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Spike Vincent

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Everything posted by Spike Vincent

  1. I played a "venue" called the Dew Drop Inn somewhere in the depths of London back in the '90's. It was tiny. The "stage" was in front of the entrance to the men's toilet. You can figure the rest out for yourselves....
  2. Shurely that should be an Epiphoney about basses?
  3. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1380818077' post='2231065'] The worst bass I ever had [size=3][b](mostly down to me being a cheapskate at the time)[/b][/size] was a Columbus fretless Jazz copy. Aboslute gawd awful sh|te. But it took me enormous pleasure taking it to bonfire night and watch it burn. [/quote] My second bass aquired was a Columbus Precision, which with hindsight was awful,(strings kept popping out of the nut) but it was so much better than the Kay K1 it was a revelation.
  4. If you want to listen to the practice amp and the laptop at the same time the a 2 channel mixer with a headphone output is all you need. And headphones..
  5. All valid points as to why the nuts aren't filed, yet the aftermarket Fender nuts are?
  6. [quote name='artisan' timestamp='1380820693' post='2231129'] Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............................................................................................ THE NIGHTTMARE RETURNS TO HAUNT MY DREAMS Sob............................................................................................................................................................ [/quote] Mine is still in my parents loft. I suspect it will stay there.
  7. [attachment=145276:KAY.JPG] Kay K1. The English language does not contain words with sufficient venom to describe how bad it was.
  8. [attachment=145104:magnums.jpg] My bass has got a little higher as I've got older.
  9. Interesting. I've never seen another left handed one. Haven't seen that many right handed ones either..
  10. Not sure what it is,however it bears little resemblance to my Columbus Precision of the same era.
  11. Both my 78's have C profile necks 44mm at the nut.
  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  13. [attachment=144684:post-9862-1296135181.jpg]
  14. I have one. No one I've spoken to has any idea how many were made, not even the experts. In view of the 1960's Burns production methods, I'm considering the possibility this may even be unique.
  15. Anyone know anything about Burns Sonic short scale basses?
  16. My current live gear cost me £320, although the second hand 1978 Fender Precision would likely cost a bit more now than the £200 I paid for it in 1980..
  17. I've had my Mk.VI for over 20 years and have no plans to replace it.
  18. I'm predominantly right handed but I play left handed, as I just cannot physically hold a R/H instrument, let alone play one. It just feels totally wrong and uncomfortable.I believe Jimi Hendrix had the same problem.
  19. 1978 Fender Precision is 13.5 lbs.Mind you, there's a fair amount of dirt and decades of nicotine staining which might make it heavier.
  20. [quote name='Prunesquallor' timestamp='1378543644' post='2201561'] Take her to meet a friend who has a modular synthesiser - a VCO alone can cost as much as a good bass. [/quote] Those can be sneaked in bit by bit.
  21. [quote name='martthebass' timestamp='1378467922' post='2200729'] Shadow Play Joy Division.......I miss those old tunes [/quote] That was the second bassline I learned. Still play it.
  22. Get so many that she won't notice. But NEVER try to justify it by asking how many pairs of shoes she has.Doesn't work.
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