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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. [quote name='blackmn90' post='1287027' date='Jun 29 2011, 10:02 PM']Janelle Monae's band were incredible.[/quote] And the figures in today's Guardian show that she was had by far the greatest percentage gain in sales of all artists following her appearance.
  2. Sold a 12" driver to Jonathan, nice easy deal, good guy to do business with. Mike
  3. Been a bit of love for him on here before - GreyParrot put some stuff up. Some great clips of C&D with Albert Lee. Chas was also a great bass player, played with Ritchie Blackmore and Jerry Lee Lewis (though not at the same time). Had the pleasure of the odd pint or two with them in the past.
  4. Best gig yet with the new(ish) band - Poet's Corner, Hove, tiny pub, wanted a blues band, we explained we weren't quite that and told the landlord what we did (Dylan, Springsteen, Stones) and he was happy with that. The punters loved it from the first number and were singing along and dancing by the end of the first set. Landlord sidled over and offered us more to do another 1/2 hour which we probably would have done anyway as we were enjoying it so much. One downer, got a huge spasm from lactic acid in one of the fast numbers. Fortunately passed really quickly. Only the second time that's ever happened to me. Something that happened for the first time - I was "gearstalked"
  5. OK, slight honing of my original ramblings, and yes Beedster, you are absolutely right, so by my taste, indulgence begins when what I percieve to be competition enter music - louder, faster, more complex (or less if a blues guitarist or harpist thinks it is cool to play a one note 12 bar solo). And as for the Wooten/James Taylor post, I'd personally remove the "self" bit and just keep it as indulgence. Good thread, nice healthy, proper debate! [quote name='Beedster' post='1277395' date='Jun 21 2011, 05:43 PM']One man's self-indulgence is another man's virtuosity. It's about taste, and people have different tastes; no amount of ranting about it eloquently or otherwise will change those tastes substantially. Trying to resolve this one way or another is like trying to get toothpaste back in the tube. Personally I think the OP was self-indulgent, but I'm sure others disagree. Shall we open a new thread to discuss [/quote]
  6. Almost fully support your stand Bilbo, but is there not a point (guitarists attempting to out-shred one another, bass players indulging in slap-fests, classical composers pushing boundaries for the sake of it and jazzers taking improvisation further off piste) where it becomes competitive, and having become competitive they are then doing it for their own personal achievement, not for the benefit of the listening public, thereby becoming self indulgent?
  7. Brian (the boss, Scottish chap) always seemed a really genuine guy, sold some stuff for me, some on comission and some a straight sale and he was a pleasure to deal with. If you are confident in your judgement (sorry, not for one second doubting you) give him a call and tell him your concerns - and tell him abouot his good reputation on here! Cheers, Mike
  8. Nice one Wayne, something keeps telling me (GAS probably) that I'm going to have to go the valve route soon.
  9. Bump for this coming Friday's gig.
  10. [quote name='pete.young' post='1274585' date='Jun 19 2011, 12:11 PM']It has, although I don't know if this will result in any more choice in basses. [url="http://www.andertons.co.uk/Pages/store-refit-2011.asp"]http://www.andertons.co.uk/Pages/store-refit-2011.asp[/url] . One or two good bargains to be had there at the moment too. I don't see how Guitarguitar can get away with calling a store in Epsom 'London'. That's like having a Newcastle store in Carlisle![/quote] Heathrow, Stanstead, Luton and Gatwick have got away with it for years!!
  11. Avoid diuretic drinks - tea, coffee, orange juice, berrocca and of course, alcohol for some time before the gig, but also, impoprtantly, make sure you are well hydrated during the day. My day job is gardening and not everywhere I work has a convenient tree to go behind, so I often go from about 8.30 to 5 without peeing, but if I have any of the above i.e. a large gin for breakfast, I'm in trouble and have to find a friendly supermarket by lunchtime.
  12. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='1273370' date='Jun 18 2011, 12:31 AM']Has anyone else found different solutions, such a hiring local halls on a goodwill / exchange of services basis ? kindly caretakers letting someone use a school room in the evening ? something more creative ?[/quote] Schools are encouraged/required to provide extended services so may well be a good call. Try and go for a night when other things are on in there so that you can split the lock-up fee and don't expect to be able to go on until late. The school where I am a Governor has dance groups, the local marching band (which uses a classroom in the winter and the playground in summer), and a karate club. Get to know the Premises Manager - they usually have a bad reputation but I think that is because the nature of their work puts naturally puts them in conflict with other staff and users of teh school. Our one is great once you get to know her and has often got me out of trouble with overflow parking for the rugby club. I fully understand the "truce" problem - last thing you want is someone hedge-trimming at 8 on a Sunday morning or someone tinkering with an engine late at night justifying it because you have been playing your cello. Hadn't really occurred to me before.
  13. I'm with TNIT on it being fine before 9PM - I think an earlier post suggesting 11 is pushing it a bit, and as long as it is 1/2 to 1 hour even if neighbours (with a u) did complain they wouldn't have any case with the council.
  14. Sounds exactly like Lewisham Music Day where the organisers were on the side of the stage with stopwatches giving you a countdown! I know a lot of local bands far preferred the Mayday TUC event, probably for your reasons above Bilbo!
  15. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1271056' date='Jun 16 2011, 09:38 AM']Noone makes any money? None of the PA companies? The marquee rental people? The food/drink retailers? The local car parks? The local pubs? The bus/train companies? Seems to me that everyone makes something except the musicians. As for free exposure for the acts; I have never heard anyone get a gig because 'we saw you at MitP'. Its not all bad; its a nice day out for families, possible exposure to new music etc but I am not convinced that the event is all altrusim.[/quote] OK, fair point about PA and Marquee companies, but it is not as if there is a promoter making off the back of the local musos who regularly compete to be part of this as it is thought of so highly locally. I can fully appreciate and support people making apoint of not playing for free on principle, but I really think explotative is probably a bit harsh.
  16. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1270694' date='Jun 15 2011, 09:14 PM']I find the event a tad exploitative and won't play there,[/quote] In what way - nobody is making any money out of it and surely it's a great chance for both original and cover bands to get exposure to a large audience? OK, most of them will never get their plump Suffolk backsides out to any other local gigs but it is still a great chance to make some new fans. Unless of course you're referring to the local guitar shop opening and taking a couple of hundred quid for the two years I was there
  17. Emailed for pictures of the back this morning - no reply yet......
  18. Another satisfied OBBM customer here - aside from all the audio qualities which I'm sure could be argued about until the caws come home, the things I like about his thick cable are that it coils nicely and doesn't get tangled up like thinner cables do, and the size makes it extremely robust. And he's a top man to deal with.
  19. [url="http://www.bushhallmusic.co.uk/HTML/music-venue-hire.htm"]http://www.bushhallmusic.co.uk/HTML/music-venue-hire.htm[/url] Nice venue.
  20. Isn't 1cm at the 5th fret going to give serious intonation issues?
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