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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. They’re very nice - equally as good as the (much more expensive) Taylor. I have the big brother 😉
  2. Some people have said to me, the “best” bassist is the kind you will only miss when they stop playing. That’s in a band setting. Also in a band setting, I’ve had a songwriter base songs from stuff I’ve been doing - to add tension in a song I’d do a little run of notes and he’d get the rest of the band to follow it. I can send you a link to that song if that helps? He also walked in on me doing volume swells with harmonics one day, and wrote an entire song around it. He said I was “the best bassist” - for him. I’d equate that version of “best” to the likes of McCartney - an integral part of the band’s “sound”. And then there’s “best” with the idea that music is a sport, and you’re all technique and party tricks. That to me is fun but ultimately futile because there’s always a bit flashier, faster or more technically gifted - and The musicality takes a walk the flashier you get. But I’ve done that route too - and just allows you to develop tools for the second type of “best” bass player. The reality is, the “best” bass players are the ones who are paying their mortgages by playing bass and not stuck for a job. The rest of us humble mortals got day jobs and are now too entrenched in “real life” to make the jump into a job as a professional musician. I sold a bass to a guy once who was a “pro” and reeled off an impressive CV, but when he played the bass to check it over...I couldn’t believe how sloppy and amateur it all sounded. But fair play to the guy - he was a busy man... Whatever “best” is, it’s whatever makes you happy and sits well in the music you’re involved in.
  3. My lad and Eldest daughter both have instruments. Ella has lessons and wants to be a singer/songwriter. Dan just wants to play computer games.
  4. Finishing for 9 days tomorrow evening. Going to enjoy a nice Malbec or 12. Negotiating starts on bottle 2 😉
  5. Not at all, bud light x3 on a School night 😉
  6. Maybe I’m having a “start all over again” this time next week I’ll be clumsily fumbling through Blood Sugar Sex Magic and getting a pink Mohawk
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  8. Can’t recall now - they were a new formulation of the RB strings (think this was about 3 or 4 years ago) and someone contacted me through here about trying some.
  9. Sold a rig to a polish lad through here the same way, he sent a bloke in a Mercedes van who had a motorcycle, a washing machine and some guitars in the back. Apparently, the pound was so weak, he had a roaring trade in driving over to the UK to collect eBay purchases etc. paid in cash - never heard from the guy again.
  10. You should knock some up. Then I’ll buy a bass with those pickups and get some from you
  11. Yeah, was in a band with a singer like this...3 lads fawning over her. And me...and the other singer totally unimpressed. We quit on the same day 😂
  12. I had some SIT’s in a trial and they were fantastic but I couldn’t get them quickly enough for my next restring and reverted to d’addario... A shame really
  13. Haha. They make wonderful guitars (except some 2002-2005 models I played which were a bit dead sounding) this and my mates d40 (think is also 90’s) which sound alive!
  14. Oh I do. Just not as much as it deserves. I really fancied myself as a Fretless player when I spec’d it - even recorded half an album with a Fretless Precision...
  15. This is a tentative trade offer... Dont really know if it’ll stay up that long because it’s brilliant - but I know I’m unlikely to see use out of it as it’s so bloody loud I can’t use it while the kids are in bed and I darent get it down while they’re messing about as it’s not a common sight and wouldn’t be easily replaced if broken. So it’s mid/late 90’s USA made, 30 1/2 scale and all solid. It’s finished in nitrocellulose lacquer and has fishman electronics. Grover Titan Machineheads and a hard case. Its in wonderful condition - some lines in the lacquer which were present when it was bought by the previous owner 15 or so years ago. They haven’t worsened with age and aren’t flaking - commonly seen on nitro finished instruments. It’s wearing some Thomastik strings which I intended to replace but will do if I end up keeping this - they’re not to everyone’s taste and at £50 a set I’m not keen for now while I’m debating it - plus I like how they sound and worry the new set won’t sound as good 😉 has a very DB boom about it, plays wonderfully too. Anyhow, while trying to fire up my desire to play more, I’m thinking about a change - so am offering up for trade. I dunno. Now I’ve typed this - don’t expect me to keep it listed for long. I’m not going to ship this - see the thread on what UPS did to the Tacoma I bought before I found this. Im in Manchester (M27). Anyhow, let’s see what’s on offer - I don’t want a Fretless, and four string stuff only as I’m done with 5’s and my Fretless doesn’t get played. forgive my lacklustre sales pitch 😂
  16. It’s extra fingers in Stockport (worked there for a year)
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