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Everything posted by Crawford13

  1. I always liked this song, then Rick explained to me why I like it... 😂
  2. Holy crap, is that Grade 5...Wow I would have it pegged around Grade 3.
  3. Wow, it's 18 years old, I guess that qualifies it as a modern classic. The song was everywhere when I was at Uni, many fond memories attached to it. That's probably why it's streamed so much, folk in their mid 30's trying to hang on to their youth 😂
  4. Thanks mate, I appreciate you taking the time to listen.
  5. Hi Folks, my band Sianar dropped out new single today, I would love it if you could check it out and it me know what you think. Available on all major streaming platforms and YouTube.
  6. Of course you are allowed your own opinion, as is everyone else. Ultimately every band is a chance coming together of people, even family members it's chance that they are family. Just about every great album has a great producer behind it, especially when there is more than 1 creative person in the band, producers are there to steer the ship and get the best out of people. If you haven't worked with a great producer it's perhaps difficult to appreciate what they do. As for the Lennon interview, all the beatles were very bitter against Paul post beatles due to the law suit so perhaps not the most impartial source when it comes to what actually happened. Sorry for the long post but finally I have to address your point about Paul barely being able to play. I think that there were very few bass players in the 60s in the same league as McCartney.
  7. The pretender isn't loud and fast at the start but it sure gets there.
  8. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=3936462126443746 I'm sure this is going to be great. Phil is a great musician and teacher, I can't wait to hear his conversation with Victor.
  9. @Happy Jack thanks for your informative input, and you are 100% right, as a musician and song writer he has indeed received a lot of acclaim. I guess my original post was intended as is he under appreciated for what he did for bass guitar as an instrument? However what I have come to realise from the input in this thread is that he received he recognition as a song writer and musician, which ultimately is much more important than anything he could have received for the advancement of the instrument.
  10. I did try look for an existing thread, but I must not have looked far enough back. I do genuinely think that compared to other players who are considered to have raised the bar for bass eg. Jameson, Jaco, Stanley Clarke, Entwhistle , I rarely hear McCartney talked about in the same way as a bass player. Though to be fair it has been pointed out already that given how revered he is as a songwriter, his prowess as a bass player is implied.
  11. That's an interesting perspective, and to be honest I hadn't thought about it that way. Peraps that it my issue. I was thinking about the topic from a bass player point of view, rather than a musician point of view.
  12. Thank you for the insight. I know what you mean about the 90's, I find it difficult to figure out is Oasis helped or harmed the legacy of The Beatles.
  13. I really find the beauty of a PJ is getting the warm P sound but with a bit more definition. I never try to get a P sound or a J sound out of a PJ.
  14. I agree, but even in the bass community I rarely hear much love for Paul McCartney. Perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place.
  15. I have been listening to The Beatles a lot recently, and it got me thinking, just how unappreciated Paul is to my generation (I'm 36). As a song writer he is massively revered, but as a bass player he is incredible. What he was playing in the 60's is just out of this world, and I rarely see him given much love for it. I'm wondering how this has come to be, any thoughts?
  16. Not sure about 90,but 91 was a stellar year for rock music: RHCP - Blood Sugar Sex Magik Rage against the machine - RATM Nirvana - Nevermind Pearl Jam - Ten Metallica - Black Album Primus - Sailing the seas of cheese Guns n Roses - Use your illusion I'm sure there are many more. What a year, its such a shame I was only 6. I would have loved to have been 10 years older...
  17. That is a beauty, and truly worth falling out of the Challenge for.
  18. There's a load of awesome bass lines in Fugazi songs. Joe Lally is a great bass player. Good songs to start with: Waiting Room Ex-spectator Combination lock There are so many great Fugazi songs. Some may label them as hardcore though rather than punk. But definafely worth a listen.
  19. https://open.spotify.com/album/0j958GBWs9QDc3tyYq8jmw?si=z3x18gChR3q6wIz9OEQ9hA&utm_source=copy-link I can hear myself laughing in Erdnase live in Glasgow.
  20. I understand where you are coming from with this, but there are factors that have to be considered. Some houses are just poorly constructed and even music played at appropriate levels travels to next door neighbours. In these circumstances a balance has to be struck, as inevitably your neighbours will also have to tolerate noise you make by DIY and music etc. However I totally agree with you about acoustic drums. I spent a large amount of money putting rock wool and 2 layers of acoustic gyprock in my detached garage, put a drum kit in it and it could still be heard in everyone House in the street. It seems I would have to drop more cash to deal with the roof of the garage... The kit went...
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