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Scott says:

A few days ago, I shared thatĀ I discovered a trick that allows you to turbocharge your command of the bass fretboardĀ in just a few weeks.


And itā€™s all thanks to a 200-year-old harmonic concept buried in the back of a dusty music theory textbook.


Because this harmonic concept reveals that there are four ā€œmaster patternsā€ hidden on the bass fretboard.


These four patterns tie together ALL the other patterns and shapes you already know. (Thatā€™s why theyā€™re the ā€œmasterā€ patterns.)


Which means once you internalise these master patterns, you can play up and down the neck with ease. And youā€™ll never get lost on the fingerboard ever again.Ā 


But thatā€™s easier said than doneā€¦


See, I wish I could just give you a fretboard diagram for each of these patterns and it would make you a great bassist.


But the truth is, if you just looked at these master patterns on the page, they would seemĀ incrediblyĀ complex. And it would still take you a long, long time to figure out how to get them under your fingers to master the fretboard.


At least, until now.


Because after four gruelling months of trial and error ā€” I figured out how to ā€œhackā€ these four master patterns.


And I discovered that if you practise these master patterns in a specific orderā€¦starting with specific finger positionsā€¦for a specific amount of timeā€¦


You canĀ rapidlyĀ increase your fretboard fluency ā€” all in a matter of weeks.


And Iā€™m happy to say that now, for the first time ever, Iā€™ve created a program that gives you this exact roadmap.


Itā€™s called Fretboard Accelerator.


Itā€™s the bestselling course in SBL history.


And Iā€™m excited to announce that we will be opening enrolment for the next round of students on Monday.


So if youā€™re ready to stop feeling trapped on your fretboard by basic patterns and shapesā€¦


And to discover how to dance your way up and down the neck with easeĀ ā€” all in a matter of weeksā€¦


Then youā€™ll want to grab your spot in Fretboard Accelerator as soon as we open the doors. (Since there will be a special bonus available for students who sign up on the first day of enrolment.)


Also, for the first time ever, weā€™re giving away aĀ freeĀ lesson to one of our Accelerator programs ā€” only for subscribers of the SBL email list.


>> Claim your free Fretboard Accelerator sample lesson now.


Then keep an eye on your inbox Monday, when we will be opening the doors for the next round of Fretboard Accelerator. That way, you can make sure you donā€™t miss out on your new-student bonus.


Talk soon,




However if you Google "master fretboard patterns" there are loads - some of which claim to be able to do this in one.

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1 hour ago, Bassfinger said:

I managed to learn it for free using good old practice and persistence. Silly me.

I will make this brief, there's always someone who has to be unreasonable and do it differently!, why have you done this?Ā  We have a "200-year-old harmonic concept" with "four master patterns hidden on the bass fretboard." and you have now undone the hidden bass ninja masonic mastery that we have kept guarded. I do not know how many "gruelling months of trial and error" you undertook to "learn it for free", however giving away "Guild of Master Bass Player" secrets will result in excommunication or worse (have you seen the effects of having your machine heads removed!).Ā  Finally I must warn you in no uncertain termsĀ  that disclosing the TS "master patterns hidden on the bass fretboard" - I, IIX, V,Ā  III and bIII in all keys is strictly forbidden unless authorised by the Grand Master Wizard of the Guild.Ā 

Edited by 3below
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Actually, SBLs fretboard accelerator in practice is nothing more than just good old fashioned basics and hard work put into a scheduled routine to keep you on track. Lots of hype maybe, and certainly no magic bullet, just solid fundamentals.

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8 hours ago, Boodang said:

Actually, SBLs fretboard accelerator in practice is nothing more than just good old fashioned basics and hard work put into a scheduled routine to keep you on track. Lots of hype maybe, and certainly no magic bullet, just solid fundamentals.

I always hate those books when youā€™ve nailed an exercise and then it says: ā€œTranscribe and practice in all 12 keysā€¦ā€


Scotts written stuff is overblown, yes, but there is lots of value on the site. We all know what SBL is now, so letā€™s let him go on running his highly successful global business and if we donā€™t like it, we can ignore the ads.

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10 hours ago, 3below said:

I will make this brief, there's always someone who has to be unreasonable and do it differently!, why have you done this?Ā  We have a "200-year-old harmonic concept" with "four master patterns hidden on the bass fretboard." and you have now undone the hidden bass ninja masonic mastery that we have kept guarded. I do not know how many "gruelling months of trial and error" you undertook to "learn it for free", however giving away "Guild of Master Bass Player" secrets will result in excommunication or worse (have you seen the effects of having your machine heads removed!).Ā  Finally I must warn you in no uncertain termsĀ  that disclosing the TS "master patterns hidden on the bass fretboard" - I, IIX, V,Ā  III and bIII in all keys is strictly forbidden unless authorised by the Grand Master Wizard of the Guild.Ā 

Its OK calm down he can't play the patterns whilst standing on one legšŸ˜€

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10 hours ago, Boodang said:

Actually, SBLs fretboard accelerator in practice is nothing more than just good old fashioned basics and hard work put into a scheduled routine to keep you on track. Lots of hype maybe, and certainly no magic bullet, just solid fundamentals.

that's what I thought it was, a new sexy online way to say- "learn your bloody scales"Ā 

Edited by LukeFRC
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It's clear that Scott isn't pitching his courses at the likes of many of us who have been playing 20 years plus.Ā 


I like Scott and his videos. Not all of them have something to offer me but those which do are really helpful.Ā 


More power to him I say.

