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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Looks like the Carlo Robelli (sam ash/musicians friend cheapo) that he used to knock about on before the jazz bass was the main bass. not sure I get the point - it’ll probably be about the same price as a normal MM but with less features...
  2. If I had £800 spare it’d be up for debate. The guild is special enough not to be worried...
  3. Hmm 🤔 Just ebaying some things. This is high on the “I need a guitar” list
  4. How cool is that! Remember seeing these in a catalog the same year the anniversary eclipse was out with the chrome pickups!
  5. Well, the price was criminal if nothing else.
  6. Yeah. I suspect it’d be £1100 the buyer would never see again - even if the bass turned up, it’s worth £500 at most - if the paint job is good.
  7. It’s a t-bird pro every day of the week... the headstock shape/angle is exactly what I’d expect to see. 🙄 there’s a guy nearby on shpock selling a Chinese les Paul as a genuine LP. Have reported it. if he’d listed as a copy or replica, I would’ve left it well alone.
  8. Yeah, sold it stupidly...but hey, who needs two Fretless basses....😳
  9. They were both Fretless originally. The one on the right has an FJB-6 neck on it. There’s a white FJB Fretless out in the wild somewhere with a set of Duncan 1/4lb pickups.
  10. Damn. This is Worth way more - love these. Used to work for their UK distributor. They made these for me...
  11. In one piece? Shocker! Massively relieved for you mate x
  12. Utter joke. The integrity of a company isn’t about how it’s regulaly successful at doing what it’s supposed to - that’s the bare minimum standard you expect. It’s about how it deals with things when it goes wrong. UPS don’t seem to be good at the customer service stuff at all - the guy arguing on the step with me about 3rd party collections etc was just another stage in me never using them again.
  13. God that’s a fair excuse to own a sixer...no room at the inn and no time to fix! Lovely price though.
  14. Decent basses these, a mate had the jazz version. I put some dimarzio’s in for him. Perfectly serviceable instrument when he didn’t want to take his original 70’s jazz out.
  15. I forgot about a time we played at the Night and Day Cafe in Manchester. The same venue I fell out with at the other gig. This was a previous show where we’d been bumped into the “headline” slot (also the graveyard shift gig as it was about 11.30pm) Anyhow, it was a little quiet and as we finished the first or second song, a big geezer was at the door refusing to pay entry. eventually he’d worked his way in with two ‘ten to two-ers’ Who were drunken messes hanging off him. He picked up a large table and plonked it 2ft from the stage. The girls brought over three chairs and they heckled and jeered throughout the set. Clapping so loud for each song it was borderline sarcastic... at the end he told us we “woz saaarnd ladz” and bought us a beer and offered us some coke. We declined as he was erm, the kind of person you didn’t want to associate with. Hell.
  16. If I’d bought one of these like I should have...this is the plate I’d put on!
  17. So, In reply to this topic now it’s correctly named... Gear dropped off by a taxi a half a mile away from gig, walking up Market Street in Manchester with said gear. played the gig - late on because last band had run over, set cut short. no sound check because we were only the support act sound engineer announced that we’d have to finish early over the monitors half way through a tune. bounced an instrument of the stage, walked off. that sound engineer was a D1ck i told her that when I sacked her as my next bands tour engineer 2 years later. (The first day she turned up I knew it was futile) bad attitude, bad sound - bad person. glad I got to tell her to feck off
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