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Everything posted by essexbasscat

  1. [quote name='silddx' post='880211' date='Jun 28 2010, 07:28 PM'] All my 28 photos are here [url="http://s198.photobucket.com/albums/aa242/silddx/London%20Bass%20Bash%202010/?albumview=slideshow"]http://s198.photobucket.com/albums/aa242/s...mview=slideshow[/url][/quote] Thanks for that silddx ! didn't realise I still had a 'bass face' ! - thought I'd solved it. Oh well, at least my tongue stays in now Nice pictures too cheers T
  2. If I had the money I would be waiting on your doorstep for you to come home ! But I don't - Drat T
  3. [quote name='Stingray5' post='879974' date='Jun 28 2010, 03:44 PM']Oops - a quick apology to Tom (Essexbasscat). In my last post I mentioned the #1 GB bass (001) being brought along by Bernie himself. This is actually Tom's own bass, of course. (As noted in silddx's post above). [/quote] No apologies necessary. It was good to see that bass so well received by everyone there. It is #001, the very first Rumour made by Bernie and has been a joy to own. As someone said elsewhere around here, the only way anyone else will ever own it is when they pry it from my cold dead hands My 6-string Goodfellow will also stay with me for eternity Piccys of the day please !! cheers T
  4. [quote name='JackLondon' post='879156' date='Jun 27 2010, 07:58 PM']A massive thank you for our organisers who provided us with some fine food and great place. Great things for me : Playing the most amazing wah-wah in the world, this thing is insane and my GAS is all fired up again. Seeing that some people have more basses than me so I can tell my missus there are worse offenders Bernie from GB being a nice chap to chat with and actually helping all of us to realise what is what. Playing 2 GB Rumour 6-strings - WOW just WOW. Seeing the rig of doom that was parked next to me Not so great : Bloody hot weather !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote] And you said you were GAS free when you came in !!!! T
  5. Hi everyone and a big THANK YOU to everyone that attended At last, the chance to meet the people ! Firstly, My gratitude and appreciation for; [b]Barrie (molan[/b], with help in arranging the venue and liason with everyone involved over recent weeks. It couldn't have happened without you. Deeply appreciated. There are simply too many things to say thank you for. By the way, your collection of really nice basses today was simply astonishing. Would I be correct in saying you bought along more basses than Bernie ? [b]Andy (netballman) [/b], My right arm today. Don't know how I could have coped without you. You are an absolute star, my friend. [b]Jack (cirrus)[/b] always there to help with everything. Again, you were invaluable today. [b]Bernie Goodfellow[/b], who came all the way from Brighton to be with us today, bringing two rigs, 6 or 7 basses and a range of pedals for everyone to try out. His talk on setting up basses and truss rods was informative and entertaining. Not a happy ending for everyone though, as some things came to light in the process. It really did highlight the skills of the luthier. Bernie was also kind enough to set up some individual basses for BC'ers, free of charge. I hope Bernie will be good enough to join us again in the future. [b]Mike (urb)[/b] a big thank you for some tips on advanced finger picking. Wish I was that skilled. Great to meet you at last. Mike offered his help in the early days of this bash and it was always reassuring to know that someone with his experience was there. Also, thank you for bringing along Ari from France. He can surely claim the record for the greatest distance travelled to be there on the day. Also, a big thank you to Alistair (Thunderbird 13) who couldn't be with us today. His support in the early days of getting this thing together was really appreciated. When it seemed like the whole thing was going nowhere, Alistair was there with a boost. A big thank you to Pete (bloodaxe) for his involvement in the decision process along the way and his ongoing support. If I havn't mentioned anyone here, it's no indication of anything other than I'm just tired at the moment. To everyone that has been involved at any stage - thank you. The whole thing really has been a learning process. One thing for sure, If I'm involved with next year's London bash, it will be in a cooler month than June if I can help it !! I would just like to say it was great to meet you all at last and give you all a big thank you for making it a generally good day. Forgive me if I don't name you all individually for now, but it's the end of what has been a very long weekend. Strength to you all Tom
  6. [quote name='molan' post='878255' date='Jun 26 2010, 04:36 PM']Anyone able to bring some spare guitar stands? Just realised I was planning on bringing about 7-8 basses & I only have 5 stands![/quote] There are some tressle tables there, which can be covered with a towel to protect the bass's finish if that helps T
  7. [quote name='Aero' post='878165' date='Jun 26 2010, 02:23 PM']Would everyone that wants to come to the day please copy this posting and add their name and equipement ot the list. That way, you can indicate your permission for me to add your name to the first posting of this thread many thanks T 01. Essexbasscat 02. Aero , I'll bring:- Status Fretless Neck Jazz /Fender Aerodyne Jazz- David Eden WT800-Eden 210XST and XLT - Eden 115 - H&K BassBase 600 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.[/quote] Which one did you copy this from ? the list on the first page is much longer !!! T
