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Everything posted by BreadBin

  1. Definitely worth contacting @Ashdown Engineering they are really helpful and can usually get you sorted.
  2. Melt Yourself Down have some very bass driven tunes. Excellent stuff 👍
  3. I recently discovered Minnie Marks - she plays guitar and foot drums and has an amazing voice too.
  4. I was really impressed with the sounds you were making with this, obviously the playing was a big part of it but every time I heard that synth pedal it made me want one!
  5. I've got a crackle red B20, and a plain (but aged) red B10 with a B20 neck and bridge. My first bass I owned was a B2, then I had two B10s.
  6. What a handsome couple of fellas! 😁 Great to see you all, I think that's the busiest I've ever seen it. I can only echo the sentiment - biggest thanks to the team for putting it on and providing the food that makes it so great.
  7. I have an EHX Bass Blogger im getting rid of that I reckon would work well, even has 2 outputs (dry and distorted) Can bring to the Bash on Sunday?
  8. I like compression, if set correctly it allows me to really dig in without drowning out the rest of the band. I recently picked up a Darkglass Super Symmetry and I love it - my pick playing in particular has been massively helped.
  9. Would a Digitech RP80 multi effects box be suitable for the raffle? Happy to donate if so 👍
  10. Happy for my TCE combo to be part of the dataset too 👍
  11. I'd love to try it out - I really want an 8 but this makes 3 basses for sale that I want right now!
  12. Dammit. I have a matching P-bass to this. Please don't burn it! I'll find a way before that needs to happen...
  13. I would definitely file open the nut slot first - I've had one break before by not doing so.
  14. VOLA in Bristol on Tuesday the 27th 🙂
  15. You have been given the correct meaning, in the most polite of ways. Yet you continue to attack people who are trying to help you. Maybe you should learn to accept your mistakes, and be grateful for help? What makes you doubt that this meaning is correct as you seem to be persisting with your incorrect assumption? What do you think it means exactly? The commonly accepted definition (one could almost say universal - hah!) of a unicorn is something so rare and precious as to be virtually unobtainable. Plenty of posters on this thread have indicated that they already have the bass they consider appropriate for all kinds of music - ie universal, myself included. Most of these are not unicorns and are in fact generally very common - P-bass, J-bass etc...
  16. I'm currently in Norfolk and would be a tiny detour to Chelmsford to get home on Friday. Good job I don't get paid until Monday - I really don't need another cab!
  17. My £200 Yamaha 5-string is the only bass I really need. The rest are just nice to have.
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