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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. [quote name='Bassassin' post='1129517' date='Feb 16 2011, 12:35 PM']"songs you didn't know you knew"[/quote] That's a great angle Jon. Band I've just joined does Dylan, Springsteen, Neil Young, only a handful of really obvious choices. We have a fair amount of bookings throughout the year, only reason we haven't got more is the bass player I replaces had too many other commitments and was always turning gigs down, so yes, it can be done. Mike
  2. Am I being harsh here - £400 for an amp that blew a valve a couple of years ago and hasn't been used since, when a brand new one from Thomann is around £650 sounds a bit steep (or is there a collectors market for 70's Traynor)? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Traynor-YBA-3-Custom-Special-valve-tube-amp-/200576157018?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item2eb345455a"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Traynor-YBA-3-Custom...=item2eb345455a[/url]
  3. It's a very long time since I was involved in putting out 45's but yes, a cut can affect the sound of a recording quite significantly. Certainly two tracks per side on a 7" is going to make the grooves closer together and lower quality (unless they're really short). Best thing to do is make sure your master sounds exactly how you want it then make sure you get an attended cut so you're in the room when the guy does it so it stays the way you want it.
  4. Just bought a Purple Chili cab from Phil at Bass Gear - what a great guy to do business with! (and a great deal to boot)! Thanks Phil! Mike
  5. Seen what I'm after so price adjustment bump. Also selling Kork DTR2 Tuner for £60 - would be willing to do a deal if someone wants both. Cheers, Mike
  6. Not used this since I changed amp - can't rack mount anymore, so up for sale [b]£60[/b]. Will post or courier at buyer's expense. With original, now fairly tatty box. [attachment=71554:Korg_DTR2_002.JPG] [attachment=71555:Korg_DTR2_004.JPG] [attachment=71556:Korg_DTR2_006.JPG] [attachment=71557:Korg_DTR2_007.JPG]
  7. Verdine White is on the list.
  8. [quote name='blackmn90' post='1113189' date='Feb 2 2011, 10:59 PM']But the thing is if i spent all this time just playing bass i would be twice as good as i am now.[/quote] But is this the sole reason for doing the degree course?
  9. Bought in either July or August last year, decided I like playing fretless so much that I had a new fretless ebony board put on my Cort GB75 (as I'm not comfortable playing 4 string). This has been gigged a couple of times and rehearsed with a fair bit but not in nasty rehearsal rooms, mainly in other band members houses, and has been taken care of. Original strings back on - I had been using flats but they were off the five string and are back on that now, and I have replaced the strap buttons with Schaller Strap Loks (have the bits for the strap as well). [s]No case or bag but I have boxes and am willing to post (£15).[/s] Last couple to go on here went very, very quickly so were probably undervalued, and they've also shot up in price (£273 now from all the usual suspects), and for once I'm not in need of an urgent sale - funds will be going towards a new amp but that's a way off, so looking for [b][s]£200[/s][/b] o.n.o. Also looking for a 1x12" or 2x12" cab so would consider trades with money going either way. [b][size=6]Just seen the cab I want so now £200 posted in RokSak gig bag or £190 posted without.[/size][/b] Mike [attachment=70957:vmj_007.JPG] [attachment=70958:vmj_008.JPG] [attachment=70959:vmj_009.JPG] [attachment=70963:vmj_011.JPG]
  10. But have either of them played a gig with the drummer in the gold lame suit? (sorry, can't find the accent for the e).
  11. [url="http://www.rock-til-you-drop-musicians.com/group/southwestmusicians/forum/topics/bass-player-urgently-required?xg_source=activity"]http://www.rock-til-you-drop-musicians.com...source=activity[/url]
  12. They've dropped the Chantry brand name - named after where their headquarters are - not the nicest part of Ipswich (and that's saying something)
  13. Old Hagstroms, Ovations and Guilds are the only things that get my GAS up. Never going to go the vintage route as I'm so incompetent I can only really play 5 string basses
  14. 1st gig with new band - playing rocky end of Dylan, Neil Young, Springsteen etc. Modest but very enthusiastic pub crowd (The Terminus, Hailsham) - the band is fairly well known in this pub so it was definitely a home fixture. Couple of wobbly moments - Tambourine Man in a new key and without the comfort of my 5 string for a low D - it just wouldn't sit right under my fingers! And the Frankenstein cab isn't quite right yet - looks like I will need to port and possibly brace a bit more - sounded lovely at low volume. Fortunately I had my regular cab with me as well and that was more than enough.
