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Everything posted by Schnozzalee

  1. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1345333370' post='1776469'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3zeYV4oN2A[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UD4EGN2MQjk[/media] The second one I listen to for fun. I'd like to say I do the first, but he played Bristol and I couldn't be arsed. [/quote] Hahaha, my personal favourite is Phil Minton's Feral Choir...
  2. This is the worst thing I've listened to in ages, I would prefer to listen to modern music; I can't stand anything current other than Kasabian and MGMT. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=bihaL1risM0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=bihaL1risM0[/url] I like Weather Report and loads of other Jazz bands but my Miles Davis double CD has dust on it - pretentious rambling if you ask me. Technical ability isn't music. Jazz is similar to prog rock for me, I find King Crimson etc fantastic but ELP is the Miles Davis of the prog rock world IMO.
  3. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1345304477' post='1776121'] I have a Tangerine Pearl 5HH on order and I cannot wait! [/quote] Tried a guitar in Manchester, that finish, it's hands down gorgeous.
  4. I don't mind the sound on a recording, but in my hands I don't like it at all, it's just too in your face. Precisions do the job for me, but on recordings they can be lost; I'll look to passive soapbar basses if I need anything a bit trebley. I like to keep everything smooth and funky drive on bass - Warwicks trump Musicman for that typical style IMO. EDIT: I do get on with a Musicman if there are flats on it and their ancient
  5. Can't go wrong with ESP, weight seems to be the only issue - they can be heavy. As mentioned above, Peavy Cirrus' are very good too - I had a USA Custom Shop model which played anything, my only dislikes were the 35" scale which i wasn't used to and i like having a passive/active switch. They are great value for money and they're light.
  6. Yeah, I'd definately consider the Squier CV's too, can't go wrong with a P or J. However the fender stuff can lack some balls at times on stage during a band situation - that's where actives have an advantage (especially a P/J model)
  7. AND NOW TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION!!! The Jackson will have better playability over the Dean due to the Jackson having 24 frets on a 34" scale - The Dean's 35" is usually used on 5 strings to increase tension but this can help with the lower tunings of Nu Metal. The Jackson's humbuckers are more modern/versatile but you wont be able to exact the vintage tones that a PJ setup provides on the Dean. The Jackson's Compound radius neck which will be more playable than the Dean (but the Cort's will be better still) The Dean is an active bass meaning you will need to change 9volt batteries in the back of the bass but the output will be punchier. The Jackson has passive high output pickups (no batteries) Unless your a big guy, I'd pick the Jackson of those two.
  8. I would have said get what I started on which is a Warwick Rockbass Streamer but they were £230 8 years ago. I would recommend a Cort Action or a Yamaha RBX from experience NOT an Ibanez GSR. I'm a huge Jackson Charvel fan but I have only tried their beginner guitars which were fair - Dean I have never tried. I think you might like 80's hair metal like me if your looking to these brands, I may get a custom shop guitar from either when I return to work. Cort is your best bet in terms of playability, value for money and versatility - you can play slap style nicely on these too, beginner guitars don't usually have the sustain & depth of tone.
  9. I've always preferred Warwicks over Musicman just cos they sound 'duller' and it's funkier but they've priced themselves well out of the market and i'm no longer interested - buy a Marleaux
  10. *Double Facepalm* Why would you want one??? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNsrK6P9QvI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNsrK6P9QvI[/url]
  11. That is seriously, the most bad ass rock bass I've ever seen!!
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  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  14. If it's an SD antiquity try playing some James Brown tunes, you'll grin ear to ear
  15. I had a fretless one of these from Garbev, regretted shifting it - best bass of 30 odd!! Massively versatile (vintage tones included), super playable, no backup needed due to passive switch. The quest ends here. If I ever return to bass...no brainer. Value for money and solidly spanks a jazz no matter how old.
  16. Your bass is at the correct price - it is actually a USA Custom Shop model. Use this ad for reference and bear in mind the seller is most likely adding 13.4% ebay & paypal fees to his sale: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/G-L-Legacy-USA-Leo-Fender-Strat-American-Stratocaster-Custom-2012-Ash-/160853823901?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2573a2919d"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item2573a2919d[/url] Good luck with the sale!!
  17. Gibson, Warwick, Fender & Musicman are not worth considering anymore, USA Custom Shop G&L's are the best value for money that i've tried (£1300 new). People should start look for the alternatives like ESP etc if they want to be the original owner.
  18. Chunky V necks have to be my fave, I don't mind U necks either - really beautiful guitar (especially the bodygrain!!) looks comfy
  19. I think it looks great, i'd have to wear black with it lol *minces* but i'm a passive bass guy. I'd pay that, it's a Pedulla!!
  20. I owned of these, once I had it setup it was a sound P bass
  21. If your interested theres some great sound samples of classic guitars and demos of them in different genres via the link below: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=f-4pPWD__-8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=f-4pPWD__-8[/url]
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