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Everything posted by essexbasscat

  1. Hi everyone Due to rig change around, up for grabs is one EBS proline 1 x 15 Henry cab. This is the full size cab, not the half size 300 model with the 15" speaker. EBS 1 x 15 cabs gives that 'tight' focussed sound to the bottom end frequencies, often described as 'piano note' clarity. It's the model WITHOUT the tweeter, so it really will give you the bottom end from hell It's 400 watts and a 4 ohm rating, as shown in the photo of the back of cab. Overall, the carpet is in good condition, with one ding in the top left edge (as viewed from the front) which is shown in a photo below. The corners have mild scuffing, but I wouldn't describe it as unsightly. I've stood a jazz bass (which doesn't come as part of the deal, of course ) for scale I'd like £240.00 for this one please I'll also deliver within 200 miles of London for petrol costs thanks for looking [attachment=55948:ebs_cab_8.jpg] [attachment=55949:ebs_cab_1.jpg] [attachment=55950:ebs_cab_7.jpg] [attachment=55951:ebs_cab_5.jpg] T
  2. Hi folks After the usual rig change around that happens from time to time, my Ashdown rig is up for sale. A tower of power composed of; Ashdown MAG 600 head, MAG 4 x 10 deep cab and MAG 1x 15 deep cab, I originally thought they were in good / very good condition, until it came to taking the photos. It was then that I remembered that the Cab covering is in good / very good condition, with a small scuff at the top leading edge of the 4 x 10, which doesn't notice until you're up close. Even then, the cloth can be brushed to obscure it, so it's more superficial really. The grills look like they have been pushed in places though, so I'd give the overall condition as fair / good. I'll see about straightening these out. That's a lot of trouser blowing power, all for just £240.00. I've downgraded the price a bit to reflect the grills not being completely straight. I'll even deliver it inside 100 miles of London. How's that ? I'm only moving this on to finance a bass around here that's really tempting, otherwise I'd be keeping it. [attachment=53554:P1020630.JPG] [attachment=53560:P1020632.JPG] [attachment=53566:P1020638.JPG] I'll upload some pictures very soon thanks for looking T
  3. MY RW jazz compares very well to other instuments that cost £1000's more (apart from the finish !) Put your blindfold on and enjoy. The only way to really understand it is to play one honestly. I didn't like the look of it to start with and I would prefer one that isn't knackered, but boy, just play it. Mine's a 'keeper' T
  4. I have for your inspection; Ashdown MAG 600 head Ashdown MAG 4 x 10 cab Ashdown MAG 1 x 15 cab all for the triflin' sum of £250.00. I'll even deliver it inside 100 miles of London. HOw's that ? GAS, ain't it wonderful ? T
  5. Well done on producing a good sound FOH and coming through what sounds like a difficult gig. Congrats on the Sadowski by the way, surprising about the neck dive ? As you say, lots of niggles, but we bassists do seem to make the best of a bad situation don't we Hope the next one's a winner B T
  6. [quote name='molan' post='884514' date='Jul 3 2010, 02:11 AM']So I tried a totally new set up this evening & spent maybe 2 hours tuning my sound to get exactly what I wanted to hear from both new bass, amp & cabs. I always knew sound would be different in a much bigger hall but thought my 'core' sound would just need some tweaking. Set everything up at the gig & all I could hear was mush! Boomy lower frequencies, no definition, no subtlety of tone, blah, blah, blah. After all my tweaking I discovered that my pre-set of 'everything tuned flat' sounded best to me on stage Really pissed off that things weren't working properly but soldiered on & didn't really enjoy the gig that much (and I LOVE playing live usually!). After the gig I spoke to someone who's seen me a few times before & he said it was the best bass sound I'd ever had. . .[/quote] That is Soooooo frustrating !! Anyone that's seen your kit will know how much you've put into getting the sounds B. Drives me up the wall sometimes too. What rig were you using B ?? T
  7. Good luck with that dude, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you My first one out after a long break from the stage (now a long time ago) I was so excited I stayed awake all night after the gig, just buzzing on that natural high. Like at kid waiting for christmas morning. Go and enjoy it !!! all the best T
  8. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='884568' date='Jul 3 2010, 09:10 AM']Ah, Tom - Going for the matching pair, eh? [/quote] You know it Rich. If this one is as good as the jazz....... T