  15. Good work - I'd be impressed if I walked into a small independent shop and found that. Hope it all sells through nicely - oh, and here's another smiley
  16. [quote name='3below' post='1098079' date='Jan 21 2011, 08:41 PM']And eventually gold hardware looks dull, plating wears off or if unlucky peels off. Aged chrome / nickel (25 years on etc) just looks the business IMO.[/quote] Yep, gold hardware ages sooooo quickly, and to be base (not bass) we are talking collar and cuffs here
  17. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1097824' date='Jan 21 2011, 05:17 PM']There was a period where Matamp used chipboard in cabs, but it was more recent than that cab, I think.[/quote] This was from Mel at Amps n Bits in Worthing - I also had Paul Goodhand Tait who I vaguely know through a friend look at it and he was sure it was just a cheapie: "The cab looks like a late 70's CustomSound, FAL or SAI cab or similar to me? But I would go for Customsound in which case The Grill cloth and metal corners are probably original. I can see from the pictures that, It's made out of Chipboard/Particle Board with a Ply baffle. I would say 101% Not an early Mat Mathias cab. I would also say that the Goodmans speakers are not original to the cab also the white speaker cable is not original. I would say that the cab almost certainly, originally had a Pair of Fane's in with Black and Red speaker cable, having taken a look at your pictures again I would put money on it that the cab is a late 70's Customsound cab." Still, it looks good, and at the moment, sounds good so for £20 I'm happy!
  18. I posted pictures of this cab a short while ago to see if I could get it identified. Despite a little bit of excitement when it was suggested it may have been an old Matamp I had it on fairly good authority from two vintage amp dealers that it wasn't - mainly due to a lot of chipboard in the construction. So, now knowing it wasn't particularly valuable, I stripped out the old Goodmans Audiom speakers - sold those back on Ebay so am already in profit! Put new handles and a speakon input on and wired in a Peavey Black Widow and an Eminence Basslite speaker. I have ordered a port but it hasn't turned up. Now having read a lot of the science that goes into cab making I'm not expecting much, but it has cost me next to nothing to do, the bits will always come in handy if it doesn't work, but if it does, I'll have a nice retro looking cab to match my own roadworn look (not quite a relic yet) and my new retro band. So far, it sounded great in the kitchen - very full and warm, but the big test will be on Saturday where I'll try it out BEFORE my gig starts. [attachment=69604:2x12_front.JPG]
  19. [quote name='icastle' post='1096880' date='Jan 20 2011, 09:55 PM']I'm sure they must do - isn't that 'Cash Convertors' place that seems to have appeared in most major towns a pawn shop?[/quote] Yes, they are, but unfortunately, a lot of the time they tend to know how much things are worth so you don't really get too many bargains from them anymore. Having said that, I picked up a lovely Japanese Strat in the Ipswich branch a few years back for £180 - sold it in my shop a few hundred yards away later that week for £399. They also have (or had) a dedicated music outlet in Norwich.
  20. New you could get either a Cort Action or one of the Aria IGB series - both good but look on here for best value second hand basses.
  21. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='1089251' date='Jan 14 2011, 12:57 PM']Oh btw, whenever you look at his listings check to see if he has any recent neg feedback and what his replies are. He doesn't take kindly to complaints! In my head i've always imagined he looks like this:[/quote] Yep, 5,999 euro piano deal gone bad and he's called the attorney! He may also fancy the caps lock key that's floating around on here if TIM's finished with it.
  22. [quote name='mart' post='1088483' date='Jan 13 2011, 07:29 PM']Oh, they've got that problem sorted already: look under "Essential Accessories" and you'll find such delights as this: [url="http://www.russandrews.com/category.asp?lookup=0&region=UK&currency=GBP&customer_id=PAA1378017111017SBMJKUVHXSDRGIXT&cat_id=PlinncdsScottish"]http://www.russandrews.com/category.asp?lo...linncdsScottish[/url][/quote] Oops, Barb Jungr - I know one of the double bassists on some of her albums
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