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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. Wow! Never heard of it, but I've got to admire that kind of stamina. I struggle to play for an hour.
  2. I used to think they were hideous, but they've grown on me to the point where I actually want one. Problem is most of them are ridiculously expensive.
  3. I've got some gravy mix with the same name. Don't know how percussive it is.
  4. I honestly wouldn't have a clue whether it's genuine or not, having pretty much zero knowledge about, or interest in Fenders. But I'm sure the rest of you know what you're looking at. What about the Tele he's also selling? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/fender-squire-telecaster-/125105455366?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  5. One of my favourite band names ever, seen advertised in a pub in Doncaster. Dickie Heart and The Palpitations.
  6. As did my Sh#tty Saturday. No accounting for taste I suppose.
  7. Musically great. But the Blue Man Group are far more impressive on their own, without a backing band.
  8. When every day is sh#t how do you mark one out as being more sh#t than the rest?
  9. I'd personally go for 8ohm cabs. You're not going to hear at lot of difference in actual volume between an 8 and a 4, and it leaves you the flexibility to add a couple more cabs later should you feel the need.
  10. Why not just go for a zoom ms-60b. One stomp box sized pedal with multiple effects. Take your pick from the reverbs and delays, and have everything else in the arsenal should you ever need it.
  11. "Made from reclaimed pine". i.e cut out of an old kitchen table.
  12. I think this used to be mine.
  13. That's pretty much the same reason I ended up playing bass. Well...... except for the good looking part.
  14. Bloody Americans! Coming over here and moving Essex over to the west coast just so they can watch the sunset on the beach. 😡
  15. Still almost 5 days to run. The current price is meaningless.
  16. I love the look of them. But I've never actually played one. There was an absolute beauty five string version for sale on here about 18 months ago that I was really tempted with, but I'd never played anything other than A4 string at the time so didn't pull the trigger. Ironically I now pretty much exclusively play a six string. While the look is a major selling point for me, it would also be my best concern. They have a definite rock / metal vibe. If that's all you ever intend to play then great, go for it. But you'd like a bit daft turning up with one to play in pretty much any other genre.
  17. There's that word "clean" again. I'm really not understanding a lot of these threads.
  18. I'm the same with Mayones. So I just say it like the salad cream. 😂
  19. Same. I recently changed all my gear to lightweight stuff, and at the same time put up for sale a 2x12 vox guitar amp that weighs about a thousand pounds because I never wanted to hump heavy stuff around again. The guitarist in my band bought it and it takes two people to carry. So that didn't work out as expected.
  20. Not offended. Just really bored with the whining that seems so prevalent in today's society. To be honest I'm not surprised you quoted me, and I normally wouldn't respond. You really are the walking embodiment of the playing chess with a pigeon analogy. I've never met anyone quite so keen on the clickety clack of their own little keyboard.
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