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Everything posted by MoonBassAlpha

  1. Mine had the EMG 3 band preamp in that sounded pretty good to me. Also had the EMG Hz pickups in.
  2. Ok, I know it isn't a bass but after a little help here. one of the buttons broke on my recently acquired 96 Squier Tele. The look like tho top picture here: http://www.tdpri.com/forum/telecaster-discussion-forum/163003-cheap-squier-tuners-drop-replacement.html Just wondering if anyone had one kicking around in their parts bin they'd flog me? If I get really attached to the guitar, I'll swap them out for something better, as the button part is metal plated plastic, and I've just found they can be a little delicate... Cheers Jules
  3. Good gig for us in Oxford last night, we played great and the audience was into it. We dropped in Werewolves of London,which went well, wish we'd worked out an ending! The second band nearly emptied the place, but Anton Barbeau brought it back in. We also had a Eurovision winner in the audience! Anyone care to guess who that might have been?
  4. At the Hollybush on Botley Rd. Free to get in. We are on at 8 Also appearing Reckless Sleepers Anton Barbeau (from Sacremento via Berlin) Easy-going atmosphere, quite a laid back little venue. Cheers Jules
  5. That's what I thought. When I picked it up, I apologised to the chap for the low price it went for, and he said it was more than he was expecting, so we were both happy. Win-win!
  6. Just scored a 1996 Korean Tele in blonde, off eBay for a decent price! [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Squier-Telecaster-50th-anniversary-edition-/141446175030?ssPageName=ADME:L:OU:GB:3160"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Squier-Telecaster-50th-anniversary-edition-/141446175030?ssPageName=ADME:L:OU:GB:3160[/url] I'm quite chuffed as it it in better condition than I'd hoped. Just got to restring and tweak the setup tonight and it's good to go!
  7. Yes, I did say height in the first line. I'm very tempted to give it a try, but this particular bass has a very shallow break angle over the nut, so would almost certainly require some kind of string tree on the g and d. Also, will crowning very low frets be next to impossible, they're quite wide frets? I hadn't really considered this,but frets get wider the lower you take them....
  8. I'd be a bit worried about that control cavity cover falling off. Needs some more screws, I think!
  9. Has it become a bit unwound at the ball end?
  10. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1413791560' post='2581771'] I've developed a product that will enable everyone to experience the tonal superiority of green basses. Chlorophyll impregnated green tape. The chlorophyll, with it's strong light capturing abilities, enables a 2" by 5" strip of tape to capture as much green light, and convert it to tone-enhancing body energy, as a bass painted entirely green. Simply take the tape, and affix it to the front of your bass. (Not the rear as the tape will be shaded by your body and be ineffective.) Strips of chlorophyll bass tape are now available from me for the very low price of only £79.28 a strip. Coming soon - mauve bass amp tape. [/quote] I'm afraid you've got your science a bit wrong here AT, things that look green absorb strongly in the blue and red, and hardly at all in the green
  11. So, is this Squier's take on a Stingray? Looks awesome vfm
  12. Someone must make a generic soapbar that is similar.
  13. I am mainly playing fretless and love the feel. I just got to thinking about this when having trouble playing a high unison part quite in tune enough! I recorded it no prob with the fretted...
  14. It has struck me recently the frets don't really need to be anywhere near as high as they are to fulfil their function on a bass. I totally get why they are like this on a guitar as it helps a lot in fretting clean chords and digging in on big bends, but on bass, I'm not so sure. I have smaller frets on my Sei and find them comfortable to play. Has anyone taken their frets right down to nearly nothing and found them preferable/usable?
  15. In my experience, strings fracture at the machine head end when taken off a couple of times, not surprising at all. I don't think I ever had this with repeated boilings with double ball-end strings.
  16. Also, I'd try to use a proper pillar drill rather than a hand drill, as the holes are more likely to end up in a straight line on the back of the bass.
  17. Doesn't this method rattle like buggery? I've not tried it though (the strap lock thing, OR the buggery, for that matter!)
  18. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1413153183' post='2575394'] LOL. I am used to listening to gigs and appreciate that the best ones have a clarity to the sound where the air isn't filled with noise ALL the time. They're talking about filming a rehearsal. So it will be interesting to watch it back. [/quote] ooh yeah! post it up here for critique by the good folks of BassChat!
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