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Everything posted by Schnozzalee

  1. What's your heritage like out of interest? I've only just discovered this brand this year and they intrigue me - it's kinda like the Fender vs G&L thing but Gibson vs Heritage. I'm not for the Backlund, i'm not really tempted by 50's surf style guitars, only one that takes my fancy is a Danelectro Longhorn
  2. £995 collected!! Slap a black plate on there and you'll be cooking. I had to sell two Fender AVRI's in as new condition and it was a sod trying not to touch them until they sold, doesn't help when they're in a great finish like this.
  3. Gotta be a Strat for me, whether vintage or super the contours are massively comfortable and it's the most expressive. I like the Les Paul to play but their tonal character is a bit monotonous & sterile. Tele's are OK sound nice with effects but it's difficult to sweeten that harsh country twang. SG's I don't even consider unless they have P90's but then crunch is the furthest you can push. Chunky soft V and U necks on Strats and Teles are fantastic with the smaller fretwires. G&L and Charvel are my personal favourites for the Strat style .
  4. You want to look at Bravewood Guitars, the chap makes vintage fender relic'd instruments same as Nash except the necks are handmade to fit the body. If your paying up to £2k on a bolt on always make sure both parts are specifically made for eachother, otherwise you may as well keep trying out MIM Fenders until you get lucky!! Bravewood's sound great but the relic'ing looks very artificial, rub your arm on the nitro until it looks genuine otherwise it just appears speckly and crackled. The best ways to test bolt on basses is to hit the strings and feel the bottom of the guitar for resonance and also, to try pull offs on the higher frets acoustically and then check for sustain.
  5. Have you guys been drinking? It's a Fender American Standard Jazz Bass mate, you need to wake up!! ****ing Nora...
  6. What is with this sudden flux of beautiful foderas!! A permanent cure for GAS i guess...
  7. [quote name='silentbob' timestamp='1342395190' post='1734376'] And I thought it was all just about rock and roll! I feel that after reading this, a little piece of me has died:[ [/quote] This ^^^ I like both McCartney and especially Springsteen
  8. 'Musicians' that take themselves too seriously, everyone that has this complex seem to be guitarists from my experience.
  9. Ahh whoever buys this one has to buy the '58 too
  10. This is dangerous for me, WASP being my favourite band since 4 years old...already been through 3 Charvel Stars
  11. [quote name='OutSpoon' timestamp='1341509415' post='1720319'] Good - so we are all agreed then. Blocks it is! Now - I was thinking black blocks; but after seeing pearl blocks on a '77 recently I am more thinking pearl...hmmm... [/quote] Black without question for me, unless, your looking to change the pickguard too?
  12. If this were 1/2 weeks ago I woulda been £1800 out of pocket! Pulled trigger on a Strat instead but if I had the money again...Summit about P basses that makes you want to play all day, i'd have no regrets paying up for a decent one.
  13. Very nice indeed! I'd just outline the cavity cover on some black perspex if it annoyed me much, half an hours work . That's got qiss easy to play written all over it.
  14. The one below is sometimes called a finger pull too, I never play with my thumb on bass so it was useless to me - got in the way on the rare occasion i'd try slap and pop. Reggae bass players like them .
  15. I've played a loaded one of these, very well built guitars indeed and comfy to play like a John Birch. £100 a bargain, if I was handy with electronics i'd certainly enjoy this as a mini project.
  16. 1. Alembic 2. Yamaha 3. Musicman 4. Don't know 5. Fender 6. Goodfellow 7. Gibson 8. Don't know 9. Wal 10. Warwick
  17. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1340104418' post='1699045'] [url="http://www.allparts.uk.com/online-shop/guitar-bass-parts/tuning-keys/bushings-buttons/plastic-buttons-for-gluing-or-melting-onto-vintage-style-keys-double-ring-keystone-pack-6-p-2235.html"]http://www.allparts....k-6-p-2235.html[/url] these types? [url="http://www.allparts.uk.com/online-shop/guitar-bass-parts/tuning-keys/bushings-buttons/plastic-buttons-for-gluing-or-melting-onto-vintage-style-keys-oval-p-2237.html"]http://www.allparts....val-p-2237.html[/url] [/quote] Good spot!! Only problem is, as I was cleaning, lemon oiling and polishing the guitar last night I noticed the plastic capstan crumbling too!! Damn you plastic fatigue . Thanks for the links guys, i'm gonna pull trigger on some tuners today!
  18. I couldn't find anything , I've taken them off and am browsing for a high quality set £369 is insaaaaane!!! I'm thinking £60 tops - the guitar is a 1973 Prudencio Saez Model 4
  19. Thanks! I've never heard of Sugru but i'll definitely look into it! I'll probably buy the Gotoh's/Schallers if the worst comes to the worst due to the quality of the guitar/sentimental value; will be a pity to lose the Spanish engravings and stuff though - it seems we've found a hole in the market . Thanks again!
  20. I experienced this, and that's why a precision is the bass for me
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