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Everything posted by bassmachine2112

  1. perfect no nonsense bass full stop. bass on full,treble to taste-how simple-how rock
  2. Great thing with the thumper is you can really use your tone control to go from dub to zinging heaven with the twist of a tone knob. Yes they are high output like an active and very articulate,makes a versatile bass even more so. I fancy getting a stealth 51 as well.
  3. Totally underated bass and the only musicman I would have.I,ve had mine since 03 and it,s a belter.fits in anywhere. Bullet proof giggin bass
  4. I,m in the wizard camp,got a thumper in mine. If you want to go non polite what about a stealth 51.The thumper is a great pick up,loadsa presence which cuts through but throttle back the tone and it,s thump time. Give Andy a phone and describe the sound and he,ll see you right.
  5. behringer at the price and if you like it you can get the sansamp,never leave home without mine,hartke bass attack is good as well but sounds different and hasn,t got true bypass
  6. I take it the drummer has a floppy/flappy bass/kick drum and needs a serious retuning.Does the drummer use bottom skins on his toms ?.Could be a damping issue as well. 400 hz will let the drum breath and get the click of the beater and it will cut through. Get the bottom end off the guitars in isolation they will sound tinny but it,s the overall sound that counts
  7. +10 for the Wizard,I,ve got a thumper in mine,very high output.14k ohms loadsa presence and pushes the front of the amp nicely and you can pull back on the volume a bit and it goes nice and smooth with little drop in volume and the same with the tone. Andy is very good to talk with and can give you what you want at a good price and very fast turnaround. Top guy,give him a phone.
  8. This is a hard or easy question to answer-you could say if you have to ask then a Rick is not for you but with the outlay required then it is a very reasonable question. I have heard over the years the gripes of precision necks being too big and can I fit a jazz neck or can I fit a p-bass neck neck to a jazz cause the jazz is too small.so you see the fenders have their ergonomic moments as well,stingrays with being too heavy/don,t like the sound and numerous gripes of all the other basses-neck dive. It seems that Ricks with their profile seem to attract the knockers. I have over the years used/played most of the types and for overall sound if set up,dialed in nothing sounds like one cause they are very rich in frequencies to the point where there is too much and some subtle eq can work big wonders. Phil Lynot once said "that you play a precision but a Rick plays you"as too playing comfort if they dig in a bit put on a wrist sweat band and problem solved. I can make a Rick sound like other basses but nothing sounds like a Rick. The old chestnut which era is best-4001 versus 4003 I have had both.I will stick with my 4003,bridges again how many people have changed their fender bridges out for badass,gotoh,schaller etc.I have changed mine for a hipshot,my p-bass has schaller tuners,wizard thumper pup and a high mass bridge so I,ve done more work on the perfect bass than the marmite one. The only other thing is you do need is good amps and cabs. I could write a book on this subject but if your a Rick player then you will love it like the rest of us.
  9. hiho,This is a good question that has no answer. Play for the track I say-lock in with the drummer and everybody listen to each other you never know where it will go,sometimes it works. How many times have you heard a tune then went to see the band live and they play it at a 100 miles an hour and overplay it death ?.Then you wonder why they didn,t do that the first time.Maybe it,s because music evolves even within the framework of a tune just as we evolve as musicians or their havin a blast and revvin up the tune without a producer in the studio sittin on their shoulders. Take a chance,go out on the edge you never know it might just make the difference and if your enjoying yourselves then the audience will pick up on it and join in and you all feed off each other. If you have the chance have a listen to China Drum doin Wuthering Heights not everyones cup of tea but it,s China Drum not a tribute band just guys havin a blast.
  10. If you want to beat a groupie to death not that I,m advocating it the a misicman sub is the way forward-nuclear proof and solid as they come and a nice balance for swinging and bit heavier for grunt. It may be that they are bit lighter so don,t feel as solid as a fender but my vintage is solid as well as stable in the tuning department.
  11. no problems with them they are that good once set up which takes minutes,there is a video on fitting and setting up. No drilling or anything if you get the right one. You can switch from D/C back to standard E during songs-easy peesy
  12. I,ve swapped the tuners for schallers.Fitted a badass copy bridge and installed a Wizard Thumper pick up .My next one is to replace the pots and jack. I would have done the same if it was a fender so really I used it for the body and the neck although it was a good bass as standard and sounded well. Keeping my eye open for a maple neck but thats just me I like the look and feel of them.I should add that the standard neck is nice to play so it,s a cosmetic thing.
  13. I,ve just got experience on the p-bass one and it,s a good bass for the money especially if you can snag one s/h
  14. keep your eye open for a vintage. They are pretty decent for the cash and make a great base for modding.
  15. gotta agree it doesn,t fit my car either,case is the size of an aircraft carrier oh I forgot we don,t have these anymore.Big boat then. I would have got a gibson one but they don,t do an active with a neck that doesn,t break and a decent bridge,oops here we go the gibson boys will be after ma hide now. For the money they are decent value and epiphone have addressed some issues to bring the bird concept kicking and squeelin into the 21st century so hats off to epiphone and the trans black finish is nifty.
  16. here,s one for you-epiphone t-bird pro 4,good finish and very nice in black.they have an active circuit which gives a nice array of useable sounds.It has a maple sandwich through neck which allays the fears of the mahogony necked gibsons which can fall off at the joint if you bang it off something. They are a different animal to the other epiphones,try one out nothing to lose.
  17. hiho,I would have bought the d tuner off you,by the way I have an epiphone case and it fits like a glove even though the guys in the shop said it doesn,t fit. Muppets,obviously they never tried as the case was still in plastic. Dawsons music by the way-really skilled staff,why don,t they have proper musicians staffing the shop-this goes for a lot of them.
  18. here,s one for you-vintage,they make a decent bass and go for a decent price s/h, handy if you want to mod one.
  19. use a sansamp,behringer clone or hartke bass attack or similar pre-amp di box,DI to PA and output to amp
  20. I,ve been pluggin in my musicman and an active t-bird pro into the passive one for years and they are no louder than my ricky and a wizard thumper equipped p-bass so either it is ok to put an active in the passive or I should be puttin the passives in the active one due to their high outputs-14k on the thumper.
  21. I changed the valve cause it had a crack and went microphonic so I got one from my guitar player who had a few spares for his head and all has been well since. It was a 5 minute fix. I have often thought about trying some of my nos stock of valves-rca,mazda, and see/hear the difference. If any one has tried out different pre amp valves then a report of their findings would be very interesting or maybe the difference is nothing to worry about. maybe have a go myself one day,mind you if it aint broke.
  22. hiho,having used a mb450 head and peavey cabs for a few years now I have had no bother whatsoever apart from changing the pre-amp valve in the classic channel. Very loud and it has it,s own sound.
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