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Spike Vincent

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Everything posted by Spike Vincent

  1. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1385914834' post='2293550'] Hi, I have been offered a rather nice Hiwatt 100watt valve Hi Gain guitar amp head, obviously I would have to keep the gain under control but other than that is there any reason this wouldn't make for a cracking valve bass amp? Cheers Rog [/quote] Worked well enough for JJ Burnell, although he used a 50w.
  2. I've used the bi amp facilities on the various Peavey amps I've owned in the past, and it did offer a broader sound, and more importantly a better spread of the sound. I don't do it any more because I got fed up ( by which I mean the rest of the band got fed up) of carting round extra cabs
  3. Inadvertantly leaving the "B" off Basschat when doing Google searches has led to some interesting websites.
  4. Agreed, they're not particularly good instruments and not particularly common.That's the second left handed one I've seen and the other one was in a right state. Also, I'll have it if it's heading for the skip...
  5. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1384983555' post='2283228'] Ok I am preparing to be shot down in flames here but cheaper range basses have always tended to disappoint me with the possible exception of the Japanese Fenders, The Rockbass range is a very pale imitation of the real thing, the Rockbass $$ I owned briefly was probably the worst bass I ever owned, the Warwick $$ I currently own is probably the best bass I have owned. Mexican Fenders just lack something the real deal has, I can't put my finger on exactly what it is, maybe it's just a bit better all round. The lower end Musicman stuff again lacks something the proper ones have. Don't get me started on what Overwater have done going into partnership with Tanglewood, I have played a few of them and quite frankly couldn't wait to put them back down. I have really changed my opinion on Rickenbacker basses since I picked up a copy and played it alongside the real deal, I couldn't believe just how much better the real thing was and I guess that is what Rickenbacker are trying to protect, whether Mr Hall goes about it in the best way, I can't comment, but I probably wouldn't sanction building a pale imitation just to make a few more bucks Ok backs away....dons protective gear and waits to be shot down in flames....and now my smiley faces are broken :-( [/quote] A valid point, but that's why they cost less......A copy is a copy.
  6. [quote name='marcus bell' timestamp='1384895444' post='2282102'] got an address? [/quote] Just post a picture of a Ric copy, you'll hear from him soon enough.
  7. Easy way of checking the body authenticity, does it weigh 15lbs like both of my 78's?
  8. My Marathon is definitely no heavy, the body is so light it's neck heavy.Also mine doesn't have a switch on he control panel,it has 2 jack outs for mono/stereo.£350 doesn't seem too steep.
  9. [quote name='Dread Bass' timestamp='1384978287' post='2283113'] Really into fretless just now. Not really playing fretted much. Anyone else go through fretless phases? [/quote] Back in the 80's, yes.......My fretless phase ended when I realised I couldn't play fretless bass...Removed he frets from a Columbus P bass, which is sill sitting in the loft waiting for a re fret.
  10. I have one of the ones I shall not name in case Rickenbacker's legal team hunt me down.The electrics are clearly cheap and on mine needed some remedial work,the 3 way switch was especially poor. Build quality is ok, it looks like a R*c, it hangs like a R*c, and I've owned far worse basses.
  11. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1384902783' post='2282266'] I'm arresting you on suspicion.... [/quote] Ah, late '70's nostalgia....
  12. I've got a few anonymous musicless Soundcloud followers, but they've never spoken to me. Probably heard my music..
  13. [quote name='GBass' timestamp='1309126342' post='1283507'] [/quote] Ooooh
  14. [attachment=148441:peaveycab.jpg] Peaveys are indestructable.
  15. I have one of those, without the matching headstock, and very nice it is too.Nicest neck I've ever played, although the pickups are a bit poo.
  16. Check out Curve - Chinese Burn. Cant do a youtube link but's definetely on there.That's the set up the bassist used,albeit through an overdrive pedal.
  17. The few people I've spoken to who play L/H basses strung upside down said they did it because they learned to play on R/H basses flipped upside down, and had got used to playing that way. Ironically it meant they couldn't play my "proper" L/H basses.
  18. [quote name='Adrenochrome' timestamp='1383640075' post='2266779'] When I owned a flat I found that even my small practice combo, on low volumes, sent bass frequencies through the entire building. Even mounting it on foam on a board on top of more foam and layers of carpet made little difference. I bought my acoustic and a Marshall MS4 microamp to practice with after that. If I use my electric bass it's with headphones thru the MS4or my Zoom multi jobby. [/quote] I think this is the key to the issue here. Bass frequencies travel a long way. I actually now live in a detached house with no near neighbours, and I wouldn't dream of cranking up the SVT when rehearsing.
  19. [quote name='donkelley' timestamp='1382997174' post='2259033'] interesting! I wouldn't be surprised to find that fender doesn't actually make their own strings ... rebadged d'addarios are much more likely. [/quote] They both have the individually coloured ball ends to identify each string.
  20. Nice to know I'm not the only one that hates Rotosound... Actually I thought Fender and D'Addario nickels were the same strings? I use both types and can't say I've noticed a difference?
  21. [quote name='Si600' timestamp='1382802495' post='2256744'] Do you? I hadn't thought of that aspect to it. So basically we're looking at a quality kit plus a quality PA to get the best out of it? [/quote] Yes, in just the same way as you need decent bass amps, decent guitar amps and a decent vocal PA. Drum kits,acoustic or electronic, cover the whole audio spectrum and will need a sound system capable of reproducing it.
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