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Everything posted by 12stringbassist

  1. My USA Jazz with black scratchplate added.
  2. I can swear by the 50's CV on the left above. Good sound, lovely playable, glossy neck and fingerboard. Being a single pickup bass, it's got its limitations. But it keeps up with any of my other basses when it goes out to play. It goes from bright clank to deep hum quite easily. The 50's VM on the right with a big Mudbucker pickup is really only useful for blues type stuff. It has no twang whatsover to it. But it looks really cool.
  3. Macca stopped using his (3) Rickenbackers and the Wal 5-er onstage because he has back problems and both irritate it. They both get used in the studio.
  4. Rick Nielsen's book of guitars is a Hamer-fest. He's got some of the best guitars going and has been Hamer's most prominent user. [left]"The Hamer Explorers used to go on the bottom. As a result they developed some "interesting wear patterns. This one is the first one they built, Serial 0000." [/left] [left] [/left] [left][/left] [left]I think Rick answers the question where are all the Hamers?[/left]
  5. [b] [size=4]Do Basses get better when they get older?[/size][/b] [size=4]it all depends on the quality of the bass itself, how you set it up, treat it and look after it. They won't do it by themselves. And one man's dream bass is another man's firewood.[/size]
  6. Martin is one of a number of musicians that has been used and discarded by the Mael brothers - He had a lot of input into arrangements on their first Island album and was edged out and ended up being made to sign future royalties away. http://montesnewblog.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/a-conversation-with-martin-gordon.html http://www.axs.com/news/bassist-songwriter-martin-gordon-talks-musical-career-during-and-after-29778#slide=1 http://www.songfacts.com/blog/interviews/martin_gordon/
  7. [size=2][i]Band 1.[/i] [i]Looking for a bass player for classic rock blues band. We are retired from our original bands, but still want to jam,not looking to play out anymore. We lost our bass player due to travel. come jam with us![/i][/size] I'd rather go to a jam night instead of just turning up in a room somewhere, indulging someone's desire to play, but not in front of people. [size=2][i]Band 2.[/i] [i]Established country band seeks experienced bassist for immediate opening. Vocals required and additional instruments a plus. Have several quality bookings through summer and stay very active throughout the year. Serious inquiries only please.[/i][/size] [size=2][size=4][i]Sounds legit to me, but sounds like a seasonal gig.[/i][/size] [i]Band 3.[/i] [i]Start Up, We are Drummer & 2 Guitarist's seeking a Bass player to play cover music 70's- current, We would like to rehearse once a week till ready and then play live once a month.[/i][/size] [size=2][i][size=4]Rehearsing once a week to go out once a month is futile. Bedroom boys.[/size][/i] [i]Band 4.[/i] [i]Singer/guitarist needs to find a local bass player to help finish up my original music with the goal of playing out. Style is a mixture of goth/horror punk/thrash/psycho-billy.[/i][/size] Meh.
  8. I don't think it hurts to have your bass amp checked over / serviced every couple of years and get a sticker while you're at it.
  9. I have two. Most peoiple who own them are hanging onto them since Fender killed Hamer off. My two:
  10. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1456424235' post='2988940'] Earl Slick, Sterling Campbell, Gail, Mike Garson. I didn't know the blonde guitarist and the female keyboard player. Anyone? And an interesting twist from another thread, Gail slapping (briefly) on Ashes to Ashes. [/quote] Earl Slick did botch a couple of the solos. Both of them were on the Reality tour DVD (marked * below):[list] [*][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl_Slick"]Earl Slick[/url] – guitar [*][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerry_Leonard"]Gerry Leonard[/url] – guitar [*][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Plati"]Mark Plati[/url] – bass guitar, guitar * [*][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gail_Ann_Dorsey"]Gail Ann Dorsey[/url] – bass guitar, backing vocals [*][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sterling_Campbell"]Sterling Campbell[/url] – drums [*][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Garson"]Mike Garson[/url] – keyboards, piano [*][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_Russell_%28singer%29"]Catherine Russell[/url] – keyboards, percussion, [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acoustic_guitar"]acoustic guitar[/url], backing vocals * [/list]
  11. Last night we were at a Working Men's Club, somewhere in Yorkshire. It took me an hour and a half drive each way. Coronation Street on TV when I arrived. (Story I told the band: 'Carla' came in our local Asda once - I like to think she was looking for me). The dancefloor space came in useful as we couldn't all three fit on the small corner stage. Set of musical critics off in far corner of room, muttering about various tones on our stage, eyeing and rating our gear and telling their 'muso stories' in a conspicuous manner. I love it when musos come to watch us. The room was pitch black for both of our spots, except for stage lights. Couldn't see the audience, though they were receptive enough. Good-sounding room. Reasonable priced lager. When it came to collecting our fee, we had to contact the person who booked us to get it corrected (he was off that night - drummer had text confirming fee on his phone), but that happens and wasn't any function of the club. McDonalds for fries and milkshake in Colne on the way home.
  12. Basses I'd like to pluck. [url="https://www.facebook.com/biltp/"]https://www.facebook.com/biltp/[/url]
  13. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1455740068' post='2982046'] My job in my band is to play the best bass lines that compliment the songs we play, sing background vocals and maintain a certain level of stage presence. I was not hired to critique or correct other members playing ability. As long as our calender is filled with good gigs I keep quiet. Blue [/quote] But if something is sounding wrong and it's buggering your head up, you can at least try to resolve it. As sure as eggs is eggs, it will sound wrong out front too. That's when re-bookings don't happen.
  14. I always have said to myself when there is a problem in a band 'how do we fix this?' Sometimes the only way is to remove the problem and get someone new. I like the idea of listening back to a rehearsal. If the problem player listens to it back and still thinks he is wonderful, then you need a quick band meeting without him there. Good luck.
  15. Find a jam night near you. Go to watch a couple of times. Think of an easy song you CAN play that people will know. Then take a bass with you or use the one provided and arrange to get up and do that..
  16. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1455130787' post='2976299'] My girlfriend thinks I should quit and said I'm clearly not enjoying it, when that's not true I do find it frustrating but I think I'm happy learning I think. And she also said bluntly at times I am not very good, which really got to me, it wasn't meant to but it basically really hurt and depressed me.[/quote] Do what makes you happy, not what makes your girlfriend happy. Play easier tunes to start with. Look at Youtube tutorials if you can't do lessons in person. Good luck.
  17. I used to have a guitarist who told me to smile more (for photos and sometimes on stage). I say USED TO. Tell your guitarist politely that you don't tell him how to act on stage and that if he continues, you will step down. That may solve part of the problem. Try and work out what makes you anxious about people at gigs. I don't make eye contact with people when I am playing and do spend an amount of time in auto-pilot. It may help you if you tune them out a bit. But if the issue is you can't be arsed, then the only way is probably out. Don't sell anything until you are sure that you won't use it for your own pleasure. Do what makes you feel happy.
  18. My basses are at http://www.crazeeworld.plus.com/ian/gearhead-basses.htm - I have stopped counting.
  19. I'm pretty much into this one at the moment.
  20. I have been inside this place [url="http://www.ststouring.co.uk/"]http://www.[b]ststouring[/b].co.uk[/url]/ (behind the Apollo in Manchester) to pick up a hired Marshall guitar stack and they have everything for hire. Amps, cabs of evey description, drums. PA and lighting. I was astonished at the size of the place and the labels on the guitar cases. People hire for live shows / tours and videos.
  21. [media]https://www.youtube....h?v=SoAYK9tjWMQ[/media]
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