, was a custom Streamer apparently.
  17. [quote name='BassBod' timestamp='1479476659' post='3176846'] There was an early 80's Trace cab, which had a 12"/15"/18" in a column..but no idea if it had a name - think it was from the Soundwave PA days. [/quote] I remeber Jamie Stewert from the Death Cult using something like that, or maybe it was a 15", 210's sideways and a couple of High frequency 8's or 6's at the top. I did roadie their gear for a tour, but it was a long time ago Great sound he got out of the stingray and TE stack. Blown away by how great it sounded everynight.
  18. Highfox


    Tell me these guys don't do it tastefully http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTUbaHAGh2g
  19. Thanks for posting that, hadn't heard it before. Weather with you is one of those tracks that just gripped me since first hearing it. Have to check out more of their stuff me thinks.
  20. If you're after lightweight and fairly cheap check out the Fender Rumble (v3) 500 combo's. I have the BG at home and the Fender knocks the socks off it for volume and tone imo.
  21. [quote name='Muppet' timestamp='1479338960' post='3175864'] Right idea, but you need to set the level control to whatever setting actually does give you the same volume. Noon position might not be it! Set the gain, blend and era to the sound you want, then adjust the level knob to give the same input to the amp with the effect on as with it off (assuming you do want the same level) That could be 2 o clock or 4 o clock even. The noon position doesn't have any relevance. [/quote] That's what I do, using different passive and active basses.
  22. I know where you are coming from with the Jazz P thing. It's much the same with me. Live my P just sounds better for what I play, but on some of the recordings I have done the Jazz has nailed it. Maybe it just needs more eq'ing for some players live as has been suggested. Of course I have heard them sounding great. I was fairly sure I would want to go the PJ route at some point and ended up buying a bass with the Simm's quad pickup system and now at the flick of a switch I can go between 15 different pick up configs It's nearly got everything covered for me. Still hard to beat a P for plug and play
  23. Nice! Great basses. I have one of the fretless versions.
  24. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1478631952' post='3170492'] No, but I played a few. I'm not totaaly concinced by the quad concept but I wish Martin all the best with them... He does make a good bass tho... [/quote] After having had mine a while and done a few gigs and recordings with it. I think it has a sound all of it's own with the quad pickups, it's close to the P,J, PJ and Stingray sounds that people always quote (I have owned or own all of them) I think more of it's own charecter comes over at least to my ears.
  25. Since I picked up my Enfield Lionheart a couple of months back, I haven't wanted to play anything else. It simply is the best playing bass I have ever had. Anyone else got one?
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