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Everything posted by RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE

  1. I was noodling around on my Schecter 5 string yesterday,getting ready for today's band practice when a couple of things freaked me out. I was playing through the Zoom b21u fx box and my Kustom 15 watt amp. After about half an hour , a frying noise occurred. (The Zoom was running on batteries) I was praising my amp to people on this forum in the past , saying how powerful it is and that it can handle the 5 string no problem. As you can imagine,as I haven't used the amp for a long time I thought it was a blown speaker. I changed the batteries on my Zoom as I thought that they would be flat. Anyway , fast forward to this morning : We played most of he set. Then the frying noise returned. I disconnected the pedal. No good. Guess what it was: The battery on the Schecter . Active bass ! :blush: As we were leaving,my bass fell out of the gig bag onto the floor Not a mark on it. Second 'scrape' I've had with this,and for some reason it seems to be bulletproof. So, I think after that I should keep it and improve my playing. I am a plonker tho' Has anyone got any similar tales to tell??
  2. [quote name='tarcher' post='646454' date='Nov 5 2009, 05:10 PM']Blown away. Wow[/quote] Me too.....
  3. Brilliant. Like the green....it's the scratchplate I hate great sound tho'
  4. [quote name='marcus bell' post='634746' date='Oct 23 2009, 06:45 PM']the edge kicks his rickenbacker? when?[/quote] When Bono starts preachin'
  5. I'm using the AG 500 SC with one DB and it's great. (Haven't gigged with this setup yet,but puts a loud drummer/2 guitarists in their place,)
  6. Haven't got one (yet) but like yellow! Like the Dean Taxi bass, or Stu Hammsyellow fretless Kubicki. Also liking green(bottle green) Status,or the Attitude green.....
  7. How long did he play for ''page not found''?
  8. Thanks guys. Will do. I left it in a multi extension lead ,and had a job getting it out. I'll get the invention mr. crow mentioned above. Cheers
  9. Thanks for that Mr.Crow. Ahpook, the plug overheatted.
  10. [quote name='dunetune_jazz' post='613461' date='Sep 30 2009, 11:54 PM']Bumpty ...[/quote] PM'D
  11. I had a lucky escape recently. While using my Zoom b2.1u pedal, I left ac adaptor in the wall overnight. I managed to get it out in one piece wth suprisingly little impact. Trouble is, one of the screws has come loose so the plug is coming apart. Is it safe to cover plug with black masking tape,or do I have to fork out more dosh for another adaptor.? Wish they nmade a 1 fits all adaptor for all voltages Cheers
  12. Thanks for that. I'm gonna try a few things tomorrow at band rehearsal, and see how it goes.
  13. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='611332' date='Sep 28 2009, 10:04 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-MIM-George-Harrison-Rocky-Strat-Custom-Painted_W0QQitemZ360187656781QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item53dcdb7a4d&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-MIM-George-Ha...id=p3286.c0.m14[/url] It's uglier brother.[/quote] Now that is horrible.....
  14. [quote name='NAS' post='615464' date='Oct 3 2009, 04:08 AM']I've been using the ME50B for some years now. The way I use it (and I think this is the way it's meant to be used) is to set up my standard "default" sound in "normal" mode (i.e. not in "tuner" or "bypass" mode). As it happens this sound for me is with the EQ section set flat (all controls at 12 o'clock including "Level") and I like the natural compression. This is what I use as the bass sound without effects. Each of the effects blocks has an E.Level setting - this should allow you to set the amount of each effect which is added to the "dry" sound, so you can retain the bass body of the default sound and mix in the amount of the effect that you want. So you engage the effects simply by stomping that effects section as and when you need it. I don't use the "tuner/bypass" mode other than for tuning as it cuts out any compression or EQ that you might want running for your default sound as well. I feed the ME50B output directly into the instrument input of the head I use. By and large I find amp effects loops tend to distort the sound in one way or another. The ME50B does allow you to store preselected settings for the effects, but with the rather fiddley bank selection process and the fact that I use relatively few effects I tend to use it only in "stomp box" mode. Hope that helps.[/quote] Thanks for that. I think this way sounds the right way to use it. The bypass setting should have been in a seperate jack like other ones. That's the only thing wrong with this unit. I'll try this out in rehearsal tomorrow,and let you know the outcome . Cheers
  15. Howdy! I'm thinking of using my Boss ME-50B into the Aguilar. However, I think that I may have to get some sort of 'Y' lead as the Boss ,being multi effects only has the standard stereo/mono outputs. I have 2 or 3 questions : First,can I get such a lead ? Second (and most important) ,could I be able to adjust the level of effects using the in/out on the Aguilar amp so that the bass remains and the effects are not overpowering? Third and final question: should I bother,and try to adjust the level on the Boss instead? Please advise if you can Cheers
  16. [quote name='silddx' post='614077' date='Oct 1 2009, 06:23 PM']Have you?! On ebay?[/quote] Yeah, but you know the way it is. When you want something at a certain time , it's never there. I''ll keep a lookout in the meantime
  17. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='613395' date='Sep 30 2009, 10:47 PM']Stick it in a proper bypass loop, or an LS2, the twin switch bypass is a nut-pain.[/quote] Thanks for that. The twin switch is a pain. Sorry to sound so dim, but what is a proper bypass loop? Is that the send/return jacks on an amp?
  18. Mainly flea bay ,altho' I have seen a couple over the last couple of weeks on there.
  19. I've had this pedal for a few weeks and love it. What I'm trying to achieve is the same level when using the effects,as bypass. At the moment ,I'm finding the bypass position(standing on both pedals) louder than when I select one of the pedals. I'm getting by (almost) by not going into bypass mode and just stomping on and off each pedal required for each song. I assume this is not really the right way to be doing it. I have read the instructions ,and they are easier to understand than most effects units. I only need to use it on 3-4 songs . What I'm trying to achieve is the bottom end to remain, and for a nice (but not overpowering) effect to be heard. Please could someone help? Sorry if I've made it sound too complicated Cheers
  20. I've had this pedal for a few weeks and love it. What I'm trying to achieve is the same level when using the effects,as bypass. At the moment ,I'm finding the bypass position(standing on both pedals) louder than when I select one of the pedals. I'm getting by (almost) by not going into bypass mode and just stomping on and off each pedal required for each song. I assume this is not really the right way to be doing it. I have read the instructions ,and they are easier to understand than most effects units. I only need to use it on 3-4 songs . What I'm trying to achieve is the bottom end to remain, and for a nice (but not overpowering) effect to be heard. Please could someone help? Sorry if I've made it sound too complicated Cheers
  21. Yeah, I saw this yesterday. There's something not right about this. The listing seems ..wrong!
  22. I like it Also, when playig live,you wouldn't have to worry too much about banging it around
  23. I wonder if Slayer's Decade of aggreesion is totally 'live' as described by many?? If a live DVD and album are released seperately,I tend to go with the DVD. If one of my friends has the album,I get him/her to do me a copy..
  24. I think you need about 250-300 watts, which caters in many a band situation. You could invest in a good combo,or change your head....
  25. Why not just get a multi-effects pedal with all the bells and whistles etc. Some of these can give you serously ott sounds with loads in reserve...
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