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Everything posted by hubrad

  1. Possibly out of phase? Is that both full on gives thin sound?
  2. [quote name='Bassmonkey' timestamp='1508684611' post='3393753'] These are great Hugh. In fairness you can't carry them far due to the combined weight BUT they're built like tanks and hold your basses firmly as well as having extra storage room. Good luck with the purchase you won't be sorry. Andy [/quote] Cheers, I know! :-) I tried one but couldn't negotiate the price low enough while working in the shop. Will actually fit a 35" 5er Jazz. Well, two!
  3. Get some flux, as it'll be even better that a blob of molten solder. Make sure it's acid free, electronics grade flux, not the acid type used for plumbing soldering. Hopefully the reason is obvious!
  4. Are they wired to 1+/- or 2+/-? , and which do your amp and cab use. Usually 1+/-. Obviously it makes a difference. If they're on the wrong contacts it's an easy fix, but I wouldn't be buying anything else from that lot in a hurry!
  5. If the whole thing has been managed without actually falling out, then the door isn't closed to 1)still being mates, and 2)possibly playing together some time in the future if the moment is right.
  6. ^^ that. Or play a bit lighter. Learn which works best for you. I have a bass with nylons on pretty much all the time, quite different from anything else.
  7. Excellent. . You won't be forgetting that trip in a hurry. :-)
  8. Just get an unlined fretless, and save yourself all this needless stress! [size=4] [/size]
  9. I'm OK for synthetic core thanks, Keith, just I was thinking of a play with steel core. No rush..
  10. If the Spirocore are still there, I'll have them. :-)
  11. [quote name='Osiris' timestamp='1504111003' post='3362775'] You can't go wrong with a decent laptop bag, especially if you can get your hands on one of the old fashioned brief case style ones. I've got one and it is way more sturdy and has more protection and padding than any of the overpriced official amp bags that I've seen. It's probably not as sturdy as a hard case but for loading in and out of the car it's more than man enough for the job. I cart my wireless system about in a Stanley plastic drill case that is lined with foam and the has lasted for over 10 years without cracking or breaking. I seem to recall the DG amp is quite diddy so you might be able to squeeze it into something similar? [/quote] Laptop bag.. charity shop. Sorted! :-)
  12. +1 for Mono.. I have (cough) a couple! Comfy as. I'm veggie but have vegan mates so asked a direct question of Mono in America, as it only intimated safe somewhere on the website. Got a really nice reply confirming the whole Mono range is vegan friendly.
  13. As above, but IIRC it's MCPS for recording while PRS is for performance or broadcast. Might have all changed, mind!
  14. I've done a few, after an informal tutoring by someone I found out later is a brill Luther! Ground down nail pincers and a patient approach is the way to go. Where are you?
  15. Yup, swap the neck, then you can get a few quid back by selling the P neck on Basschat! :-)
  16. Talk to them. Also perhaps make a recording of a live set, so all can listen and comment accordingly. If it's still doing your head in then move on or take on another project.
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