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Everything posted by Crawford13

  1. I really love the funkiness of Brain's playing with Primus, as much as I love Tim's playing also he is much more linear. But then Brain can rock it up with the best of them too.
  2. I've got a fretless Alpher nearing completion that I can wait to get my hands on. Also some type of preamp for my pedalboard, can't make up my mind which one tho...
  3. Wow, page 4 and none of my picks have been said yet... Steve Jordan, Jojo Mayer Brain (Brian Mantia) Sput (Robert Seawright)
  4. Not my cup of tea, but my brother in law is in a doom band you guys might enjoy: Owlcrusher. https://www.facebook.com/owlcrusherdoom/
  5. So has anyone actually used one of these? I am thinking of putting this on a pedal train train nano + with hx stomp and mxr volume x mini. Possible perfect fly rig? Then ashdown abm 4x10 for some gigs, and getting some type of 1x10 for small gigs.
  6. I hope I'm wrong about them, it's just the side to side movement (not rotary😂) that I've seen in videos that concerns me. But I'm sure I'm probably wrong... I usually am.
  7. Yup these videos are top class, plus the band has an incredible bass player in Benni Jud. The whole band are incredible and also have amazing guests.
  8. I have put headphones on and with logic it's not doing that, it must be a routing issues between my interface and logic. Thanks for your help folks.
  9. Going into my antelope discreet 8 interface, into logic, then KRK Rokit 5 monitors.
  10. I also found this to be the case, however I updated to 3.01 this morning and they seem to have fixed that.
  11. When building patches, my signal always seems to sound like there is some chorus or reverb on it. I think it's possibly coming from the compressor block. Has anyone else had this issue? If so how did you overcome it?
  12. Stewart Lee is my favourite comedian, thanks for posting this.
  13. Keep practicing, and perhaps work on your fretting hand fingerings. Apply enough pressure until you produce a clear tone, then you don't need to press any harder, the lighter your touch the faster you can change position, plus it will help with your intonation. Don't be too hard on yourself, listening to yourself play is always tough at first, but it shows you where you need to focus.
  14. Just watched the video, and as a huge claypool fan, it's just exactly what you would expect, left field strangeness. Love it.
  15. Never underestimate what can be achieved with an eq pedal. You might be able to use your favourite bass after all.
  16. Whether you personally like the music / playing style / genre is irrelevant to the original point you made, which is that there is only 3 types of bass tone. Which is just not true I'm afraid. I have just in 5 minutes pointed out 4 different bass tones.
  17. In all honesty you haven't mentioned a single musician from the last 30 years so perhaps it's not the "young" players chasing their tone that need to open their ears. Just to get you started: All different bass tones, not as the ones you have described above.
  18. Can't help but think this is a trolling comment...
  19. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0091C03YG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_4NX7CYJKNZY0XSA002RF This sounds like what you are describing but use them for your picking hand. I don't know if they would actually be any good to be honest, but maybe worth a try.
  20. I think for me it has been up and down, not having gigs or rehearsals has me concerned with me live sound as I've not played at volume in months. Yet I have probably played a bit more than I would have but it's not necessarily been productive.
  21. Its on Wikipedia no real bass on don't start now. However I have nothing but love for it. That takes a whole level of skill to make a vst sound that real. Fair play to the producer.
  22. @lowdown just answered this question way better than I ever could.
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