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Everything posted by bassmachine2112

  1. So much for a Rick being a one trick pony,great upright sound. Very full sound. Great band Lindisfarne.
  2. I,m in the boat of I,ve got the basses I need. All 4 of them . All I look at now is strings and pleccies,life is different now. Empty but full,very strange feeling .Complete maybe but comfortable at the same time. No GAS,just happened without me realising it. Do I need help ?
  3. hi,I use a roland db700 combo and a d-bass 115x powered extension cab if needed. Fabulous sound and plenty of oomph when I use the extension. There are a few roland users on here and we don,t say much about them. They are seriously good amps.
  4. My Rick does not neck dive,nor my thunderbird
  5. Can we do the note things next. Looking forward to that tune and will the cow be there as well.
  6. EBS has done this for years.excellent idea and wonder why it hasn,t become standard.Power your pedals and bass off the amp-genius I,d rather be zapped with 9 volts than 48 though,mind you it,s not the volts ,it,s the amps you have to watch-amperes not the pluggy in thing.
  7. [s]hi,try a band called Neck they play phsyco ceilidh,there are a few bands do this up tempo stuff.[/s] [s][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZcrL3nJL1Q"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZcrL3nJL1Q[/url] this will give you an idea or maybe not[/s] [s]hope this helps[/s]
  8. Saab 9/3 hatchback ,you can fit an awful amount of gear in them. 2 x 2x10 cabs and head or 2x 1x15 roland combos with 2 basses in cases and leads and essential bass stuff that never comes out the bag with the small seat down for the cases,2 passengers in the back,2 in the front-boogie bus . If your in the PA ie DI ed then you should have more than enough stage volume unless you don,t like the overall sound of the amp/cabs combination. You could try using your amp as a side fill instead of pointing out to the crowd.
  9. Hi been there,it,s a horrible place to be. Numerous answers to this. Why should you leave when you have done nothing wrong. People reflect their negativity on whoever they can to cover up their insecurities. Bin bag him then you,ll hear how poor a band you are from Mr opinion.So what your playing ,they are not. Don,t let them grind you down.
  10. I use 2 2x10 peavey tx cabs with my marshall head and they are rock tastic. I got 2 cabs as the 4x10 would need a fork lift to move it. they sound fabulous in the mix though.
  11. bullet proof gigging gear that has the stamina to keep going,that,s why they are heavy. Oh they are heavy but keep going.
  12. get yourself a musicman sub,the easy way to do it.
  13. Maybe it,s producers that are making their job easy with a one sound fits all on one or two channels-formula. As has been pointed out excessive compressing,amp farming and all the other studio tricks. It could be a symptom of the universal record everything as loud as you can for a CD. I had a conversation with a producer and he would love to record things at lower levels to get a better overall sound when you listen to it but the public would react at having to turn up the volume on their stereo/sound source for the same apparent volume.Seems that volume is deemed to be good sound by the duped public. We,ll just blame producers-easy. Any producers want to contribute,Iwould be interested in any answers/opinions.
  14. Jetglo all day,like a L.B.D goes with everything and suitable for any occasion. White ones with black accesories are known as Tuxedo like James Bond I suppose,he,s had every gadget known to mankind but I,ve never seen him play a Rick maybe due to the Rick being cooler than himself.
  15. Aye I have an there really bowfin,E string was rubbish to say the least,put me off flats for life. I,ll stick with rounds thank you. Zing,zing not thu ,didn,t even go thud.bad as that. All they are good for is hanging up pictures.
  16. I do realise that in the modern world there are considerations on air pollution to be considered but surely the human rights of individuals on noise pollution have to be respected as well as people with almost all their sight left not to be offended by the optical pollution that these lumps of henious creation being unleashed on the public. These abhoritions should be held in the musical equivelent of a war crimes museum. In reality some of the copies of this era were on par with some of the american creations that were around and in some cases were of a quality they could only dream of. These cack copies are still cack and haven,t realised any mojo over the years. I,m off to lie down in a darkened room with some light sedation after the shock of all this.
  17. I was hoping to never see one of these again. The nightmares are starting again. Cack is not the word for these.It surprises me that it hasn,t been used for kindling yet. Avon was another name that hasn,t been mentioned ,how does columbus,shaftesbury and the ilk grab you.They sound like cheap cigarette brands.
  18. Actually I should have said about the bongos was to trigger them then you could use shoe boxes or anything. By the way my musicman is still in tune.
  19. Puss is as auld as the hills,yer puss has a geggie as well. "Shut yer Puss" is simply "shut your mouth cause I can smell effluent emminating from your mouth" Economy of words and straight to the point.
  20. My musicman hardly ever goes out of tune. I,m getting my coat.
  21. In reality us older ones can kick butt, have the experience and have payed our dues. Worth summit -ye better believe it. Never say never
  22. nothin wrong with being a music pro,oops prostitute. Opera singers spend their whole life learning a handful of songs which are covers . Keep giggin with them till your ready to gig with the new band-morale,don,t muck yer bass player around.
  23. Yes all textured and that lovely metal scratchplate which most people abhor. The finish is bullet proof which is a plus for me out gigging cause dings and scratches are a thing of the past,they don,t matter.If you don,t like the paint on the back of the neck,sand it off and wax or oil it. Great bass for live work. Pity some other makers didn,t make gigging finish basses and save us some cash.
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