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  1. An ad was posted in Basses for sale over the weekend. I bought the item. Was just having a look for the ad now, it’s disappeared. Also found the email alert for the original listing but the link takes me to an error page. https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/503030-mark-ramsey-design-neutrino/ Are sold listing being automatically deleted now? Ta
  2. Not particularly looking at jazz or classical or any other specific style where you often find an upright, but music where you can hear it’s an upright being used.
  3. Dazed


    Not my most popular post 😄 I thought a few would be using a Kemper by now or maybe it’s overkill ?
  4. Also posted in amps and cabs section, so I’ll paste The link here as it’s going to be used for upright too
  5. Dazed


    I play electric and rarely(badly) acoustic upright with piezo, I also use a piezo equipped uke bass. I’m considering joining a band and they are interested in having upright bass arco and pizz. I sold most of my amps and gigging gear years ago and use a PJB Double 4 at home these days. I recently got hold of a passive FRFR Cab. I’m looking at available options for a rig now. Ideally 1 set up to handle all instruments listed above. I had been looking at an ebs Stanley Clarke preamp or something similar to handle upright and electric but would also need an amp and possibly some effects pedals. Now I’m looking into a powered Kemper rack or head as from what I’ve read it should be able handle everything in one box. Any thoughts, issues with this setup or other suggestions ? Thanks
  6. How can a stick with some old hair be so expensive…. what’s so magical about good ones? I can understand some sound far better than others - with the right player - but there can’t be that much to them?
  7. What he said. Perfect for home use. Roughly the size of a shoe box and transparent sounding.
  8. Aw gutted I would’ve had some of them been after some for a while but rarely look on Amazon and when I have they were at the prices you mentioned.
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