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Everything posted by funkgod

  1. nice, not many of these about, add it to the "rare basses in the uk" list, before it goes http://basschat.co.uk/topic/214847-rare-basses-in-the-uk/page__st__20
  2. its a wal neck, not sure about the rest ?
  3. "Tales of topographic oceans - Yes.....utter sh*t besides about 10 minutes (should have been a single!) " yep, i remember when it came out, even the press called it "wishy washy tales of the deep" i was big yes fan then and i could not listen to it, im not even sure you would get a single from it all ! The Swing of Delight by Santana is one of my fave Doubles with the gifted Dave Margen on bass, sound of his bass on this is great i tried for ages to get that sound, [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5nUNCTcZog&index=4&list=PL94gOvpr5yt1oFJlhE0-6Y-OECTLc_QYI"]https://www.youtube....0-6Y-OECTLc_QYI[/url] Welcome to the Pleasure dome by Frankie.... worked great, even with the bit of padding victor wooten yin yang is ace
  4. Nothing wrong with playing the wrong notes, just play them in the right order. If its agreed on at the begining its a cover then you should do your best to get it right, have you ever worked hard at a bass line then at a practice found the drummer is jamming all over your hard work. Valerie by the zutons is a great example of this sounds easy but the bass drum is right under and following the bass line, most drummers blagg this, does not fit does it ?, and very anoying. songs are like a jigsaw if one piece is played wrong things dont fit right. If agreed tho bit of interpretation in songs are a great way to let songs evolve into areas they would not normaly go, Some songs tho i feel your hands are tied, soul music is a good example of this, most of those lines are so ingrained into people and most of them hold the melody. play anything other and they will know you are blaggin it, unless again its a clear interpretation by all the band
  5. if your new to funkjazz, uk funk jazz / acid Jazz has always had its roots in london always will have, some of the pioneers of acidjazz are from right there in shoreditch. in fact AcidJazz is right there on bethnal green road. [url="http://www.acidjazz.co.uk/contact/"]http://www.acidjazz.co.uk/contact/[/url] if you want a great night out and get hip to whats going on keep your eye on there local events.
  6. Hi Blue only because you said this.. "This thread is not posted to initiate a " troll fest" just an exchange of opinion and thought." ok The real answer ? for our future ( i think) The whole problem with the question lies in ourselfs in the thought that we are just bass players. we are not, we are a musicians, the answer to it is simply ... dont see yourself as a bass player. brach out, you know music, take it a step further. try other things, we spend so much time trying to be the best bass player, and i know you guys as i do spend so much time trying to get to that. divide it. i have always said to the people i have taught, " learn to write songs no matter how basic you think it is, just get it down as soon as and move on" For the most, Pub gigging is ok for a bit of a buz and some cash toward your beer fund, but as you get older that will wear off and you will be left with a question " what was it all for" and as you get into your 50s and 60s you will say to your self " all that knowledge i wish i had used it for other things as well" and at that exact moment ..... you will realise in the 20 or 30 or so years of gigging you hove NO [b][u]product[/u][/b] to tout for when you are older... it could be said apart from the great times of course and the people who have enjoyed your playing,,,, what a wast of a life time of knowledge, cus no one will ever hear it when you are gone, done, thanks for the beer. ...... [b][u]Product[/u][/b] is your key to the future, with out it, we as bass players are just bass players with out a future. at least have a go, you might thank me one day ! ! ! sorry if this offends anyone, its not ment too, but more a way too inspire us bass players to push ourselfs in other areas, the future... maybe
  7. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1452553156' post='2951196'] We had a gig where decent looking female wanted to sing. We refused, so she just grabbed a radio mic off the stand and put it where the above mic would have been intended. She then challenged us to get it back. [/quote] hahaha.. you could of used my mates mic as a shoe horn to get it back im sorry.. im sorry i said im sorry
  8. I like the cme,pref the uf8 with weighted keys, it has record ff rw and play buttons you can control you daw with tho not sure with logic. worth a quick look maybe sos review http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/aug05/articles/cmeuf8.htm youtube,,, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqJmDEWIFA8
  9. Ashes to Ashes, i still have the single with the pic sleeve from when it came out. always loved that bass line but the best version of all of them i have heard is this one, you can see it on daves face at 4:43 he is just loving it, quite right as well the band are all on it... with the perfect iconic stingray sound. Enjoy.. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNqo0kIR-TU"]https://www.youtube....h?v=lNqo0kIR-TU[/url]
  10. MusicMan 65w twin chan valve head ... or was it a 75w... anyway , nice tone and punchy, just not loud enough. the only other thing i have really liked is the SWR super Redhead 350 ( older one)
  11. Its easy. i would have said "If you want to play, just get a band together " thats what we did. Years ago a friend had a rock band and used a dildo with a thin condensor mic in it. when ever anyone guested he would make them use that, great prop for your niknak box next time give him that and start the song ...Have i told you lately that i love you
  12. [quote name='JimBobTTD' timestamp='1451473119' post='2940705'] Another One Bites the Dust, surely? [/quote] Yep #1 ,,,, and dont call me surely
  13. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1452030433' post='2945786'] That clip is crazy, if anything it tells me more about how far reaching James Brown's music was and still is. Blue [/quote] Yep.. He da man..... i love JB music, . . . aint nuthin tha sits in the pocket better. Have you seen the film Blue ? watch it, its Epic Chadwick Boseman was Awsome [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXnIz63pdlI"]https://www.youtube....h?v=vXnIz63pdlI[/url] i started to realise when i started writing songs how much JB is in my writing/playing i use to think, tell people its Maceo, as i have i think evething maceo has ever recorded. but no, its all roots JB ( with more than a peppering of T.O.Power)... ah,,,,, another Topic i think.
