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Too much gear!


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In a nutshell, I've got more basses, instruments and amps than I actually play. And I hate surplus. But I cannot decide what to sell and whether I should sell certain instruments...

What does it take for each of you to go 'right, time to shift some gear!'? And how do you personally decide what you think you'd be happy to sell on/ok with no longer having around?


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Shift what you don't play and isn't appreciating!

I've already sold everything I can and the last things I don't play, two of my basses are tucked away "under the bed", waiting for the market to "go mad" again!

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[quote name='chris_b' post='491384' date='May 18 2009, 02:20 PM']Shift what you don't play and isn't appreciating!

I've already sold everything I can and the last things I don't play, two of my basses are tucked away "under the bed", waiting for the market to "go mad" again![/quote]


If you use it, keep it, because if you don't you'll end up missing it.

Otherwise, unless it's gonna start being worth more than you paid for it within the next five years, sell it.

Top tip: Resist any temptation to develop sentimental attachments to music equipment. The only outcome of that kind of thing is that you end up holding on to gear you never use and could be turned into money.

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Sell what's not being used. Instruments are there to be played. It helps to come up with specific reasons to sell.

So far this year:

OLP MM3 - string spacing too narrow
Epi EB-3 - neck too narrow
Squier Bronco - just not getting played
bare Epi EB-0 - a failed attempt to keep an SG style bass in the herd
Rockbass Corvette - same, plus I have no interest in modding it.

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I think sentimental attachment holds true for a few instruments. Basically I have:

W&T Chronos (my mainstay workhorse now, the only one I play) - not for sale
Fender/Shuker Geddy Lee 'Custom' (previous workhorse) - wouldn't be happy to sell but I don't really play it now
Fender US J-bass (defretted and epoxied - my first real bass) - would be ok with selling, I don't really play it, but having a good fretless is nice
Yamaha RBX Fretless (super cheap - has been on loan to a friend for ages) - happy to sell

Squier Telecaster (fantastic all rounder and totally plug 'n' play) - could part with it but would probably miss it
Ibanez JS1200 (my favourite guitar, but played little as i'm less worried about damaging the Squier) - i love it, but don't play it that often. I wouldn't be happy parting with it, particularly as it was a gift from my family.
Yamaha APX-5A (my only acoustic) - not for sale

It's not loads, but I'm a one instrument kind of guy. Everything is different and has it's use. Despite this, part of me thinks I'd be better off selling stuff off and putting it towards something else I would use.

Your opinions are appreciated!


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The fundamental bottom line with anything I sell is that I need the money more than I need or want the instrument/amp/pedal/microphone/etc…

If money wasn’t an issue then I doubt I would have ever sold a single piece of gear, but it’s a very personal thing to weigh up the financial or even sentimental value of something against how much you need or want it.

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[quote name='mcgraham' post='491408' date='May 18 2009, 02:40 PM']I think sentimental attachment holds true for a few instruments. Basically I have:

W&T Chronos (my mainstay workhorse now, the only one I play) - not for sale
Fender/Shuker Geddy Lee 'Custom' (previous workhorse) - wouldn't be happy to sell but I don't really play it now
Fender US J-bass (defretted and epoxied - my first real bass) - would be ok with selling, I don't really play it, but having a good fretless is nice
Yamaha RBX Fretless (super cheap - has been on loan to a friend for ages) - happy to sell

Squier Telecaster (fantastic all rounder and totally plug 'n' play) - could part with it but would probably miss it
Ibanez JS1200 (my favourite guitar, but played little as i'm less worried about damaging the Squier) - i love it, but don't play it that often. I wouldn't be happy parting with it, particularly as it was a gift from my family.
Yamaha APX-5A (my only acoustic) - not for sale

It's not loads, but I'm a one instrument kind of guy. Everything is different and has it's use. Despite this, part of me thinks I'd be better off selling stuff off and putting it towards something else I would use.

Your opinions are appreciated!


If you’re not selling for financial reasons, then it sounds like the only thing you should be selling is the Yamaha fretless.

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That's not loads at all. I also have 4 basses, and 2 guitars (to your 3) but I don't consider that to be excessive.

If you do want to get rid of something, then sell the Yamaha and the Squier. Play the Ibanez more and stop worrying about damaging it. It's a guitar, not a small crystal dolphin statue.