  8. [quote name='Stingray5' post='878182' date='Jun 26 2010, 02:46 PM']I've also put together a goodie bag of stuff to add to the raffle (incl. compressor pedal, bass strings, CDs and other bits...) 01. Essexbasscat 02. Aero , I'll bring:- Status Fretless Neck Jazz /Fender Aerodyne Jazz- David Eden WT800-Eden 210XST and XLT - Eden 115 - H&K BassBase 600 03. Jerry_B - Peavey T-40, MIJ Fender Jazz fretless 04. Stingray5 - Selected basses from my signature pic below; Trace Elliot GP12 SMX 1x15 + 2x10 rig; Boss GT-6B; (donuts...? ) 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25[/quote] A big THANK YOU for those raffle items !!! THere is a list at the very top of this thread folks. The shopping's all done now and my flat now looks like Steptoe's yard with stuff all over the place THe only thing that's missing is the skeleton in the corner Time to prepare for my gig tonight now See you there !!! T
  9. One more day to go, one more day to go....... T
  10. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='877691' date='Jun 25 2010, 07:31 PM']I'm putting an Alleva Coppolo T-shirt in the raffle as a prize ...of course the winner will then need a bass to go with it [/quote] Top(!) man T
  11. Just a gentle reminder you can never have too many raffle prizes... thanks T
  12. [b]Some landmarks for the day[/b] [b]The school is in Bellevue Road[/b] [b]If you come down Friern Barnet Road, you will see a church at the top of Bellevue Road, with a chinese takaway opposite, named wonder food[/b] [b]You go down the hill of Bellevue Road and the school is on the left near the bottom of the hill[/b] see you there T
  13. All's on course for a good day Sunday It would be helpful though if a few people could volunteer some time doing a few things such as manning the food stall, tea / coffee and security for the day. It would just give the few people that have already volunteered the chance to have a break and enjoy the day a little themselves. I've got some spuds today for jacket potatoes and will be getting some fillers such as coleslaw and tuna/ mayonnaise mix. I had a scout about and there is a local co-op food store a short car ride away (a little bit too far to walk on a hot day really). If there is demand for it I'll do a run on the day. [b]Anyone bringing rigs on the day - can you please bring an extension lead[/b] T
  14. Come to the London bass bash, the topic will be discussed there 11.30 to around 12. 15 or so T
  15. [quote name='Currrls' post='876736' date='Jun 24 2010, 07:06 PM']YES! thank god i decided to look on basschat. i live about 10 minutes away from this. i should definitely be there, possibly with a mate or two. exciting. i can finally go to a bash[/quote] Glad to have you along look forward to meeting you there Almost there ! (at last) T
  16. Bernie Goodfellow has volunteered to do a workshop on bass guitar set- ups and truss rods on the day, along with some Q + A. This is scheduled for 12.45 - 13.45 He has also volunteered to set up some basses on the day if you bring them along. No charge for workmanship Where else would you get something like this ? Ar'nt basssist's wonderful people ? T
  17. Drum roll.......... 51mOn will be discussing compressors, limiters and related issues at 11.30 am on the day THe contribution is greatly appreciated Simon thank you T
  18. [quote name='silddx' post='876159' date='Jun 24 2010, 09:27 AM']I've managed to rearrange things so I'll be there for a few hours from the start. I'll bring the Warwicks. I won't be bringing the POD X3 LIVE but if anyone's thinking of taking the plunge with one of these and want to know the pros and cons, how they work and how to use them in the studio and on stage, find me and I'll be more than happy to talk Looking forward![/quote] Top man ! T
  19. [quote name='TheRev' post='875705' date='Jun 23 2010, 06:37 PM'] My Eminence.[/quote] There's something intriguing about that bass T
  20. Update time; Jakesbass has been in touch, seems some unavoidable commitments have come up. He will attend if possible, but can't guarantee it. Still looking forward to a good day though T
  21. there is always the option of studying an instrument and taking a Royal Schools of Music grade. Not sure if it's the same now, but the earlier grades when I took them studied in keys of C, G, F and D. T
  22. Welcome from another 'lifer'. I started playing quite young too. Still seems like a good idea eh ? T
  23. Hi folks I'm in touch with someone that can do food for the day, such as salad, pasta, cold chicken, ribs etc for a reasonable price per meal on the day. I don't have exact prices at the moment, but it won't be expensive. What does everyone think ? would you like food available on the day or are you bringing your own ? Cheers T
  24. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='874145' date='Jun 22 2010, 09:11 AM']If there is loads of money left over can we burn it in an overblown statement of opulence?[/quote] I'd rather burn the musical score to Mustang Sally !
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