  14. hi skol has your lava lamp leaked up there? It could just be the case, I had an old railway leather trunk that went moldy yet every thing else was ok. but just incase... A good check of any dampness, which you say you have done, but just damp air is enough this could be a tear in the felt or a ridge tile misplaced cracking the joint or led flashing maybe surrounding the chimney stack or bathroom vent fan etc. worth a quick check
  15. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1452002384' post='2945363'] I think the difference here is he is stuck somewhere between originals and a covers band. The songs aren't going to be original, the audience will have heard them before. But they're not going to be the usual covers that people request. So, he won't be playing to people who aren't expecting to know the tunes like you do when you play originals. He will be playing to the "Play something we know" crowd. That's a very hard audience to play 'your favourite' tunes to. [/quote] [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1452003225' post='2945376'] Most entertaining band of recent times was an Italian band doing everything in the style of Johnny Cash. They were so good...but can understand you wouldn't want to see it too often... [/quote] Hi tim yea take your point even if it is their version of a song, that to me is in the same ball park as evolution, some times maybe if your sound is so diverse its prob the best way to do it, just to get people use to hearing your sound, then slip in originals. JTUK yep again good to see/hear these bands, but as you say once you have seen it then what? " in the style of" bands to me are not really ground breaking rather than cashing in on someone elses hard work, tho sometimes it works and worth watching, take "Osaka Monaurail" its original stuff in a jap james brown band, just a clone of everything james brown did sound, moves, suits, style, looks,everything.... would he have got the work he is getting without that assocation ? but his songs are good and i like it and yep payed to watch it, even tho i know its JB. all in all to me if you doing a cover or an original in your own style no matter how diverse you think it is some will like it some will hate it this is all a part of creating YOUR audience, but you will never know unless you try. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1QFLzBan30"]https://www.youtube....h?v=R1QFLzBan30[/url]
  16. this is a good question, and sums up what i have loved doing for years. Regards..."knowing it wont have an easy audience to target" i wonder if the Sex pistols or gong thought this when they started ? I think if you take time out to create something new you are in breaking boundaries territory, which is apart of the fantastic evolution of music if you you have faith in what you do and surround your self with like minded players then the world is your oyster and people will respect that may even credit you to that style before someone else robs it ( if they see milage in it). there are a fair few players on here that do just that look at The Destroyers i would never have looked at them because what category do you put them ? but i love them, I have always tried to do this start bands that push it abit, im doing a 12 piece funk band at mo creating something what i think is new... we will see. So i think go for it, create, evolve, then cut out your piece of pie you will have rightly deserved
  17. [quote name='oldslapper' timestamp='1451756628' post='2943160'] [URL=http://s1000.photobucket.com/user/basscoach/media/Hollywood%20killers/FB_IMG_1450554924594_1.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1000.photobucket.com/albums/af124/basscoach/Hollywood%20killers/FB_IMG_1450554924594_1.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/quote] To mime to night fever effectively A..... dont look where your pointing B......put strings on the bass great photo
  18. "guess the artist..." teddy Pandon-gas ??? Pete Burns ( peter rabbit)?? "How do you know if it's their version or they are doing it wrong? " by the killer glances from the other players I.E... this i think is wrong... at a guess [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVoEb5Rm5eo"]https://www.youtube....h?v=SVoEb5Rm5eo[/url]
  19. I cringe a bit at really bad overplayed pub blues, but on the whole i really dont mind as long as its played right, or at least about right like some effort has gone into it. so many bands play loads of the above wrong. take some of the examples All right now.... i rearly hear the bass played right in almost all of the bands i have heard doing this get lucky... same again, sounds simple but the bass hardly plays the same line , for alot of it its always changed in some way, players learn the same bit and play it over and over Superstition is another taken for granted Sweet Home Alabama, i think bands always play it too fast and never get the chorus right, the off beat feel, the chord change in the mid of the second set of off beats also bass kills it by playing all the octaves all the