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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Yeah, there’s the petruttci, morse, valentine, st Vincent too The Axis model started as an Eddie Van Halen model I think... but id say they’re more famous for basses than guitars. Tony Levin had an OLP model too.
  2. Apologies for the crap photos. And the crap dining table, in the mess of a play room 😂
  3. It’s as wide as a 64 Jazz, but it’s U shaped and as deep as a 75 P Bass...and it’s AA Birdseye Maple. Never seen another like it. Half quilted, half Birdseye.
  4. My lull was lovely, well made, light and playable...but like the PRS bass I had - just a bit soulless. A sadowsky I played was very similar once, whereas the Celinder and Alleva Coppola basses I tried were a bit more rough around the edges - but were fantastic!
  5. To pay for a wedding, if you must know 😉 it’s back now, that picture was taken last year. The 55 was sold as I required a 5 string at the time... so is the wedding ring actually...so, yeah, both linked 😂
  6. This is mine. A true “custom” with a one off neck. its a thing of beauty. I stupidly sold it and when the chap wasn’t quite ready to let it go, I bought a much more recent 64 CS Jazz to fill the gap. it was a lovely bass, but not in the same league. i also owned a 55 custom shop P which was brilliant. Again, shouldn’t have sold it.
  7. WhatsApp group of 22 friends/musos... nobody is free, or is in the same boat. maybe I’m just crap and a pain in the crack to work with.
  8. Loads of musical buddies. Might start a WhatsApp group. See who wants in.
  9. Yeah. I’m trying to gauge enthusiasm within the local area for a get together/jam. See if there’s anything left in the tank. God it’s depressing 😂
  10. I had one of these. Short of the guild B-30 I currently own, it’s the best of 6 ABG’s I’ve owned.
  11. Now then, after a stiff brew and a wonderful 5 hours sleep... I still feel the same, I have thought about the jazz mainly - I’d kick myself forever if that went, but it’s not being used at all. My other two electric basses are worth more to me than they’ll ever be financially as I designed them as prototypes with the manufacturer. The Guild is beautiful and if probably never find another. The other gear, Amps etc I just don’t worry about. And all the bits and bobs... I also saw a video last night which made me think, shift the jazz and guild - invest in a Wal mk1. but I’d still have an expensive bass sat unused..,
  12. Honestly blue, it’s like the ‘pilot light’ for making music has just gone out. My playing hasn’t suffered, when I pick up and play it’s not like I can’t do stuff anymore - it’s all still there. I just don’t miss it when I’m not playing. The thing is, a lot of my musician mates are off doing it for a living, I stopped living that dream 9 years ago. I became that guy who got left behind. And I don’t miss it, I really don’t. Every time I’ve thought I do miss it, I start something and then realise I just can’t be bothered. got a bad case of apathy, and a huge sense of life being about other things - music and playing music got me away from gangs and silliness my old mates were starting to get up to when I was 13/14. But now maybe it’s done it’s job and at 34, I’m safely away from all that nonsense to not need it. I dare say a number of those lads are wonderfully respectable people now, but I know of at least 2 being dead. I’m off to bed, work for a meeting and then a family funeral in the afternoon tomorrow...life affirming stuff 🧐
  13. I’m sure in darker times I did a thread on “jacking it all in” - I was fed up, broke and broken. I had a messy split and was fighting for time with Eldest daughter while pulling all the overtime I could to make ends meet. Anyhow, 7 years on and I’ve been at this bass stuff for 21 years. i’ve done Big shows, small shows, open mics, tours, TV, Radio...but the last 18 months have just been a blank... I’ve got about £8000 worth of gear sat around gathering dust. I’m so busy, with 4 kids and a very full on full time job, two sides of the family to keep happy and have to factor in sleeping and eating at some point. Recently tried to start something for enjoyment and it turned into a huge headache - it’s fallen flat on its derrière with no rehearsals or gigs. I play about 5 minutes a day. Does that really necessitate the best gear money can buy, or could a decent squier manage it for noodling? I just think I’m done. The buying and Selling of gear has become a running joke with my mates, it’s ridiculous - I used to be bad when I was actively playing, and now I spend more time doing that than actually playing. I don’t really want to gig. I don’t want to keep on recording noodles nobody wants to hear. I don’t fancy joining a band, or starting yet another futile project. When I get home, I want to play games with the kids, sit on my backside and switch off for a bit once they’re in bed. It’s been a tough year, and I need a holiday. My Jazz Bass would take the six of us to Portugal for a Fortnight, probably. I’ve lost my passion for making music. Bloody sacreligious on a musicians forum. I know. Anyone else just want to quit? Am I going mad?
  14. So. This really hasn’t taken off. Everyone who was originally involved has gone quiet. Everyone who came as a backup has gone quiet. the Guild is still mega beautiful though. Having a long hard think about my gear, and my music. Time isn’t available to me and I’m not sure what I’m getting out of all of my gear. i do this with alarming regularity. i do more buying and selling than playing and the more I realise this...the less I worry about the lack of playing.
  15. Buy some plastidip spray paint - it’s non permanent but quite tough paint. My old Mini had it on the bit between the doors and the engine bay in matte black - the “Fast and Furious” fellas use it for covering up chromework and their wing mirrors etc.
  16. Yeah I knew that, but I spotted one for £80 and didn’t jump. Would’ve been a laugh for that.
  17. I keep looking for one of these. Usually in the US only, making them more expensive than they should be....
  18. Lend it to me for a bit and I’ll knock up a few videos 🤨😉
  19. Let me see when you get pics - I’ll see what I have in the garage if I can send it you over I will.
  20. Servisol and get some new screws. Don’t go mad paying out for re winds and all that gubbins. its a thinking mans Fender Musicmaster (god knows I want one so badly)
  21. Cute! That’s ridiculous if the bits are all there and the neck isn’t torzal twisty. Bargain.
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