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[quote]Damn! I was going to offer you a few quid for it[/quote]
A Mars bar would've done! Now I know you're willing to offer more I think I'll just wait it out :)

I know what I have isn't excessive, but I feel that I don't use the little that I do have. Finances aren't an issue, so in that respect there's no problem. I'm just curious to find out how other people approach this, and hopefully grab some pearls of wisdom regarding gear acquisition. There's already been a few!


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It's money in the bank - if you don't [i]need[/i] the money, don't bother selling any of them. If you've got stuff you don't want and would prefer something else, then sell what you don't want/need and spend it on another instrument (or something else you want that preferably won't lose any value in a hurry).

Don't sell stuff and the piss the money up the wall on boozing or bills or day to day living. Other than the initial outlay of a guitar or bass, I haven't actually spent any actual money on instruments in 18 months because I've been able to sell what I wasn't using and reinvest it in other stuff. I combined the proceeds of four instruments into my Martin HD-28V and the proceeds of another two into my 335. I'm probably going to have to start again soon and put some of my own cash into buying something if I need/want it, but if you can play an instrument without it actually costing you anything out of your regular budget, that's got to be a winner.

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I narrowed mine down to one fretted and one fretless - I found having more than one bass got to my OCD side because I always preferred one to the others and would always favour one bass. I liked the idea of having a Jazz, for example, on stand by should I ever need one, but I liked the idea of having 'my' bass and 'my' sound even more. I think if you have found that special one then you can bid a happy farewell to your basses past, knowing they helped shape your tastes and taught you a lot along the way, leaving you to focus on the one that sounds like 'you'


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[quote name='neepheid' post='491403' date='May 18 2009, 02:33 PM']bare Epi EB-0 - a failed attempt to keep an SG style bass in the herd
Rockbass Corvette - [b]same[/b], plus I have no interest in modding it.[/quote]
If you ask me, a Rockbass Corvette is a [i]very[/i] failed attempt to keep an SG style bass in the herd. :)

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Meh, I know how you feel. My Yamaha RBX775 is essentially unused but I feel like I can't sell it as it was bought by my parents as a 21st birthday present. It's probably worth £150-£175 tops as well (it was £420 new).

I know if I got rid of it I'd want another fretless anyway - even though I never play it !

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[quote name='mcgraham' post='491438' date='May 18 2009, 03:00 PM']A Mars bar would've done! Now I know you're willing to offer more I think I'll just wait it out :)

I know what I have isn't excessive, but I feel that I don't use the little that I do have. Finances aren't an issue, so in that respect there's no problem. I'm just curious to find out how other people approach this, and hopefully grab some pearls of wisdom regarding gear acquisition. There's already been a few!


Ha ha you just need another outlet for your GAS .. Saxophone's pretty good for that..

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[quote name='Machines' post='491659' date='May 18 2009, 06:05 PM']I can't sell it as it was bought by my parents as a 21st birthday present.[/quote]

There you go, another good reason to never pay for your kids' instruments .. Make them work for 'em like we did :)

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Ive sold all my initial gear recently....

Trace GP12SMX400W...awesome amp...did me well for 10 years and I imagine it will keep going strong.
Peavey 4x10 and 1x15 - Never liked these cabs...but did me well for 10 years
Fender Deluxe USA P Bass - Awesome looking but too heavy for me, and I prefer passive P Basses myself.

All of that has gone into new stuff. Ive upgraded amps/cabs and Im going to also get the lightweight option and get my Jazz ive been wanting since I started on Bass.

Think about it this way...if you spent £6K on a car 10 years ago...itd be worth naff all now and cost you loads to run.

Instruments are good things to collect! I see it that way. Cars fall to bits...unless they are awesome collector cars.

Edited by Musicman20
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[quote name='Golchen' post='491722' date='May 18 2009, 06:53 PM']I have excessive gear but I have trouble parting with stuff. I need to get to grips with selling on eBay really, I have two good guitars and a good bass that have to go really.[/quote]

Sell them here ...

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Thanks Machines! Glad to hear I'm not alone.

Re: another instrument - I work on my voice outside of bass and guitar. I like to spend a lot of time on just one instrument, too many would leave me without the time to work on any one enough for my own satisfaction. I've got a harmonica and violin that I started on and would want to get more proficient on before getting another instrument.

It's interesting what people's threshold is before they start moving things on, and for what reason.


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