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Everything posted by Muppet

  1. Who makes Ricky cases? They seem pretty indestructable too.
  2. I'm with Steve - Boston straplocks. Exactly the same as the Schallers (and are compatible too) but with two nuts that lock against each other. A dab of threadlock helps too is you're paranoid.
  3. I bought a cheap minidisc player off ebay and plugged one of [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SONY-ECM-DS70P-Condenser-Stereo-MD-Microphone-mic-cable_W0QQitemZ150233019996QQihZ005QQcategoryZ8258QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]these[/url] in to it. Stick it in the middle of the room and it's done. I like the ipod idea too though - might give that a go.
  4. Thinking more about the actual technical problem - I had a similar problem in my BA115HP (slightly different to yours). I had a loose connector on the horn which was easily fixed. Checking this yourself may invalidate the warranty though so maybe you might sugest to the shop that they check it for you?
  5. 83 Precision 1.750 inches (1" 12/16ths) 96 AND 06 Precision 1.625 inches (1" 10/16ths) Current Fender specs for a 2008 Precision state 1.625 inches I measured these with a micrometer. Hope that helps.
  6. I'm going to be a pedant here and say it's a bit misleading as this isn't S1 circuit. It's a series/parallel switch. S1 refers to the Fender specific latching switch. It may perform the same function, though.
  7. Glad the reissue works well for bass - I had the original that I bought for peanuts and sold for a lot more and it was terrible for bass. Made the sound very thin and weedy on all settings.
  8. [quote name='charic' post='167761' date='Apr 1 2008, 04:35 PM']I sound engineer for a local band, their mates of mine. And weve just got these! [url="http://www.dv247.com/invt/40608/"]http://www.dv247.com/invt/40608/[/url] Cant wait to give it a go Mackie 215's and Tapco Juice 1400 Oh and btw their myspace is: [url="http://www.myspace.com/andogdemons"]http://www.myspace.com/andogdemons[/url][/quote] In which case shall I see you on the 24th at Goodbarns Yard when they are playing with us?
  9. I picked up a cheap minidisc player from ebay and then added a small stereo condenser mic to it and stuck it in the middle of the room. It's not going to win any prizes for recording ability but you can hear all the instruments and vocals fine.
  10. I looked at this for my band but as far as I can see, and I'd love to be corrected, we'd need an output per channel on our desk, which we don't have. And then at £950 for the hub and four units, you'd have to decide whether it was worth it
  11. For the price, I would always recommend the Hiscox (Soundslive do them for £60). I have travelled many times with one and even with it being checked in to the hold I've never had problems. I think SKB supply Fender with their pre 2008 models and basing it on the one I have, I'd not let it anywhere near an airport, given that it is so flimsy.
  12. Two for me (one originals, one covers) but I also dep for a couple. I also have a couple of deps for when I can 't make it. A lot of drummers and bass players seem to be in more than one band so in our city we share band members around a fair bit to covers absences.
  13. what's wrong with these? [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/Search.aspx?criteria=N87BQ&DOY=24m3"]http://www.maplin.co.uk/Search.aspx?criter...BQ&DOY=24m3[/url]
  14. Absolutely sure with the electronics that you've not got an intemittent short? Sometimes it's only with screwing down the pickguard and inserting a jack (thus pushing wires together) that these things happen. Happened to me a few times. Other than that, there's not much to go wrong with Precisions so I'd check the pickups, swapping them out if necessary.
  15. Agree with option 1 if you can run a clean signal from the VXL DI even when the effect in the unit itself is on. The second option would rely on the DI on the head being pre effects as you say. Only comment I would have is that your cab will only be outputting the effected signal in this case, not the clean - does that matter? Would a blender box/pedal not give the same result? Steve
  16. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='152903' date='Mar 7 2008, 10:13 AM']This question has been asked soooooooo many times Try the Search function [/quote] Probably needs to be Wiki/sticky.....
  17. fix the Fender one and flog it on ebay to someone who absolutely 'must' have a Fender case for more than the cost of a Hiscox one.
  18. If it's genuine then you're probably looking at between £400 and £500, probably more towards the £500 mark if it's mint with a hardcase. It'll have a string through body and serial number on the back of the headstock. Take a picture of the front and back of the headstock so we can check the tuners. If the owner allows (and there's no reason why he shouldn't) take the neck off the body and photograph the heel of the neck and the neck pocket.
  19. If you are able to take a few good quality pictures and post them on here, I reckon there are enough people with enough knowledge to tell you whether its genuine and indeed whether it's a good deal. You don't give enough information about the guitar to let us come up with a checklist. I'd be checking for different things depending on model year.
  20. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='146319' date='Feb 25 2008, 01:03 AM']Analogman Chorus or EBS Chorus. Both great.[/quote] Agree I have both of these and they are as good as each other - but only if you get the Analogman version with a deep switch. If you are going down the EBS route anyway then I'd go with that.
  21. That does sounds like a pretty standard relief setting for a Precision. If you measure your string height from top of 17th fret to bottom of E string what do you get? If it's around 2mm then I think your bass has been set up to Fender standard spec, so you might try raising the strings at the bridge slightly to compensate for your heavy playing style.
  22. I've got nearly exactly the same but in Chrome Red. I had a hell of job to find Chrome Red which is a silvery as opposed to the goldy red of Candy Cola. One was discontinued in favour of the other. Managed it eventually though. You need a BadAss III which will fit for definite - I have one fitted on my Jazz. It's three screw mounting and accomodates through body stringing.
  23. Yup, wire wool works for me, after covering up the pickups to stop the bits sticking to them ;-)
  24. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='143746' date='Feb 20 2008, 03:09 PM']It *looks like* a MIA '62 reissue[/quote] Pinned shafts makes me think USA 62 reissue too. Japanese ones didn't come with the pickup covers I think and if that's the original case then it makes it much more likely.
  25. Another one? Us Peterborough bass players must be in demand! have you tried Adam Milton?
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