  9. had it going for 3:24 on windows media player, the whole way through. Still nothing. Aww
  10. what was the song ? silence is golden ? I heard nacht, nada, nothing. ??? T
  11. [quote name='artisan' post='884279' date='Jul 2 2010, 07:57 PM']go on Tom,you know you want it i can meet you in Thirsk on sunday again on a serious note,it really is a belter & a damn site cheaper than buying new & it's only a few weeks old too.[/quote] If I had this, I would be pretty much GAS free. That's how much I want it HHmmmm T
  12. [quote name='Bottle' post='884408' date='Jul 2 2010, 10:30 PM']I drove all the way from Burwell/Cambridge to get the GK head from Darren at Bass Merchant in Colchester - deffo a good guy to do business with. Got to try out other heads in the store and plenty of bass goodness hanging on the walls. Going to head back there soon as funds allow me some GAS relief. HTH, Ian[/quote] Know Burwell very well Ian, my buddy's lived there for years. I was best man at his wedding, with my band playing the reception in Lode social club, not too far away. cheers T
  13. [quote name='The inglourious bass turd' post='884224' date='Jul 2 2010, 06:40 PM']There's b*gger all near Dartford, I can tell you that![/quote] Where do you end up going ? T
  14. [quote name='bumnote' post='884285' date='Jul 2 2010, 08:03 PM']I live near portsmouth and i have to travel if i want to see a decent range of basses and or amps I normally go to london, the gallery even the bass cellar. If I know what I want I am happy to buy on line but If I wanted to try something or a range I would prefer to travel to try something than drop a load of money if i find i dont like it. Ive never bought anything from GAK but I wanted to find out how the road worn felt against the standard 50s reissue versus the mexican standard. FWIW although lots of people rave over the road worn, they are not my cup of tea.[/quote] that really is a day out isn't it? Like you, I'd much rather travel and play the bass before I decide if I'm going to lay out any cash, as I've found no two basses are completely the same. What was your experience of comparing those three basses ? it would make interesting reading. cheers T
  15. [quote name='Stingray5' post='884190' date='Jul 2 2010, 06:02 PM']Tom, have you been to Digital Village, off North Street, Romford, lately? Must admit, I've not had a chance to visit the store myself since the Victor Wootten night they recently hosted, but if that was anything to go by, they were certainly expanding their bass stock big time, compared to previously. And while you're in the Romford area, there's also PMT in South Street. That said, as previously mentioned though not really south Essex, it has to be Bass Merchant, Colchester. Cheers, Steve[/quote] Hi Steve, good to meet you last week are you re-hydrated from that day yet ? Yes, I do remember North Street, but havn't been there for around 20 years. Last time I was there I sold Monkey Business a ten watt battery powered Vox amp, having cycled ten miles with it on my back. That was in the early '90's though. Not long before that I snapped up a maple / maple '73 Precision just around the corner for £200, again in the early '90's. I ended up selling it to finance my Rumour four - string. I'd buy that Precision back again in a flash. Perhaps it's time I bought myself up to date on Romford thanks Steve Tom
  16. thanks for those replies Do a lot of people around here travel 40, 50, 60 miles and upwards to get to a shop that has a decent range of basses ? Are there any decent shops in north Kent ? that may work out closer than some options thanks again T
  17. Hi all Anyone know where any shops are that have a good range of bass guitars regularly in stock local to North East London and South Essex ? In particular I'd like to find some shops that stock the Roadworn series and the Classic Vibe series. Not necessarily Denmark street though, as it would be nice to find somewhere that is prepared to do less than full list price thanks for reading T
  18. [quote name='Oggy' post='883693' date='Jul 2 2010, 09:27 AM']Hi Basschatters, Anyone know who won the raffle prizes at the bash? I've just found my tickets in my wallet (315 - 325 incl.) - living in hope? Oggy [/quote] HI Oggy, good to meet you on the day. Next year's bash should be a better experience for everyone involved if I've got anything to do with it, as I learned so much from this one. On the raffle, we drew on the day until all the prizes went I'm afraid. In retrospect, that may have not been the best way to do it, but it seemed right at the time. Next year we'll make a list of who purchased what numbers so prizes can be sent on, which will be fairer. Sorry for any disappointment Oggy. all the best T
