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Pea Turgh

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Everything posted by Pea Turgh

  1. Should be a walk in the park for you! Loving your build diaries!
  2. My mum just had a big ash tree cut down in her garden. I thought “ooh! I could make a bass body!” So asked her to ask the tree guy to save me a bit. I didn’t specify cut, so I’ve been given cross sectional slices 🤦🏻 about 18” - 20” in diameter. Is this completely useless for the purpose of a bass body?
  3. Barefaced Two10 is 38cm wide, too. Watching with interest…
  4. Here’s the updated rig. Home made pedal board with Donner ABY (£25) splits the signal to go to my tuner (to mute the bass signal) then on to my bass amp and newly built micro cab. Other signal goes to my Zoom MS70CDR with a load of new patches courtesy of that unofficial Zoom editor, on to an Axl guitar amp which we picked up for a tenner locally. So £35 spent (and he’s nicked the kit I already had) is getting us close. The Zoom octave up sounds pants, so that’ll be next.
  5. Haven’t seen much of this cab since I finished it. My lad has gone full tilt in to bass playing and has cobbled together this rig for Royal-Blood- type sounds. Pretty effective!
  6. That’s a sahweeeet collection - only missing the white one for a full set! Love the blue one. Whats a ball park figure for one of these? Reverb has one at over £700 which seems a bit… optimistic?
  7. When I was 12 or so I made some sherbet dip at home (after seeing it on the tellybox). Took it in to school in a large sandwich bag to try to sell to fellow students. Got collared by a teacher half way through the day and marched down to the biology lab so they could run tests on it to check I wasn’t carrying about £10k’s worth of Colombian marching powder. Ah, fond memories!
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  9. Wow. Good vid, great interface. Wonder how sturdy it is.
  10. Yeah, not the best photos of the Telly 🤣 Try this one off of Insta;
  11. Actually looking at the construction on the website and Instagram pages, the Trent looks very decent. And that weird headstock instrument above has a flamed maple neck, so perhaps just not that familiar shape rather than Kay’s catalogue.
  12. It’s a short scale (30”) so maybe he’s of small stature.
  13. I too am looking at the TC Sub’n’Up. I have a Zoom but the octave up is poor. If it’s anything like the tone print compressor, it was pretty nifty out the box, so no real need to tweak. Hopefully.
  14. @FishfacefourWinner winner chicken dinner!
  15. Watching Glasto on the tele with my family, I like to ID the basses for them (I know they really appreciate and the tutting is just for show). This one had me stumped though. What is this bass?
  16. Anybody catch Wet Leg at Glastonbury? What was the bassist playing? Thought it was a JMJ but the scratchplate is all wrong and the cameras never linger on the bassist.
  17. I think I just had way too many pictures - just deleted 10 pages of pics 😂
  18. Olive oil. Never tried it, probably ruin everything you touch, but will make slippy slippy.
  19. Hey @Reggaebassthis was an awesome tip - I’ve found some pics I’d forgotten about! Cheers!!
  20. My son got in to playing a couple of months ago, loves Royal Blood. Just picked up a guitar amp this morning, coupled together with my micro cab, looks quite cool! Need some more pedals for switching etc, but going quite well so far!
  21. It’s my super power. I’ve got it in my head to block up both slots and fit a new full-width grille for aesthetic reasons. Popping a round port in the front seems an easier way of getting the tuning right, too.
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