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18 hours ago, TheGreek said:

Scott says:

A few days ago, I shared thatĀ I discovered a trick that allows you to turbocharge your command of the bass fretboardĀ in just a few weeks.


And itā€™s all thanks to a 200-year-old harmonic concept buried in the back of a dusty music theory textbook.


Because this harmonic concept reveals that there are four ā€œmaster patternsā€ hidden on the bass fretboard.


These four patterns tie together ALL the other patterns and shapes you already know. (Thatā€™s why theyā€™re the ā€œmasterā€ patterns.)


Which means once you internalise these master patterns, you can play up and down the neck with ease. And youā€™ll never get lost on the fingerboard ever again.Ā 


But thatā€™s easier said than doneā€¦


See, I wish I could just give you a fretboard diagram for each of these patterns and it would make you a great bassist.


But the truth is, if you just looked at these master patterns on the page, they would seemĀ incrediblyĀ complex. And it would still take you a long, long time to figure out how to get them under your fingers to master the fretboard.


At least, until now.


Because after four gruelling months of trial and error ā€” I figured out how to ā€œhackā€ these four master patterns.


And I discovered that if you practise these master patterns in a specific orderā€¦starting with specific finger positionsā€¦for a specific amount of timeā€¦


You canĀ rapidlyĀ increase your fretboard fluency ā€” all in a matter of weeks.


And Iā€™m happy to say that now, for the first time ever, Iā€™ve created a program that gives you this exact roadmap.


Itā€™s called Fretboard Accelerator.


Itā€™s the bestselling course in SBL history.


And Iā€™m excited to announce that we will be opening enrolment for the next round of students on Monday.


So if youā€™re ready to stop feeling trapped on your fretboard by basic patterns and shapesā€¦


And to discover how to dance your way up and down the neck with easeĀ ā€” all in a matter of weeksā€¦


Then youā€™ll want to grab your spot in Fretboard Accelerator as soon as we open the doors. (Since there will be a special bonus available for students who sign up on the first day of enrolment.)


Also, for the first time ever, weā€™re giving away aĀ freeĀ lesson to one of our Accelerator programs ā€” only for subscribers of the SBL email list.


>> Claim your free Fretboard Accelerator sample lesson now.


Then keep an eye on your inbox Monday, when we will be opening the doors for the next round of Fretboard Accelerator. That way, you can make sure you donā€™t miss out on your new-student bonus.


Talk soon,




However if you Google "master fretboard patterns" there are loads - some of which claim to be able to do this in one.

This really sounds like an expansion set from holly bible.

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And itā€™s all thanks to a 200-year-old harmonic concept buried in the back of a dusty music theory textbook.


Because this harmonic concept reveals that there are four ā€œmaster patternsā€ hidden on the

bass fretboard.

That didn't exist 200 years ago according to the career of uncle Leo

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1 hour ago, Ralf1e said:

And itā€™s all thanks to a 200-year-old harmonic concept buried in the back of a dusty music theory textbook.


Because this harmonic concept reveals that there are four ā€œmaster patternsā€ hidden on the

bass fretboard.

That didn't exist 200 years ago according to the career of uncle Leo

Nice. Like your style!

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Preying on peoplesā€™ desire to play bass without putting in the work the same as fatfighters preys on peoplesā€™ desire to be fit without exercising. Combine that with a bit of stupidity and gullibility and itā€™s a recipe for making money, but then I should add that Iā€™m just a grumpy old cynic. Ā  Ā 

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4 hours ago, DTB said:

Preying on peoplesā€™ desire to play bass without putting in the work the same as fatfighters preys on peoplesā€™ desire to be fit without exercising. Combine that with a bit of stupidity and gullibility and itā€™s a recipe for making money, but then I should add that Iā€™m just a grumpy old cynic. Ā  Ā 

I have to say that in terms of SBL you'll be putting in hard work if you do one of their courses.

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6 minutes ago, Boodang said:

I have to say that in terms of SBL you'll be putting in hard work if you do one of their courses.

Yes I donā€™t doubt it. Shame he lures people in that way though.Ā 
Something about it I just find annoying I suppose, and yet I really like his channel and regularly watch it. Enjoyed the Guy Pratt i/v recently.Ā 

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