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Everything posted by MoonBassAlpha

  1. Anyone know what the thinking is behind the staggered string anchors?
  2. Not used these, but should be top quality: http://www.award-session.com/cleartone_cables.html
  3. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1417342490' post='2619221'] I used to quite like them back in the day ('Nothingness' is fab). The only thing stopping me getting in to them more was Vernon Reid - he plays like an excitable (but admittedly talented) 12-year-old. [/quote] My exact feelings too! I thought it was just me. I think half of what he does is ok, the other is bullshit.
  4. This Flight Tonight by Nazareth I prefer to Joni Mitchell's original, and I am a big Joni fan.
  5. Were there people around you BEFORE you embarked on bass cab building?
  6. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1416912346' post='2614870'] Infinite radius sounds way better, the marketing guys are going to love it! [/quote] You're spot on there!
  7. Zero radius, as in having no radius applied to a flat board, which is how they start out.
  8. Err, they all look pretty shifty, except the dude with the T-Bird, of course!
  9. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1416822839' post='2613812'] She's 28, hardly that young anymore. [/quote] Still about half your age though.
  10. It doesn't look anything like the one mine had, I think my f.e.ts were mounted on to the chassis. Is this one of the early ILP power modules? (Caveat: I had mine quite a while ago and my memory is not what it was!)
  11. Ok, got it. I missed the thread first time round. Thanks folks.
  12. I was just wondering why TKS have their own sub thread in this section? I'm not trying to knock them in any way, just curious. It would seem more logical to be in the Affiliates thread, no? Have I missed something?
  13. You're probably right about the pot values. You could always just try wiring one of the pickups to the output direct to check.
  14. Are you sure it's not just come a bit unsoldered from the pcb? I fixed a mate's stereo that had exactly this problem and all it was was a fractured solder join round one pin, pretty much invisible to the eye, but no contact. Quick dab with the iron, job done.
  15. It could be one of the large power resistors in the power amp stage having fractured the solder to the pcb. They sit high off the board and can vibrate. It might be worth going over it with a soldering iron first just in case. This could manifest the same as one of the output fets having blown. On mine, it just manifested as a crackle when played loudly, but if it had become completely disconnected I think it would have sounded distorted (half the waveform) and lacking in bass.
  16. It is still curing quickly enough, just going on a little streaky, like it is leaving brush marks (though I'm rubbing it on). I'll try a little white spirit, I just wanted to check they were compatible. Thanks M C
  17. Hi all My tru-oil has gone a bit gloopy, what do you use to thin it? Cheers MBA
  18. My guitarist plays a black American Traditional Tele from about '99. He tried mine at the end of our practice tonight and the korean crushed it, sounded so much more meaty comparing only bridge pickups. Even the drummer commented on the difference. Turns out his tele had the bass side of the pickup lowered a lot, but even bringing it up still didn't really make it sound any better than the Korean, and still not as loud. Quite chuffed!
  19. Is the body really mahogany? It looks more like ash to me.
  20. Mark seems a straight up dude and right on top of his comms. Deal with confidence.
  21. Nice job. I think they are bigger than the ones I fitted, and look brighter as a result.
  22. Does you cab have a tweeter fitted, as that makes a lot of difference to the hiss you hear? Even the East Pre I have in one of mine has quite noticable hiss when boosted, and they are meant to be one of the better ones around.
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1415025865' post='2595764'] Ah-ha, a reply!! Is this the 4-pot BQC preamp? [/quote] I don't know what it was called, it was 2 volumes, stacked bass and treble and a separate mid. It is a 5er and is currently on holiday, with a friend who wants to buy it but is skint
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