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Everything posted by Lozz196

  1. The guy we`ve always dealt with is Rulie, and he`s a really decent bloke. The management there are also nice, I can`t remember the land-ladies name but she`s been there for long time and is very nice to deal with too. This sounds like some sort of campaign to me, especially as everything has miraculously gone now.
  2. Aaron bought a Sansamp BDDI from me. Good comms, swift payment, and advised that the item had been delivered, something that I always appreciate. Good transaction all round.
  3. Very surprising, as the Ashdown RM500 I have is incredibly loud, seems that the lack of power thing must be inherent to the Retroglides then. I`ll echo the thoughts about the ABM600, I have one, the EVO-IV version and it`s an amazingly good amp.
  4. If I`m successful I`ll have a new Precision incoming that has a Steve Harris pickup in it, which I`ll be looking to offload.
  5. Probably Clarkys Pino Sig Precision, it was just effortless to play. Likewise with the Road Worn Precisions, if only they did a black one........
  6. I`m of the opinion that whilst still able to shift it, have the best heavyweight gear you can get - unless you prefer the sound of the lighter weight gear of course. The DBS were great amps, never heard the cabs, but up until now have never heard a Marshall bass amp/cab I didn`t like. Keep it while you can still cart it about.
  7. The Maze is a pretty good venue, does punk etc.
  8. As we gig far and wide, and most of the time don`t know what is available locally, whatever we can find is what we eat. Preferably just after sound check, give the grub time to go down. For myself, having a stomach ulcer means I have to eat little and often, so I bring some choccie bars & biscuits with me to the gig as well.
  9. [quote name='Crawford13' timestamp='1489779468' post='3259850'] Thanks for you input Lozz. I'm loving the tone hammer pedal I got from you. Do you still use a tone hammer head? If not what made you move on? Thanks [/quote] Hi Crawford, glad you still love the TH, pretty decent pedals. I`ve moved on to Ashdowns with a Sansamp Para Driver DI. I used a few Ashdown amps as provided rigs and just preferred the sound, it seemed to have more of a thud/attack to it, so switched across. I still get basically the same sound mind, but on-stage it just seems to react better to my playing.
  10. I`ve had both the 350 and the 500, and unless you need very clean at high volume, combined with a very hard hitting drummer, the 350 should be fine, especially if hooked up to an efficient cab. If given the choice between the 500 and a single speaker cab, or the 350 and a multiple speaker cab, assuming the budget is the same the latter would be my choice.
  11. I`d wait and see how your amp fares, if you`re only using it for stage monitoring it may be fine, especially with the Schros as they are very efficient cabs. When I had a BC250 I let a couple of bands use it with my old Barefaced Super 12 and it was plenty for on stage volumes.
  12. Aggressive, punchy, twangy and hard-hitting. Pretty much the opposite of me as a person in fact. My tone/sound is somewhere between JJ Burnell, Duff McKagan, Bruce Foxton and Lemmy.
  13. If you like the Markbass sound Mickey, a Little Mark III will work a treat. Ashdown would be also be good, especially for the more bottom end stuff. If the ABM is too big/heavy the RMs are great little amps, have a lot more "oomph" to them than many of the other smaller amps (I`ve had many, so am speaking from my own experience here). Both the ABM600 and RM500 have plenty enough top end as well, forget the woolly-brigade.
  14. I was very impressed with the Super Midget when doing a cab shootout at the SE Bash a couple of years ago. An amazing amount of sound from such a tiny little cab.
  15. James Jamerson used LaBellas I think. Some are pretty high tension though.
  16. Bought a Mono Vertigo from Dan. Good comms, swift despatch, and the item arrived very well packaged.
  17. I`m in Hemel Hempstead, about 7 miles away from Berko.
  18. Having had both, unless playing huge stages and really having to push the amp, I can`t see the 350 not being enough, unless also needing a quite clean sound, combined with a heavy handed drummer.
  19. If the Gotoh fits then, assuming Tokai used the same bridge on both Hardpuncher and Jazz-sound, then all should be fine.
  20. Tricky one, depends if the Tokai was designed solely for their basses. If no-one has the exact knowledge, why not see if a kindly Basschatter can loan you a Fender BBOT Bridge, see if that lines up with your Tokai bridge, and then if they do, post the BBOT back, and go ahead with new bridge purchase. Or measure the gaps between holes and see if anyone has a BBOT they can also measure and compare?
  21. Yep the TH is warm/vintage, the AG is much more modern-focused sounding. From what I`ve read the AG is the least Aggie-sounding Aggie amp. Both are good though. I`d say you can get near the TH with the AG, but not so much the other way round.
  22. I reckon the US Fender 2012 - 16 Series may well become a bit like the JVs, as imo they really upped their game on these ones, both Precision and Jazz alike.
  23. Elvis had the looks, Roy Orbison had the voice, Jerry Lee had the reputation, but Buddy Holly had the songs.
  24. Bought a semi-acoustic guitar from Shaun. Great comms throughout, item arrived well-packaged, good transaction.
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