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Everything posted by Lozz196

  1. Steve bought an OBBM splitter box from me. Good comms, swift payment, advised of when the item was received, all that`s good in a transaction.
  2. This Ashdown 1x15 could fit the bill - 28kg enough to stop anyone trying to run off with it: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/304163-ashdown-compact-abm500-115-8-ohm-l150-price-drop-l125/
  3. I`ll keep an eye out for future gigs Tim, I love CCR, so can`t see why CCRR can`t also get the love
  4. I`ve massively over-spent recently, so am now having a clear-out. It happens every now & then, usually when I`m feeling knackered/down, retail therapy kicks in to make me feel better. The only thing I want now is another 2012-16 Fender Precision, but has to be white/maple. Am just trying to resist a wanted ad at moment, as I really don`t need one, just want one, and this series is my fave ever.
  5. I just looked on the calendar Mick, and this is Fathers Day which may well be a factor in not many attendees so far.
  6. Those TE combos are heavy, but the amount of volume on tap is unreal. In my old band the other bassist - yes there were 2 of us - had something like a 150watt TE combo and it was deafeningly loud without bein pushed.
  7. I`ve done this a couple of times, using my old Zoom B3. As I was using Markbass amps at the time I chose the B3 as it had Markbass amp-modelling on it. Set the cab emulation to zero, plug into FOH and as long as the monitor mix was fine - and in all cases it was enough for me get by with - I got my sound out front, same as I would have with DI-ing from my amp. The B3 also has an on-board tuner so pretty much one pedal doing it all.
  8. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1492686383' post='3282280'] Lozz, have you used any of their pickups? Just asking as I've never heard of them before... [/quote] Yes I`ve got one of their Precision pickups - pretty powerful, less vintage voiced than those in my US Precisions, so less low-mids, and really works with dynamics of playing, can sound clear as a bell, you know, that piano like tone, but hit hard and the gain comes in nicely.
  9. I always wash my hands before playing, used to wipe the strings down after each gig, used Fast Fret etc and got no more life from the strings than if I just put the bass back in the gig-bag after playing. So that`s what I do, and just replace the strings on a monthly basis. I only use one bass with the band, so that`s gigs and rehearsals, nothing else.
  10. That`s a pretty good demo video, captures many different playing styles/sounds, rather than just hammering away on one. Like the 2.67Ohms thing, and I reckon a good few others will appreciate it too.
  11. Try Herrick pickups, I`m sure Martin will be able to sort something.
  12. I`d love to be able to do this consistently, but I`m rather heavy handed, and to be honest, my current bands style requires that anyway. But once, in my old band, when the rehearsal room was really really hot and I was getting knackered through hitting the strings hard I turned my amp up and played with a lighter touch and really enjoyed it.
  13. I liked a few of his songs a lot, and a lot of his songs I wasn`t fussed about, but that clip as posted by bazztard, well that is guitar playing on another level.
  14. Why not get someone like Shuker to slim the neck down, then you keep the bass that - aside from neck width - you really like.
  15. [quote name='P_bass_1983' timestamp='1492586627' post='3281331'] How much for UK postage or is it collection only? [/quote] I`d prefer collection or a meet as haven`t got a case that`s going with this, but can sort something via PM
  16. Those pre-amp valves in the GK MB Fusion make a lot of difference, in comparison to the regular MB 500. A lot more warmth and depth to the sound, making it able to sound very un-GK-like if desired. Not to say it doesn`t sound like a GK though, it does, just that the pre-amp valves give it a lot more flexibility than the regular MB 500 which is the typical GK sound through and through.
  17. I bought a set of their higher-gain valves for the SVT 3-PRO and it did do exactly as described. Didn`t turn the amp into Lemmy, but there was definately more "hair" to the sound than before, and made the 3-PRO sound more in the realms of SVT-like than before.
  18. I`d always look at the highest power available, far better to not have to push an amp all the time imo. I`d agree with the points already made, go for a head and cab second hand off of here. You should be able to reduce the weight aspect significantly and get something that if needed, you could gig with without having to go through the PA.
  19. NOW SOLD One Squier Matt Freeman Sig Precision in black. Got a few small dings (see pics), all cosmetic, nothing that affects playability, so priced lower than the white one that I`m also selling. £285 for this one.
  20. NOW SOLD One Squier Matt Freeman Sig Precision. In great condition, bought only a few weeks ago but have to let a few things go, last in, first out so to speak. Bought for £300 on here, so in true Basschat spirit, looking for the same back.
  21. NOW SOLD One Gotoh 201B-4 hi-mass bridge in chrome. Direct replacement on Mex Fender Precision/Jazz, better intonation, less slippy/slidy (for you heavy hitters) due to grooves in the base-plate. In great condition, in original packaging and with original fitting screws. £30 gets this to you, within the UK.
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