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Everything posted by Highfox

  1. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1486132336' post='3229487'] Been thinking about getting a P/J bass lately. Google search brought up this Nash PJ (among many others): [attachment=237292:nash PJ.JPG] I think I did a sex wee. Now - question is, do I mod my RW precision to something similar, or go down the limelight type route? Totally torn, I love my RW Precision, but look at that Nash! Thoughts / other suggestions greatly appreciated! [/quote] I was thinking of doing the same to my RW P, but in the end I ended up leaving it alone and bought an I Ibanez Musician and Enfield with the Sims pickups that gives me the option of a PJ setting. I'd leave the RW as is, if it where me. Good luck.
  2. I guess Macca was pretty cool in his day and did a good job on those baselines. Simonon for the looks and chucking the bass around.
  3. [quote name='CH161' timestamp='1484958051' post='3220088'] Yes that's right. An overstocking of 1966 pots saw them used on instruments up to around 1969. [/quote] That's right, I had a 69/70 P that had 66 pots
  4. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1484922680' post='3219762'] TBF you really jumped into the deep end with the Enfield [/quote] Yes, you are right (good memory you have) it's a great bass so i have stuck with it.
  5. I normally prefer less options on a bass, tone and volume is good for me. For sometime I went off active basses possible because there were too many options, bass, treble, mid, hi cut boost etc. But now I have found that I can just set the one I have fairly flat and actually leave it alone. I do prefer passive but have also learnt to stop fiddling.
  6. [quote name='Storky' timestamp='1484735846' post='3217849'] Cheers for all the advice and comments! I do like the Stingray sound - just can't always get it right with my existing set up and sometimes I can't get it to cut through in a live situation. I have picked up on the solid state/clean sounds idea and maybe that's the direction I should go. Quite a few positive comments about Markbass and I must admit that was one brand that was on the radar. [/quote] I had the same kind of thing at time with my Ray, Nearly always fiddling with the eq on the bass on stage, but it always seemed to sound great out front. I think it is true especially on a Stingray where you choose to play from, up the bridge end or closer to the neck, fingers, pick, thumb, muting etc. The volume pot really changes the sound as well I found. I found it to be a very versatile instrument despite the one trick pony label Maybe it can do too much and that's why I have always ending moving mine on in the end. Love them for recording and controlled environment, but fiddle fiddle always with me and a Ray, Same with me and Trace Elliot, but that's another story .
  7. This should it explain it all (or not)! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHE6hZU72A4[/media]
  8. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1484239639' post='3213892'] Tone comes from a combination of how your hitting the strings and how your fretting.IMO Blue [/quote] Jamie had quite a hard playing action, he used to get stuck in. A lot of compresssion and Chorus and he used to use a large TE stack back in the day. I know because I carried it in and out of a few gigs
  9. I'd be all over it, if I hadn't already ordered one Going, going gone me thinks.
  10. [quote name='synthaside' timestamp='1483610445' post='3208602'] I know It's VERY tempting to go for a second-hand amp, but I stress you head down to somewhere with reasonable stock and try a few out first I'm so glad I did. I'd gone into the store dead set on buying one thing and left with something completely different I'd taken my bass and spent 20 mins with the amp in question unable to find usable tones , then tried my markbass found my sound immediately and left with a grin the size of a house, skipping back to the carry carrying the stupidly light combo in one hand . Sound is very subjective, and amps definitely colour your tone, That being said for cost effective powerful rock tones, I'm surprised no-one's suggested one of the fender rumbles * [url="https://www.andertons.co.uk/p/2370606900/bass-combos/fender-rumble-500-v3-bass-amp"]https://www.anderton...500-v3-bass-amp[/url] * I doubt you will need more than the 350 watts that the combo produces right off the bat but it leaves room for finding that second cab if you do need 500 watts. Also before you go ahead and buy a gigantic 8x10 yourself what size venues do this band play? Will there be PA support, hell you may not even require an amp until you know the date of the first gig. I know its exciting to think about but I've found rehearsal room amps are getting better and better, one i'm going to in Clapham next week has my choice of markbass or GK :-S . [/quote] I use the Fender rumble v3 500 combo and love it. Thought people might of got tired of me spouting off how great they are all the time and I'm not on any sponsorship. I have the 210 extension cab for it as well, but only really need/use it at bigger gig's, tho I have it setup at the practice place all the time.
  11. another that uses 2x10's stacked for larger shows and practice, love it. With another band I use just a 212 and that sounds great as well
  12. Just cut out all the messing around SVT and 810 will do you. Bit more than your budget but save you from many years of gas Seriously anything 500w powered by at least a decent 210 should do you.
  13. Our singer uses one for lyrics and I'm not keen. He's often reading from that than engaging in any performance or eye contact with the audience. Ok when learning something new, but wish he would ditch it live. I tried to tell him but he's keen on technology
  14. I thought this was going to be about the old Dingwalls venue. Lot's of memories good and bad Edit: I should really look at the Thread headings .
  15. Just in time for Crimbo. Enjoy. I know Ashdown do a few sponsorships with some great UK pro players, seems like they have really stepped up their game lately as well. Hope it's a keeper.
  16. We just put the Commodores "easy" into the set, simple bassline but such a nice feel and touch.
  17. Yes, RIP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1gYJDQXPOk
  18. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1482536640' post='3201394'] I'm feeling strangley gas free this Christmas...I have been swapping and trying different basses regulary over the last 5 years and all of a sudden seem to have settled into Stiingray 5's and G&L's. Even though I will still sell and swap the odd one I am strangely GAS free. Could this be the end of searching and swapping? I went though the same with Electric and acoustic guitars but am pretty settled on that front too. [/quote] I think it can be like that, you have to get through a few to make sure your not missing out on anything at least that's me. I think I'm also pretty settled with my basses at the moment as well, Not sure if it will strike again tho,
  19. Think I liked the first one best. Funny I couldn't even tell which one had the flats on it 3 sounded the least thickest of them to me, Guess that's the 2010 with flats lol. No idea.
  20. I have had the EBS classic 112 and wouldn't really recommend it after using other makes. Not a lot of punch or low end out of it for me, I had 2 of them stacked. I'd deffo look elsewhere.
  21. My old Warwick Streamer had 2 jazz and a humbucker on it. Edit: found a photo of it. [url="https://flic.kr/p/Qumphe"][/url]
  22. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1482267478' post='3199144'] I also thought that you needed the special (John East designed IIRC) pre-amp installed in order to balance out the volume differences between the three pickup configurations? However my experience of Enfield basses is limited to the original "Cannon" model with the Super 8 Pickup. [/quote] I'll have to pass on that, for someone more knowledgeable on the Simms pickups. Mine has the JE preamp. Love the leds and if I didn't a bit of back gaffe would do the job
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