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Everything posted by visog

  1. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1435949308' post='2813980'] It probably wouldn't have attracted the same interest if buried in Theory and Technique. [/quote] * Moderators * And can we get Bassace 'counciled' too on the consequences of mis-posting. No cuts just knuckles at this stage. At this rate, I'll be selling my Astra in 'EUBs and Double Basses'
  2. Moderators - please get this moved to 'Theory and Technique' and have the OP roughed-up for posting in General
  3. I'm a huge Yes fan but... now that Squire has gone... Yes has no original members. (AKA SugarBabes Syndrome) So the runners are: Billy Sherwood - Does a pretty good impression of Squire but not sure of calibre of original playing for new material? Tony Levin - Incredible player, most integrity as a monster bass player - odds on favourite Jon Camp - Possible stand-by for Levin when he was sick on ABWH, great Squire fan and player Jeff Berlin - Technically brilliant but with no idiomatic empathy and a disdain for Squire's lines (also bad moustache and fanny-pack, and attitude) Miguel Falcao - Great YouTube Chris Squire enthusiast who captures lines brilliantly... It's where the clever money is... Wild card - Celebrity bass replacement... Pino 'Tasteful to the point of bland' Palladino - no! We need Rickenbacker 'ice-pick in the forehead' bass tone! Get Anderson and Wakeman back and it could work - Bruford out of retirement would be an impossibly exciting bonus...
  4. Maple fingerboard. I'm getting dust around the pick-pus and bridge too.
  5. Chaps, Best non-invasive, non-abrasive ways of cleaning out the cack? My dusty end is looking pretty filthy!
  6. Terrible shame... massive inspiration. I took up bass because of Chris too like so many others..
  7. These lists are guaranteed to cause an argument! I won't argue the travesty that Jaco is so far down the list. Or Chris Squire. But what does strike me is how much it's skewed to the fashion of the day, whenever these sort of lists are made. Also sadly, it bears almost no relation to popular music today.... unfortunately we are the tuba players of this generation.
  8. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1435261516' post='2807153'] I depped for a gig. The guys were used to a 'proper' bass. Raised an eyebrow when I pulled a sparkly orange bongo out of the case [/quote] That's a euphemism right?
  9. Yes. You'll be viewed with suspicion for using the newfangled instrument even though it's now 55 plus years old. Jazz purists are essentially the musical Amish who'll argue forever about whether the rhythm sections swings. All while your audience dwindles to other players participating in the jam night. And they'll bitch about your phrasing.
  10. Bass Direct have a nice blue one at the mo... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1kll26WsUM
  11. [quote name='r16ktx' timestamp='1434828595' post='2803194'] Bwah-ha-ha [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/264378-is-it-really-in-the-fingers-and-not-the-bass"]http://basschat.co.u...nd-not-the-bass[/url] Sorry I'll get me coat ;-) [/quote] Accepted but we all realise it that's about phrasing. With BD, I'm talking about every bass being rendered into a mid-range 'Snark'!?
  12. So I really applaud BD for recording their new stock. And I'd recommend anyone serious about high-end bass visit their store in Warwick... Here's their channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-wL-AW8fNJ1T46TZkHoikQ BUT is it me or do their videos make every bass (almost) sound the same? Notable exceptions being some burpy Warwicks and the odd Alembic. Discuss?
  13. Percy Jones sounded great on a Wal. Chris Squire's 'Awaken' on a Wal triple-neck is amazing. Geddy Lee on a Wal was flappy and sounded awful. Down to the production presumably.
  14. To me, growl is a distinct lower-mid flare in the tone which colours it with a pleasant burnished sound. If 'Clank' is a Rick, I'd say 'Growl' is a Warwick...
  15. Way to jump in with both feet (hands?)!! Nice starter!
  16. Fender would charge $$$$$$$$$ for an aged five is custom colours and still wouldn't do the cool P-bass hot-rodding or J/MM mix-ups... And the QC would be Fenders half-arsed job compared with our fanatical German friends...
  17. Is it me or have the drool-worthy P and J bass shapes, as on Bass Directs stock page: http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Sandberg.html Been replaced by Sandberg with less sexy shapes in both case: http://www.sandberg-guitars.de/basscat-overview/calt-series/caltt http://www.sandberg-guitars.de/basscat-overview/calv-series ???
  18. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1433509815' post='2791704'] Jaco is barely a Jazz player at all. He does make a contribution to Jazz on one level but is nowhere near hardcore and it would be wrong to call him a pioneer in Jazz. Fusion, yes absolutely. Funk maybe. 'Electric bass' definitely. In Jazz terms, however, he is certainly not a pioneer in any real sense. You would need to look at double bass players for that. [/quote] Hmmm a bit disingenuous - can't let that go by... For the period of jazz YOU like maybe but jazz is much more than Bebop. For those not stuck 50s/60s, he was a huge pioneer... playing with a harmonic and rhythmic granularity which was entirely new. Let alone his pioneering use of harmonics and fretless bass.
  19. I recognise this phenomena... Perceived high-value basses given short shrift versus a low-value 'beater' which you come to know and love... Solution - Be rigorous in what are investments and what are players, then beat the hell out of the players every day. My beater is my GB which was expensive but is the DB's... when it gets its first ding you'll here me from where-ever you are...
  20. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1433272374' post='2789705'] Oh I'm not sure about that, I've played a few 33" basses that have great B strings, mostly ACGs to be fair. I imagine the restricting factor may be the frets, if they're as small as my MGS (which the Volo is modelled on to a degree), then having anything thicker than a .125 B string would probably just choke out. Si [/quote] Agreed although in a MGS you're citing one of the most expensive basses in the world so your examples are a little rarefied. I saw the MGS connection too and it would be great for someone to do an A/B comparison...
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1433293617' post='2789860'] Scotland's Occidental [/quote] Shouldn't that be Och'cidental?
  22. Warwick! Wait no Ibanez No the first one
  23. [quote] Me too [/quote] Potentially but it might take some nut & neck adjustment, set-up and experimentation with string gauges to get that low 'B' intonated and ringing properly. Getting a good low 'B' is a challenge on a 34" scale bass let alone 33".
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