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About Jonesy

  • Birthday 28/02/1983

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  1. I've got tix for Part Chimp next Saturday, always look forward to seeing them live!
  2. The same sort of thing happened to a good friend of mine when playing in a pub. Plugged his guitar into his amp, about to start the set, when he got a whack from the mains supply and died on stage. This was about 20 years ago and he was only in his mid twenties. I've used a RCD adaptor ever since.
  3. Duck Dunn laying down the groove with Albert King. Absolutely love this tune......
  4. I bought a bass from them a few years back and would recommend them, had a play on a few others while there and the shop is full of really nice MIJ gear - it's like Aladdin's cave! The bass was also really nicely setup, it probably had the lowest action I've ever had on a bass. The PB70's are really nice, the necks are superb and they sound great. I'll keep an eye out for the new bass day thread 😃
  5. Ohhhh, I didn't think about Etsy for guitar bits - cheers for that! That's pretty close, but maybe a touch too light. I'll email the seller to see if the colour is accurate. It's to go on a Pelham blue jack casady, it might be easier to find top hats that match that chicken head as they seem to be available in limited colours.
  6. Ah sorry for the confusion, I'm after one of these, but in the colour that matches the above.....
  7. Does anyone know a site selling them? I've found a few bright colours, but nothing to match these.......
  8. Most of the time I'll just grab a bass and play unplugged with my laptop. If I'm spoiling myself I'll go into a Zoom B1 Four and some headphones. If everyone is out then I'll plug into a Fender rumble 15w.
  9. Heretic! You should be stripped of your lapels and thrown out of the forum.
  10. *puts on thinking cap* Who do I know in the States that I can send this to, so they can then ship to me.............
  11. I'll add that to the list and keep an eye out for one. Ta for the heads up!
  12. You can almost hear the 60s just by looking at it - lovely stuff. I also like that you're using your Hartke as a stand for the boiler 😂
  13. Nice! You're now an owner of what is officially the coolest looking bass or guitar on the planet! You've summed them up pretty perfectly when you say they're fun and easy to play, I go through phases of thinking about selling mine, then pick it up and instantly change my mind. They're just so light and easy to get around. Add that fuzz in there too, it's almost like they're designed to be played dirty.
  14. I haven't got one yet and I've just had loads on that puts me in 2 minds about learning - I have a new baby on the way in a couple of weeks, so won't have that much time for and I'm also wondering if it's better to just spend more time playing the bass rather than learning a new instrument. Then I think learning the piano will make me a better musician, so I start looking again. The Recital Pro I was looking at was sold by the time I was back from my break and I've been out bid on a couple of Yamaha P45's recently. I think the Yammy is the way to go though so I'm still keeping an eye out.
  15. Or, if a pastel green is fun enough then the Ibanez Talman is an option..... https://www.andertons.co.uk/ibanez-tmb30-mgr-4-string-bass-guitar-in-mint-green
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