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Everything posted by binky_bass

  1. I've never taken a lesson (for my sins) but some years ago I did give a few lessons. I had both a second amp and a spare bass (as well as a few other spare bits and pieces) to make sure if someone turned up with equipment that was, shall we say, below par, then they'd at least have a half decent set up to use during the lesson. I'd also take a guess that the chap you're speaking to probably isn't great at standard notation hence trying to push you into tab. Honestly, I'd say find someone that can give you the kind of lesson you want, it sounds potentially like this chap won't fulfil your learning needs.
  2. I suppose it depends on what side of the bed he's gotten up on. My experience is just that, my experience. Glad to hear that at least some have had a far better experience!
  3. The main problem (in my opinion based on several interactions) with BD is Marcus (not Mark). Unbelievably rude and arrogant - acts in such a condescending and patronising way, absolutely no excuse for that - it's been something that's been said on here many many times. Honestly, I don't understand why Mark keeps him around. Lose him, hire someone that can at least act like they give a single toss, and BD would hugely benefit.
  4. I had an identical Vampyre to this a while back, it was serial number 001 confirmed to be the very first ever made by Hans P Wilfer. Regret selling it!
  5. I very much wish... they have increased by £1300pm (outgoings, not incomings). Day care, mortgage, utilities etc etc. It all adds up very quickly. Crippling times.
  6. Compared to this time last year my outgoings have increased by somewhere in the order of £1300 per month. That's a Stingray per month I can now not afford, and I couldn't afford that last year either! Thank god I'm merely a figment of my own imagination otherwise I'd start getting all depressed and what not.
  7. I believe 12 rounds of bare knuckle boxing are in order to solve this dispute. Over-arm style of course. My monies on the grumpy old curmudgeon. 😆
  8. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/186119435991?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=VLVxzDI0Swq&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=mojaVkKDRiC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  9. No problem with doing that. My comment was just in response to someone else's comment about my prior comment mentioning it being 'sub £200'. 👍
  10. It was... looks like the seller has put it back up to the original price. I have gone completely mental, yet...
  11. A thou is super cheap for this bass. Probably the best bargain on BC at the moment. T'were it a 6, it'd already be at home with me!
  12. It'll have a luggage tag on it thus you can 'prove' you flew out there with it.
  13. Search "RRP Damage Guitar" in eBay and you'll find most of their damaged stock.
  14. I'll make it even easier... anyone travelling Norfolk to Essex hit ME up. 😎
  15. Personal opinion is that the really cheap G4M instruments aren't particularly great. Had a few cheapies over the years and the build quality is a bit lacking. HB do a far better job for a similar price IMHO.
  16. Go out there with an empty case, come back with a full one. Worked for me.
  17. Why not? They're tools to be played after all.
  18. Not as colourful as your lot though. Not had an 11, but I did have a 13 string at one point!
  19. Not quite as rainbow-ish as yours @BillyBass, but mine are quite a colourful bunch!
  20. @E sharp - do you ever get down to Essex at all?
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