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Everything posted by 12stringbassist

  1. Queen have told the tape swap story a number of times. The time it would have taken to re-record the singles for the Beeb would have eaten all the profits.
  2. I bought a Tascam 24 track recorder from them late last year. It came with a European power supply. I emailed them to let them know I couldn't use the unit. After about a fortnight of the recorder sitting in its box (and them sending me a kettle lead, which was absolutely no use whatsoever!!), I snapped and told them that if they weren't going to send me a UK power supply, I would send them a Tascam 24 track recorder. After much mithering and a rather descriptive post on their Facebook page which really set them worrying, I finally got one. Recently I ordered a footswitch for said beastie. After a while I emailed them to ask where it was. They said they had emailed me to let me know that it was coming from Germany, and I would have it by the end of January. Of course that email arrived. I am a bit fed up with them.
  3. The seller has not managed to get the instrument to you, so they will need to get the compensation from the courier and reimburse you.
  4. An old one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSjjBBFqbOw
  5. Both have their merits. I prefer The Who to Yes by a long way. I have met John Entwistle who was a perfect gent. He invented bass techniques, as far as I am concerned. I vote John, but admired what I heard of Chris. He always had a superb sound. Yes were too complex for me on the whole.
  6. Both have their merits. I prefer The Who to Yes by a long way. I have met John Entwistle who was a perfect gent. I vote John, but admired what i heard of Chris.
  7. Open each mp3 and write out the chord sequence while you are listening. Note breaks, vamps, verses, choruses. Study them. Print them out big for on the day. Play along with the tracks until you have them off.
  8. I just started a poll on this. Perhaps it could be done every January?
  9. Please enter how old you are during Jan 2016. Thanks.
  10. I once had a drummer knock over a Fender bass that I had on a stand at the side of his kit - pretty much as usual. It went over with a sickening CRACK. This was at a wedding function and we were setting up in the afternoon with only a DJ in the otherwise empty ballroom. What I shouted can't be repeated here. The drummer just got up from behind his kit and walked off, avoiding eye contact, saying nothing about what he had done. Fortunately the bass landed flat on its strings and (uncannily, bearing mind how loudly it landed, unplugged) was undamaged. It was my first real indication of what an utter c*** he was going to be. I didn't go home because it was someone's wedding. I would later find myself dismantling my rig at half time in a Labour club while the others sat in the other room. Awful people. I would suggest the original poster gets a quote for the repair / partial refinish for the drummer to peruse.
  11. [youtube] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N52i74BuT4o [/youtube]
  12. Jack's Instrument Services, in Cheetham Hill, Manchester. http://www.jacksinstrumentservices.com/ https://www.facebook.com/jacksinstrumentservices/
  13. What's the difference between a drummer and a drum machine? With a drum machine, you only have to punch the information in ONCE.
  14. Ring PMT Head Office. Tell them you haven't got what you ordered and that you want a refund. Are you near a PMT store? If so, you will take it there for your refund. Otherwise your next stop will be [i]"to get back to Trading Standards".[/i]
  15. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1452740860' post='2953075'] I see that Lake Placid Blue Vintage Series MIJ Squire. Cool bass. Blue [/quote] That's a great little bass. The name on the headstock doesn't matter to me.
  16. I'd just all get there VERY EARLY and be set up, ready for the other band's arrival.
  17. I tend to use jam nights to get my frustrations out of my system and play stuff my band can't do.... with a built-in receptive audience. You could do that with like-minded people and build up a set and then see if you can manage two bands or not.
  18. John Entwistle Jim Lea Colin Moulding Tom Petersson Paul McCartney Justin Currie Nick Seymour Phil Lynott Nick Lowe Bruce Thomas Bruce Foxton Rt Honourable mentions to: Chris Allen (Ultravox) Matt Osman (Suede)
  19. If you have a speaker for a monitor output just for your drummer, that may fix it.
  20. I retired early from my job late last year, taking a pension and lump sum. My three piece band is quite busy (all our available Saturdays this year have gone) and I have a fortnightly jam night too. So I consider myself to be a musician by trade now. What I feel I need to be a professional musician: Availability (including last minute) Reliable gear and spares Playing ability for the band I'm in Transport Can do / Will do attitude / flexibility The ability to zip it when things are not going my way Patience of a saint when things are not going my way The common sense to put my foot down when something really doesn't suit the band without turning it into a saga. Sleep Organisational capacity To be able to smile sweetly and to press the flesh with landlords I think are total boneheads Platsred on grin and to be able to chat with punters when i would rather be left alone To be able to stop at a legal level to drive Not minding driving distances to gigs if the money is right An understanding wife
  21. I have had the situation where a drummer was speeding up. My guitarist was far more tactful than I was going to be. He didn't blame the drummer for the speeding up when all four of us were there. He said "WE are speeding up" or "The songs are too fast". He didn't directly blame the drummer at any point, as he was a nice bloke and there was no point in creating an atmosphere. The idea that we ALL worked on the tempos solved the problem in the main.
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