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Everything posted by MoonBassAlpha

  1. Mr Foxen is out Bristol way, not that handy for Lincoln
  2. Actually, it all went very well, and the series (4th) position is a useful fat, louder setting. Gives a noticeable lift, like the middle position on steroids (cliché alert!)
  3. Hi all I've posted this on the Eggle guitars forum, but suspect there may be more traffic here? The Berlin Pro has no tone control, just a rotary 3-way coil tap that isn't working that well. The guitar is quite bright sounding, so I think a tone will be a better option for me. [color=#000000]I was going to do a straight coil tap but then got thinking about series - parallel instead. How close sounding is parallel to a single coil, and is there less difference in the drop in volume?[/color] [color=#000000]I was concerned the parallel mode would be sampling over a wider string length so not really sound like a single at all, though some on youtube suggest it does. I quite like the idea of being hum cancelling but it isn't the be-all for me, hell, I own a Telecaster! [/color][color=#000000]I've gone for Alpha 500k push-push pots for volume and tone so should have plenty of options available.[/color] [color=#000000]Any thoughts either way?[/color] [color=#000000]Cheers[/color]
  4. Does the coating prevent the string making an electrical connection with the bridge? That would do it.
  5. It's a Bosch GGS 27, like the Motorhead of Dremels, no speed control, on or off, and it really is quite scary. Pics will probably be on an x-rated You've Been Framed in a couple of years time under the section "what was he thinking?"
  6. Yes, definitely getting the vernier out for this. I've borrowed a brutal grinder from work, so I'll probably go through the guitar and my table!
  7. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1423771806' post='2688942'] I think Peavey did with the VB3. [/quote] If they did, consider me un-baffled!
  8. I fitted a new 4-way switch to my Korean Squier telecaster to give the extra both pickups in series option. It's a bit more faff than a straight replacement as you need to earth the neck pickup independently from the grounded pickup wire. Got it all together, and it turns out the switch is about 4mm deeper than the cavity. The body is deep enough to take the switch, just that routing it out would have been easier[i] before [/i]wiring it all up. It never even occurred to me that there would be an issue with a proper Fender part.
  9. It baffles me why nobody has done switch-mode power supplies for the HT and heaters, then a toroidal o/p transformer and you'd be looking at a pretty big size and weight saving. And if you read what Stewart Ward (Session amps) writes about valve sounds and tone, it turns out you don't really need valves at all, just better informed transistor design...
  10. ... and it worked a treat for me too! All done now. Thanks for the input. MBA
  11. That's what I thought, reversing the polarity always seems to work for Doctor Who...
  12. Well, its working fine, but one small issue, the pickup is in the middle position (Strat) and the 2 and 4 positions sound really thin, not just the usual strat quack sounds. Do you think reversing the polarity of the middle pickup would fix this? The pickup is a neck position Strat one in the middle so is not rwrp, if that makes any odds.. Cheers MBA
  13. Well, the credit card method seemed to work well. Thanks for the tip Geoff!
  14. one option was a small ally plate under the pup with tapped holes
  15. Hi all I can think of a number of ways to fix this, is there a standard or best way of doing it? the pickup flatwork is fibre board, but very new looking. Cheers MBA
  16. [quote name='Moos3h' timestamp='1422917438' post='2678482'] Hmmm, you see the thing is, I like toast AND I like playing bass. Doesn't mean I want my amplifier to warm my crumpets though...? [/quote] Like a Superfly?
  17. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1422838838' post='2677504'] I have had my son's come to gigs, 25 & 27. Thing is, they are a part of that generation that doesn't get, like or have any appreciation for rock or live music period. They think DJs are musicians. Blue [/quote] I blame the parents!
  18. I've put the screw in a drill and held it against rough wet and dry paper until it's the right diameter to go down the hole.
  19. Another+1 for the HT-5. I'm borrowing one at present and its fine sounding. With a telecaster the clean channel doesn't go too loud but you can apply a clean boost and it sounds nicely on the edge. I find the distortion channel starts a bit too fiercely, I'd like to be able to transition from the clean to on the edge in a more gentle manner, but that's just my taste.
  20. The tension measurements would suggest the bottom two strings could do with being a bit beefier, and I found that when I tried out the Japanese model with whatever comes standard.
  21. The Mambo Kings has a nice soundtrack, especially if you like, err, mambo! My Mrs loves Armand Assanti, so I get to see it quite a lot. No, I don't get it either...
  22. [url="http://www.metalnecks.com/"]http://www.metalnecks.com/[/url] Might be of interest in this thread....
  23. If the power supply is low on one side it will clip on one half of the waveform only. Depending on how low that side is may give quite a subtle distortion. I'm sure if one side had completely gone, the distortion would be quite noticable.
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