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Everything posted by bazzbass

  1. If you are gonna DI an acoustic electric bass you'll want a passive DI as the bass is active ie it has a pre amp.
  2. 150 watts was loud enough....in the 80s. If you plan on jamming or gigging you'll want 250 watts at a minimum imho ymmv
  3. old heavy gear is the young man's playground. Once you get old and your back hurts you have no choice but to go lightweight. Enjoy it while you can . You can drop those old Laney and Peaveys down flights of stairs and they'll still work, ask me how I know hehe
  4. that Smooth Hound looks awkward, I don't like the look of a big plug hanging off my jack ymmv imho etc etc
  5. how the hell did we all survive in the 70s 80s and 90s using instrument cables as speaker cables ? Maybe because amps weren't as powerful as nowadays? Sometimes knowledge is a burden
  6. Mark Bass Little Mark 250 Blackline, 150w into 8 Ohms 250 into 4 pair it with a 2x10 cab, small light portable
  7. [quote name='Rocker' timestamp='1490648476' post='3266799'] Laughingly small but the Blackstar Fly Bass is a decent sounding bit of kit. I works very well if you jam with music from your stereo. And it is not loud enough to disturb your neighbours. [/quote] errr no . you won't be heard jamming with two acoustic guitars, plenty loud enough for guitar but not bass. You want to move air,even at home. Your neighbours need a chance to appreciate your great taste in basslines
  8. bazzbass


    the fattest string is usually the E string, but sometimes it is a B
  9. yeah it always surprises me too, and makes me feel better about my own playing I think the clank and noise helps it stand out in the final mix, much like how distortion helps a bass line stand out.
  10. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1490883806' post='3268793'] . everyone will think it's a cool J-P-J hybrid too! [/quote] opportunity for a John Paul Jones signature model perhaps?
  11. yes grab that name before someone else does, whatever it is ! all the best, sounds like a lot of fun, love that grindy bass we played Hanging Around and Peaches in the ol days
  12. you are lucky, 2010 to 2016 American Standards are the best ever I bought an MIM Jazz in 2009 and it was a 2006 model, bonus as it has a "60th Anniversary" disc on the headstock
  13. but....disco DOES suck, bigtime. except the basslines, they rock !
  14. sounds to me that he is bored with your band, or more likely the music you play. Throw some Rush and some jazz at him. There isn't much you can do without changeing your repertoire which doesn't seem a possibility from what you say. Let him bring in 2 or 3 new songs and see how they fit in with the setlist maybe?
  15. Takamine make great acoustic basses, love mine
  16. ask them to provide chord charts for each song, surely they have that? learn to read guitarist's chords from front on,this is a must for bassists in original bands if in doubt,fire the drummer ! oops missed your subsequent post, congratulations ! playing originals is very rewarding, maybe not financially, but musically.
  17. Reaper is only $60 for a 2 year or so licence, fully featured and infinitely tweaked to your liking. really is superb and awesome value. More popular now than Pro Tools,(according to gearsluts polls) second only to Cubase which costs ten times as much.
  18. we tried out our old drummer from the 80s, he STILL can't keep time, effing useless. Tomorrow we are trying out a percussionist, who only wants to play percussion, which is all we want fingers crossed , I hope we will gel immediately.
  19. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1490638742' post='3266705'] My missus used to come to the occasional gig when she was alive, but only if it was a special or unusual occasion. I wouldn't have gone to see her teach at the uni' where she worked, so why would she have wanted to come and see me at work? [/quote] firstly, sorry to hear of your loss, my ex died too, ten years ago about watching people at work, I used to go watch my female housemate at her work all the time. Nothing weird in watching her work. oh, did I mention she was a stripper? great days, stripper parties at home lol
  20. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1490653743' post='3266853'] This is a great idea, I have an old brush I was just about to get rid of, do you just use a bit of soap and water with it? I've just been playing my old Precision which I haven't touched in a few months, then I went to stroke my cat, and she took one sniff and turned away in disgust. I looked at my bass and to be fair to the cat it is pretty grim, the whole high end is a bit of a health hazard. [/quote] just water, wipe some on the board,apply brush, wipe off OH, don't forget to put a clean brush head on the toothbrush first
  21. ANY ACDC song, never more than three root notes to match Angus' three chords per album....easiest job in bassland OK, not great basslines, but easy to learn, very bassic
  22. funny how if you have top class musicians they actually produce top class music, who knew? Thanks for sharing this link, it's the best 'new to me' music I've heard in ages
  23. the pickups and strings would account for more differences in tone than the country of manufacture of the Fender bass
  24. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1490452660' post='3265248'] Old toothbrushes have a multitude of uses. Never throw them away. [/quote] even better, a cheap battery powered toothbrush, one of those Colgate ones cleaned my fretboard quicksmart !
  25. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1490532647' post='3265717'] Auditions for originals bands are always bizarre... I went to one last year for a rocky punky type thing. Learnt all the tracks from a demo they sent me, they were ok, nothing special but lively and fun. When I turned up it was obvious I was a poor fit. The songs sounded good but I definitely didn't have the image they were after. Fair enough I thought, lets just see it through anyway. After playing the songs from the demo they decided to "try and catch me out" by playing something I hadn't heard... bit odd I thought but whatever. I asked what key it was in and off we went... again sounded pretty good. I was then told "right this time I'm not telling you the chords" ... erm ok... again it sounded fine. The songs were pretty simple stuff and I worked it out from looking at the guitarists chord shapes what was coming up... following this I was told that I couldn't look at what he was playing anymore and the next track consisted of him standing in the corner so I couldn't see the fretboard... by the time he'd finished and turned round I'd left... [/quote] well done hehe surprised they didn't ask you to play blindfolded with foam earplugs in your ears too
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