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Everything posted by visog

  1. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1429604517' post='2752992'] It's all here in a logical order. For free.. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/74284-the-majors-bass-boot-camp-session-index-1-36/"]http://basschat.co.u...ion-index-1-36/[/url] [/quote] Yeah great. What's an ipb file 'cause my computer ain't buying it...
  2. I love your examples of 'Pop' (a term not used by anyone under 20 since 1983) are both from the '60s. Late '60s mind so you're not too out of date. I think your question is less about technique and more about being unfulfilled in a remote musical location and age (not you, I'm referring to our shared musical environment in 2015 - moribund, sparse and at times, hostile). I suspect even the modern 'super' players you mention struggle to earn an income and rely on equipment endorsements and hence their conspicuous demonstrative styles.
  3. Perhaps it's me but this idea of a super-intimate gig does not appeal at all. I want may rock stars on stage with a full production, and at the fraction of the cost. Admittedly not as exclusive but then that's not one of my musical appreciation criteria. Supposing he breaks your toilet?
  4. Chords certainly sound good on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCCeeE7k_Fg
  5. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1431166022' post='2768393'] The clip didn't quite live up to the horrors promised in your thread title [/quote] Well I for one was disgusted...
  6. Well the bass in the vid sounds good...
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8d1mA4weiM
  8. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OFFERS-THROW-NUMBERS-AT-THIS-TENNESSEE-15-STRING-EXTENDED-RANGE-BASS-/291427705595?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item43da71e2fb
  9. ... then don't assume the key's 'B'. Assume it's E' and you've got a very common 1-4-5 variant.
  10. I've got tremendous deja vu all over again...
  11. Prices coming in at about £680 although not seen one in the flesh yet. Seems to be a pre-order item in most UK outlets currently.
  12. Here's a good shot of that lovely Ibanez Artcore six for Thundercat: http://www.bassplayer.com/artists/1171/watch-thundercat-perform-tron-song-live-video/51046
  13. Both are good though in the context of a great line...
  14. Whoa hold on there - passing notes are entirely different to ghost notes. Passing notes are gliss's or commonly chromatic connecting notes in a line or melody. Ghost notes are notes that have a rhythm value but no pitch as they're muted or otherwise not sounded. Make sense?
  15. Try searching for exercises around the term 'finger funk'. Jaco is legendary at this but so is Francis Rocco Prestia of Tower of Power fame. Also look out for Matt Garrison's four-finger application of groove playing with ghosts notes if you want to achieve hyper-speed (and get fired from most normal bands)
  16. Do her a favour and buy her some decks and a pair of Dr Dre's. Not some old fashioned guitar tuba thing for people who can't afford karaoke
  17. [quote name='grahamd' timestamp='1428449959' post='2741482'] Is that a Smith Feraud Burner lurking in the background too? Anyone have a try? [/quote] Yes it is. Saw it when I was last in. No not tried it. Looks beautiful. Looks like Mark's go two in stock: http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/5_String_Bass_Guitars.html
  18. Disgraceful. Good luck sorting. Looks like Binky has given you a good start point.
  19. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1428252275' post='2739606'] Well I heard all the notes and enjoyed them immensely, a true artist on the bass guitar. (Granted, it's not exactly Justin Bieber but that's not the point of this post.) Christ knows what AJ must practise to play this stuff.... [/quote] And DC is killing as always... My favourite AJ is also Steve Khan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_FBGKb5Q-k Oh and he makes unbelievable use of a the B string.
  20. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1428178246' post='2738927'] Listen to some Anthony Jackson from this album - [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4v4Zu-msnQ[/media] Tell me that you honestly can't hear the notes that he play clearly. I did a lot of transcribing of his playing from this album last year, he loves the low Cs, C#s etc, they can clearly be heard. [/quote] Well I heard all the notes and enjoyed them immensely, a true artist on the bass guitar. (Granted, it's not exactly Justin Bieber but that's not the point of this post.) Christ knows what AJ must practise to play this stuff....
  21. Hmmm... I think people are just trying to be provocative on this thread. A decent 5 has 5 usable strings across all frets. Although intonating a B-string in the dusty end is a bit of a challenge I grant you. Worth persevering. Don't dismiss 5's on the basis of bad basses. A low C# sounds different to a C although it takes longer to perceive it because of the wavelength. (Not harmonic resonance!....) And also, as alluded to in many posts, the ability to play two octaves of any scale within 5 frets is a real enabler to seeing how scales unfold on the fretboard which you simply don't get on a 4. (The next milestone for this, if you understand what I'm getting at is a 7 where the major scale manifests as a vertical row from the B upward in fourths or from the F upward in Fifths which is the basis of Lydian Chromatic approach.) So I'd challenge the orthodoxy of the 4 from it's viola heritage and say a 5's the the way to go. And as for memorable bass lines on a 5, their arrival coincides with the pre-eminence of Rap and Dance and the decline of guitar-driven rock into a minority music. The advent of 5 is not causal to so called unmemorable bass-lines, it's coincidental with unmemorable music.
  22. I'd like to be the first to complain about the battery life of the iBass...
  23. Purists (notably) Alembic say it changes the tone, which it probably does when you think about it, but that said, I've seen it done many times... Just be careful with the fingerboard wood though, darker woods work well but I'd say my maple fretless conversion was a fail... (Only every seen Sting with such a beast as me but he seemed to make work ok).
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