time... i want to shout..STOP IT. I think a good band who take time out to nail all the bits right ( as a cover) will always go down well no matter what they do because it will feel right and kudos for them taking the time to do that no matter what they do. I see songs as a jigsaw puzzle, as they are original all the parts slot together and mesh right, when you get only 1 band member who "wants to do it his way" it will never sound right, because they have changed their part of the jigsaw to another shape, and so i think people hear this and can tell it does not fit. it just means they cant be arsed to learn the original and want to jam on everybody elses hard work..... drummers are king at this, i have never seen one drummer ( local bands) play the zutons valerie right, the bass drum is right under the bass line and the song sounds naff unless that bass drum is underpinning the bass. If one person changes it then ok lets all change it and do another version of it. simples When i hear a band doing their version of a song... great, i want to hear that. but when i hear a band doing covers wrong,,,,thats when i want to run away.
  20. i love marks playing, i like his no bull@hit approach to people as well come to that, like it or not he is one of the worlds best bass players and im not talking about just speed slapping but his finger playing is top draw, tight thoughtfull and catchy as hell and more to the point as a total package i dont know anyone who comes close to him, he has dedicated his life to attaining that with more than his fair share of personal loss and bumps along the way, but he never lost sight, strived on and is still at it ,101% respect, keep going mark you are inspirational. but as you say bub, yes i would like to see him more in other feilds using all his knowledge for other things which i know he does. in fact thinking about it i cant think of anyone else i would like more to produce my soon to be out funk cd, what a buzz....... hold on...i think iv just inspired myself to dare an email.
  21. Jaco, got the music, read the book, wouldn't really want to watch the film. funny enough... james jamerson got the music, read the book... would love to watch the film. James Brown... got the music, read the books... loved the film.
  22. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1449930639' post='2928103'] I sing (mainly backing and harmonies) and play and have done for nearly 20 years now but the first song I ever learned to sing and play together was Lady Madonna! The fairly busy riff and then all those octaves jumping around all over the neck was challenging enough for me to play at the standard I was at at the time but singing along was a whole new level of difficulty. I've had a certain amount of respect for him ever since. [/quote] you already sound way ahead of me, I find it hard, i feel if i had sang as i was learning rather than putting all the effort in just playing the bass i would be better now.. its so much harder later on trying to do it. sorry.. thats sort of obvious. with me it depends on what im playing if for eg playing rock n roll lines then its not so bad as you dont really think about what your playing, fingers just land in the right places, but lines where more thought goes in, rhythmic lines say i got no chance. same rules apply with backing vocals. my hat off to all those who can.
  23. Yep i liked his playing also and lets not forget singing as well, how many of you can do that ??? its not easy. but he does have his short comings now and again i find funny. for eg ( not faulting here i just think its funny) he made a point of telling the guys its work and stop goofin but in this 10 bar song "That's alright mama" from 2:07 looses a whole bar [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDWfOSKccLM"]https://www.youtube....h?v=tDWfOSKccLM[/url] for the fun ...here is a great clip of Elvis in the studio with a great feel on the bass. ( clearly showing how it should be done, no doubt the guy was contagious) [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKOjcoJMyXw"]https://www.youtube....h?v=DKOjcoJMyXw[/url]
  24. i got a strat from china, a "chat" paint finish was a very bad orange peel finish. nut was very cheap soft plastic neck finish was good but one dot off centre tuners look good with the f***** logo but were just sh*t, sorry but thats the only word for them. there must be 1/8 play in them pickups were weak. set up good gold hardware, good wood body too light, when you tap the body at what should be the solid wood parts it sounds hollow ! !. overall finish ? pants ...there is a hole that goes from the trem spring cavity through to the pickup cavity. neck joint ?... well you could store your spare picks in it if you use them. sound.... thin but the humbucker alone at the bridge was good. my squier strat is far far better, in every way. this put me right off ordering a bass. and the import duty alone with handling fees was £50ish Overall ?.......A "You buy cheap... you buy twice" feeling
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