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Everything posted by MoonBassAlpha

  1. I'd be tempted to do the repair properly first and see how that works out. But then, I'm a tight git and a bit of a bodger
  2. Is it your watch being picked up as you change hand position? Pickups pick watch clicks up quite well, and mobiles before they ring.
  3. Yup, a hairdryer will work, I've just tried it. They run hotter than you'd think
  4. Sorry for the guitar content but the collective wisdom here usually comes up trumps regardless... Looking to replace the scratch plate on the above, its from 1983 iirc, is one described a US/MIM likely to fit? Cheers all MBA
  5. [quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1420660340' post='2651914'] short sentence got 3 f's in it....... seriously there are ways to get a good sound out of a kick drum without cutting a hole in the front head [/quote] I dare say there are (don't know too much about it myself) but there is a hell of a lot of pressure to comply with the sound guy for fear of getting a sh*tty sound. And this instance was taking the head right off, not making a hole in it.
  6. Jimmy Evil, a guy who does sound at the Cellar in Oxford, made a drummer take the head off his bass drum, as he insisted it would sound rubbish if he didn't. He does the sound there a lot, and it usually sounds good in there. The drummer clearly didn't want to do it either!
  7. Sounds like the pot issue is just a taper problem, linear not audio. I just swapped a tone pot out and it does this. It was a b-type, I think I should have got an a- type.
  8. I found it interesting, especially his view on the scoop of his e q which seems to be the polar opposite of most of the received wisdom on here about getting heard "in the mix"
  9. I just find it irritates me every time it comes on, the bass line is really quite out of tune, I'd expect better from JB. That's all. Merry Christmas!
  10. Ooh, I see he's using the combination Speakons now. That's handy. Review soon as please! Looks tasty!
  11. I thought they were really nice too. I don't think the necks were particularly skinny, and the profile is more rounded than most today. One of THE most comfortable basses to wear IMHO.
  12. The cab on it's own would blow the budget though....
  13. Finally picked up the guitar last night, all bets off, It has a (full size) humbucker in the bridge already. It looks a fair bit like the DiMarzio in his other one but the bar poles are chromed and don't even go under the low e string. The middle pickup is almost flush with the scratch plate, so no wonder it sounded weak. Haven't plugged it in yet, but I suspect a correctly spaced bridge bucker might help for a start! And don't even get me started on the home done "paint" job!
  14. Just supported Laeticia Sadier (Stereolab) in Oxford and still buzzing! It was a lovely gig, her music is like floating on a cloud. Really nice folks to boot. They've got their last gig of the tour tomorrow night in Brighton, I'd really recommend it if you like your pop dreamy and French-flavoured!
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1418581489' post='2631402'] Listened to him a lot back in the day. In fact there was a period of about six months where I wouldn't even consider listening to anything at all unless it was on ECM records. Eb is a class act and no mistake. [/quote] I know EXACTLY what you mean, ECM had a beautifully recorded, spacious sound that was very compelling. I could have happily listened to no other label back then, around '79
  16. Commercial Album is the only one I own,but I love it - great for making unwanted guests go home. The guitar solo from "Moisture" is my ringtone (Fred Frith)
  17. Thanks Meddle, it's all useful information. Keep it coming folks. Cheers
  18. Hi A chap I sometimes help with his guitars posed an interesting one: He has an old Tokai strat he fell out of love with as someone had changed the pickups (and presumably flogged 'em). He wants it to sound like his other Strat which has a DiMarzio x2n in the bridge (about the hottest humbucker around!) I was wondering if something like a Duncan or Artec hot rails would be ANYWHERE close, or am I just dreaming? I'm not going to faff around and fit a full-sized humbucker for him, that's outside my remit (and skill set), plus, the Tokai is probably worth a bit (early 80s from what he said) And experience greatly received, cheers!
  19. Looks very nice, and a little off the norm. Good score!
  20. Look for damage/crispy bits on the crossovers too. They might even have little bulbs that act as protection devices that have blown. Even simpler fix, as long as you can match the type.
  21. Have you dumped the Korean ones now? I have to say this one looks thinner and more sculpted. Lovely!
  22. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1417630415' post='2622470'] The simplicity of Floyd's rhythm section is one of the band's main strengths. Nick Mason is one of the dullest drummers in living memory but it all just seems to work perfectly with Waters' writing. I suppose it all came from a time when bass in particular was largely ignored by the public. [/quote] I get the impression Nick Mason played exactly what he was told to. I'm sure I remember a clip where he was slapped down by Waters for his playing being too flowery, or fancy.
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