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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. I've never even rated him as a guitarist. He's a one trick blues pony who writes and plays extremely dull music. He should be flattered someone was willing to pay a tenner for a bootleg CD.
  2. If you have, or have access to, a midi keyboard and computer, Toontrack EZbass does a ridiculously convincing job of emulating a real bass guitar.
  3. "That doesn't seem right to me....." Yup! Pretty much sums it up.
  4. When I left my old band they put out a shout for a bass player on their Facebook page. Bass guitarist wanted. No experience necessary. We'll show you how to play it. Just about sums up the level of credit bass players get.
  5. My advice would be, if you've already been stung 4 times. You should probably move.
  6. Yeah you're right. They're definitely sh#t! Having watched the documentary, I can honestly say, I highly doubt their music will ever catch on.
  7. Good luck. Had many a good neet in't tarn back in't day.
  8. Actually I have one of your wireless guitar systems. It's great value for money.
  9. Hi. Welcome. I know you from your kebabs.
  10. Yup. I feel exactly the same. The first episode was great, watching all the behind the scenes stuff and the birth of some amazing songs and ideas. But by half way through the second episode I'd well and truly tuned out and found myself playing with my phone for most of it. I suppose it is a lot more interesting for people who know about the producers, sound engineers, etc. But the Beatles were well before my time and something I've only got into in recent years. So I have absolutely no idea who any of these people are, and the series doesn't really go out of its way to explain it. From my perspective it's just hours of John, Paul, George, and Ringo, p#ssing about in front of a load of hangers on, who all talk over the top of each other with really badly overdubbed audio, so most of the time you have no idea who's talking or what's going on. I was a massive fan of the way Peter Jackson did They Shall Not Grow Old. It was an absolutely amazing piece of work. But despite absolutely loving the Beatles music, I'm finding this extremely disappointing. The whole thing could have been edited down to a three hour documentary and would have worked much better imo.
  11. Great work. That looks superb. Much more subtle but with an underlying menace. 👌
  12. He's not very nice to the fat controller.
  13. As much as I like the Beatles. I'm finding each episode about an hour too long. There's only so much of watching them clowning around I can take before it starts to get tedious.
  14. It's all fun and games until someone lets Yoko near a microphone. Then I want to smash the telly.
  15. It looks like Mr Sneeze ran into a wall.
  16. Pinterest. I have a Google mail account which I never used, except to set up my Google account on my phone. I decided to use it the other day and had to delete hundreds of emails from Pinterest. I vaguely remember signing up to it a few years ago for something. But for at least the past 2 years I've never even visited the site.
  17. You have to have a signed note from your significant other to say you're allowed to look at items for sale.
  18. That's the same one I posted on the last page, but for some reason when I post a YouTube video on here it will only post a link instead of embedding the video.
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