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Everything posted by Schnozzalee

  1. Thanks! I've never heard of Sugru but i'll definitely look into it! I'll probably buy the Gotoh's/Schallers if the worst comes to the worst due to the quality of the guitar/sentimental value; will be a pity to lose the Spanish engravings and stuff though - it seems we've found a hole in the market . Thanks again!
  2. I experienced this, and that's why a precision is the bass for me
  3. [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1339967265' post='1697077'] is the pin that the peg was on, solid? [/quote] Yeah it's in fantastic nick other than the white plastic oval pegs, I reckon the rest will disintegrate from age too!
  4. My Dad's kindly given me his 40 year old Valencian Spanish Classical Guitar but the plastic was so brittle on the tuning heads that one's come apart in my hand! The tuning pegs are top quality so i'd rather replace the plastic head than the machines themselves. Can I buy replacements or put something together makeshift in the meantime? I've never played an acoustic instrument...
  5. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fano-Alto-de-Facto-SP6-Rustbucket-Cream-Brand-New-Full-UK-Warranty-/200707698248?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2ebb1c6e48"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fano-Alto-de-Facto-SP6-Rustbucket-Cream-Brand-New-Full-UK-Warranty-/200707698248?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2ebb1c6e48[/url] Or you can just wipe your ass on it...
  6. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1339670751' post='1692290'] yeh he does seem to have an "artistic license" as to when he does and doesnt play! [/quote] Harsh, he spent months learning that
  7. Sadly I can't play Ibanez's because of the neck profile, i've got a loose tendon in my index finger it plays havoc with - I got the same problem with the SG2000 I had, small neck, shallow, narrow and flat (I think it's a D profile of sorts)
  8. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1339348582' post='1687223'] Great advice there Schnozzalee.... but rather than a Bacchus stat maybe you could find a Fender American Vintage Series '57 Reissue stat (I hear 2011 is a good vintage) and then track down a Yam SG....... [/quote] Hahaha I like this, cheers Luke...I was sinking in my chair a bit when I read all the strat recommendations - maybe a mid boost custom shop?? I like the P90's idea BUT i've never tried them ever so it's risky - they sound great on Youtube. I definitely think the PRS's look cracking but they do lack something and I think the same for Suhr although they are a little bit out of range. I'm slowly slinking back to the idea of a HSS Custom Charvel but the ES-335 idea is turning my head a little although i'm keen on the Heritage copies for QC reasons. Anybody tried or heard a Fano at all??
  9. It was a combination of Phil Lynott & Steve Harris, I thought I was too late to learn the guitar at 16 but whenever I play in a band I want to be the bassist - i've got a backline mentality
  10. I'd love to try a parker, I don't think the 80's Kramer will be versatile enough for me sadly. I'm not sure i'd get on with the Parker ergonomically when playing seated
  11. I'm probably going for something HSS or Humbuckers with a Coil Tap, alternatively i'm open to P90s because it'll give me the grunt if I need it but some articulation. It's a really difficult one i'm afraid, I like blues, classic rock & 80's metal. I don't think PRS have much character about them personally but i've never played, only listened.
  12. I have £2k for the first time in my life and i'm looking to spend on a guitar, everyone's saying that a PRS is the best bang for the buck - just wanted to check if anybody had some recommendations for me??
  13. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1339105554' post='1683932'] Best wishes for tomorrow.. [/quote] +1 Congrats Dude!
  14. [quote name='MrTaff' timestamp='1337697095' post='1664105'] I've bought loads of stuff from Andertons without a problem unlike GAK. [/quote] What was wrong with GAK? I usually buy my stuff from them
  15. ...and when Overdriven: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1n88O9hXg0[/media] (Not mine or me!!)
  16. I had this same problem, the bands I was in broke up and I was left as a bedroom player. I soon got bored of bass playing/transcribing in my room so I switched to classical & electric guitar and just never got tired of it - if I did join a new band i'd still want to be a bass or rhythm guitar player but for now there's no going back, i'm enjoying my new toys
  17. And a very nice couple to have!! I think it's always good to have a backup
  18. *Drool* I bought one of these from Shaggy, but then px'd for a Genz Benz rig to Bob Palt - miss it a lot, if I was in the market i'd be begging you to sell! Quality vintage fretless, good solid tone to it and looks the biz in person.
  19. Thanks guys! Yeah I think 2 Tone Sunburst is going to be the most sought after also, IMO surf green trumps black, white and even candy apple red, BUT, there's many people loving the black black pickguard maple option so then again...ah welly, maybe Ebays my best chance to find a buyer as i've noticed surf green and black ones don't come up much
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