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Everything posted by PaulThePlug

  1. Back it goes... i doubt you intended to purchase a 'that will do' bass... If you keep it you will always be wondering 'what if'..
  2. ^ As well as the distance from nut to peg plus string thru body or even a trapeze tail...
  3. 1st thing would be to remove the blend pot and see if thats the issue with a multi meter.. and if so replace with another CTS or Bourns pot... maybe Mouser?
  4. (Is)Lamb lies down on broadway - Genesis
  5. Post a pic of the headstock and tuning pegs... Number of turns round the pegs, and are they defo short scale strings with a thin bit around the peg, and not long scale strings cut down, Remember when restringing... turn the winder, dont wrap the string, as you introduce a twist along the strings length...
  6. Sky Arts... Hawkwind Stonehenge 1984 01:20 - 04:00 It's also on catch up...
  7. If ya havent gone for the pups yet... £33... https://www.dv247.com/en_GB/GBP/Roswell-Pickups-RKB-N-CR-Bass-Pickup-Neck-Chrome/art-BAS0010636-000
  8. Clear the patches on a Zoom B1on / Four... Build a patch or two... or three per tune, with ToneLib, and name it... plus a couple of Defaults... Store patches on a PC... Load ya Zoom with the patches needed for the gig and order them... Loads of Bays and Patches so you could double-up just in case. ToneLib also have an Android App so you can do it from a phone for last min changes. Tuner and Headphone Out a Bonus! Maybe ya Boss can do similar...
  9. These are days - 10,000 Maniacs... Double Points?
  10. @Duarte your previous pic of that P was the insperation for the slanty pups on my J... you bad man 😉 And as for the P.. I like it simple...
  11. Give the strings a wipe with isoprop rubbing alcohol... or one of those Glasses Wipes... and take a hand (beer) towel...
  12. 0000 wire wool... dipped in isoprop or lighter fuel... going lightly with the grain... I'd stick the body in a carrier bag, or tape over pickups... and sandwich bag over the headstock... taped closed, to stop the wire wool dust.
  13. Bacon the Road Again - REO Speedwagen...
  14. Are Friends Electric - Gary Numan / Tubeway Army
  15. I'd have a quick look and see whats local to you on Gumtree...
  16. Yep one Bass... One for each day of the week!.. {2x Ibby GSR200, Ibby SR600, Harley Benton HBO Acoustic, Custom P Bitsa, Custom J 'PJ' Bitsa. Custom Rickenfaker}
  17. Can i join in... even with a Split P?
  18. ^ Did Michael Jackson by the rights to that one? - So he might know... Then again he 'prolly had things to hide between him and Bubbles...
  19. What Brand?.. I've only ever used Adagio and Olympia Flats, (which i think are the same) 45-100... Described as Standard Tension... maybe a little higher than a 45-105 set. Stick em on... might need to back of the truss rod a smidge. Welcome to the Smooth Side...
  20. So with a bit of a truss rod tweak a few hours after re-assembley all seems OK... Only checked it out thru a Zoom B1On in SVT Amp/Cab SIM... Sounds as warm as the weather! Maple Neck and a bit of the J added to the P makes for a bit more lively sound than the P Bitsa with a Rosewood Fretboard and a Pickup out of an SX? (thanks to @Rumple) not sure how the SX Pickup rates, or if Ceramic compare to the Alnico Magnets of the Kent Armstrongs etc... Quite unique looking, and sounding good for £200ish... although I wasted 6 Months and another £50ish on Primer, Paint 'n Sanding Paper! - Oh well Live 'n Learn... Spose if the Dip came out OK it would of been worth it!
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