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Everything posted by PaulThePlug

  1. So with a bit of a truss rod tweak a few hours after re-assembley all seems OK... Only checked it out thru a Zoom B1On in SVT Amp/Cab SIM... Sounds as warm as the weather! Maple Neck and a bit of the J added to the P makes for a bit more lively sound than the P Bitsa with a Rosewood Fretboard and a Pickup out of an SX? (thanks to @Rumple) not sure how the SX Pickup rates, or if Ceramic compare to the Alnico Magnets of the Kent Armstrongs etc... Quite unique looking, and sounding good for £200ish... although I wasted 6 Months and another £50ish on Primer, Paint 'n Sanding Paper! - Oh well Live 'n Learn... Spose if the Dip came out OK it would of been worth it!
  2. Lock in with the rhythm gtr and keep it simple 'holding notes' bigger dynamic difference
  3. So after the failed 'Dip' i've sanded back and gone for Natural in Danish oil. Unfortunatly there is still a little white primer in the grain... but had enough of sanding... As the saying goes 'Close Enough For Jazz...' Jazz body with Kent Armstrong Hot Vintage Alnico P and J Pickups wired with a @KiOgon VBT loom... wearing Adagio flats...
  4. Yep... check it, then leave it alone... keep checking it and ya likely to break it... at least that's what my mum told me...
  5. Jesus Crysler Drives a Dodge - Screaming Blue Messiahs
  6. Luverly looking bass... but can't make out a chip on either of the shoulders... 🤣
  7. Friggin' in the Riggin' - Sex Pistols...
  8. Human Nature - Gary Clail On-U Sound System
  9. Jazz Bass Knobs... never seen the classic Jazz Bass Knobs in Chrome, or do you mean Chrome Knobs for a Jazz Bass? I likes the Vanson Knobs and have the Full Dome Knobs on 3 basses. Nice weight and great finish, of the bay... but they have a selection of other styles and sizes and are helpfull in going a set of 3...
  10. Nice, But is that some sort of blemish at the first fret... 😉
  11. I'd be sending it back for a refund...
  12. 33 1/4" and I think the overall length may be slightly shorter... to the nut anyway... (maybe made up for by the headstock) as the neck is set further in with the smaller body. As for weight, real ones are a fair thin at about 34mm i think so on the lighter side of the lightest P...
  13. Stereo Jack fitted wired Ring 'n Sleeve instead of Tip 'n Sleeve?..
  14. Too hot to be bloody hand sanding the J body after the botched dip attempt... A lot of the clag has come of withvwhite spirit... but i had let it dry as didnt have any till next day. The Wilco and Rustoleum white enamal primer is like glass and 80 grit is just clogging... And its bloody hot... So tommorow gonna get some 40 grit to rip of the primer, and try to get all the white out the grain with my old Woolworths Orbital Sander... Then 2/3 Danish Oil, 1/3 White Spirit to thin and then just a couple of light coats to seal And it's bloody hot!
  15. Yep... with the worn pebble body, and that fine neck that connects the two... Likes an SR...
  16. 25 O'clock - The Dukes of Stratosphere (XTC)
  17. Check bridge length... I had to change my rick-o-like bridge on my faker cos of 5mm body over hang when saddles in correct place for intonation on a 34"... Real Ricks @ 33 1/4"... there's ya 20mm! Now got a chunky cheapt conventional style... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/84mm-Metal-Electric-Bass-Bridge-Fixed-For-4-St-Bass-Guitar-Parts-Accessorie-G2O9-/255140684363?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  18. ^As mentioned in other posts... if ya haven't purchased a 'That Will Do' or a 'Factory Second' and at a bargain price... back they should go... otherwise it will only 'Nag' And more is the point, the manufacturer will never know... Now if an offer of an option is to keep it following re-numeration, that only you can decide. Possibly a slacken of the mounting screws and a wiggle may surfice - but again the choice es yours... and possibly action to be done by the shop in your presence...
  19. Neck dots... what is 'out' dots on the fretboard or string/bridge alignment? The Thru the Dot A string looks to change along the fretboard It looks like the misaligned one, the outside of the strings have the same gap to the fretboard edge... On the aligned one less gap on the B, looks like center of string to the fretboard edge is the 'measure' String spacing, particularly at nut? Is it string center or between string edges? Whats your take?
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