  19. Next year is in my sights ! Roll on the 2011 London bash T
  20. [quote name='silddx' post='880211' date='Jun 28 2010, 07:28 PM'] All my 28 photos are here [url="http://s198.photobucket.com/albums/aa242/silddx/London%20Bass%20Bash%202010/?albumview=slideshow"]http://s198.photobucket.com/albums/aa242/s...mview=slideshow[/url][/quote] Thanks for that silddx ! didn't realise I still had a 'bass face' ! - thought I'd solved it. Oh well, at least my tongue stays in now Nice pictures too cheers T
  21. If I had the money I would be waiting on your doorstep for you to come home ! But I don't - Drat T
  22. [quote name='Stingray5' post='879974' date='Jun 28 2010, 03:44 PM']Oops - a quick apology to Tom (Essexbasscat). In my last post I mentioned the #1 GB bass (001) being brought along by Bernie himself. This is actually Tom's own bass, of course. (As noted in silddx's post above). [/quote] No apologies necessary. It was good to see that bass so well received by everyone there. It is #001, the very first Rumour made by Bernie and has been a joy to own. As someone said elsewhere around here, the only way anyone else will ever own it is when they pry it from my cold dead hands My 6-string Goodfellow will also stay with me for eternity Piccys of the day please !! cheers T
  23. [quote name='JackLondon' post='879156' date='Jun 27 2010, 07:58 PM']A massive thank you for our organisers who provided us with some fine food and great place. Great things for me : Playing the most amazing wah-wah in the world, this thing is insane and my GAS is all fired up again. Seeing that some people have more basses than me so I can tell my missus there are worse offenders Bernie from GB being a nice chap to chat with and actually helping all of us to realise what is what. Playing 2 GB Rumour 6-strings - WOW just WOW. Seeing the rig of doom that was parked next to me Not so great : Bloody hot weather !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote] And you said you were GAS free when you came in !!!! T
  24. Hi everyone and a big THANK YOU to everyone that attended At last, the chance to meet the people ! Firstly, My gratitude and appreciation for; [b]Barrie (molan[/b], with help in arranging the venue and liason with everyone involved over recent weeks. It couldn't have happened without you. Deeply appreciated. There are simply too many things to say thank you for. By the way, your collection of really nice basses today was simply astonishing. Would I be correct in saying you bought along more basses than Bernie ? [b]Andy (netballman) [/b], My right arm today. Don't know how I could have coped without you. You are an absolute star, my friend. [b]Jack (cirrus)[/b] always there to help with everything. Again, you were invaluable today. [b]Bernie Goodfellow[/b], who came all the way from Brighton to be with us today, bringing two rigs, 6 or 7 basses and a range of pedals for everyone to try out. His talk on setting up basses and truss rods was informative and entertaining. Not a happy ending for everyone though, as some things came to light in the process. It really did highlight the skills of the luthier. Bernie was also kind enough to set up some individual basses for BC'ers, free of charge. I hope Bernie will be good enough to join us again in the future. [b]Mike (urb)[/b] a big thank you for some tips on advanced finger picking. Wish I was that skilled. Great to meet you at last. Mike offered his help in the early days of this bash and it was always reassuring to know that someone with his experience was there. Also, thank you for bringing along Ari from France. He can surely claim the record for the greatest distance travelled to be there on the day. Also, a big thank you to Alistair (Thunderbird 13) who couldn't be with us today. His support in the early days of getting this thing together was really appreciated. When it seemed like the whole thing was going nowhere, Alistair was there with a boost. A big thank you to Pete (bloodaxe) for his involvement in the decision process along the way and his ongoing support. If I havn't mentioned anyone here, it's no indication of anything other than I'm just tired at the moment. To everyone that has been involved at any stage - thank you. The whole thing really has been a learning process. One thing for sure, If I'm involved with next year's London bash, it will be in a cooler month than June if I can help it !! I would just like to say it was great to meet you all at last and give you all a big thank you for making it a generally good day. Forgive me if I don't name you all individually for now, but it's the end of what has been a very long weekend. Strength to you all Tom
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