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Everything posted by BreadBin

  1. Saw three bands at the Louisiana in Brisso last night. Some doom-y sludge fun from Orcon. An unremarkable middle set and then some proper quirky weirdness from a pair of lads going by the name of Vetna. A real journey through pretty much all of the genres - it was a bit like the soundtrack to a low budget sci-fi film and really quite enjoyable.
  2. They used to do both - a very good friend, now sadly departed was their Malcolm for many years. They are a very professional bunch with a 6-figure turnover.
  3. Also worth noting that a simple volume pedal allows you to switch between 2 different setups.
  4. Heartily agree, I love my Poly Blue 👍
  5. Having fallen off the wagon completely I have since added an RSO to my herd.
  6. So was Basso a duplicate account then? I see his account has been deleted... Do I win a prize?
  7. Basso = Grimalkin with a new account. Different name, same old boring shite.
  8. Rabbie then sold the Fishman pre to me! An absolutely seamless transaction, thanks @Rabbie 👍
  9. Nice - I have one too and it's also bloody heavy! Bubinga is proper dense it seems. They do play nicely, an excellent starter fretless and much nicer than what I started with 🤣 Mine needs some electrical attention as the bridge pickup is very quiet.
  10. Take a partial refund, leave it and call it mojo? It plays fine you say? 🙂
  11. I suspect it will be gone by then but if you still have it in a week I'd like it 👍
  12. That's @sprocketflup's outfit I believe.
  13. I have a lot of time for Nate - but that just sounds a bit crap! Looks good though.
  14. No. Not without making an effort. It's somewhere between 12 and 20, depending on how I count projects and ones I've 'loaned out'
  15. Rare and pretty decent. Impossible to play sat down
  16. I do something similar, although I have effects options on both loops. I use one of these instead of a blend, it lives underneath my board.
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