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Everything posted by Daz39

  1. That's utterly crackers. Very cool and they will probably sell a few to nuts who like noodling aimlessly but don't want to put the fretless down and pick the fretless up etc. Like me! Good price considering it has fancy wood, piezo, 7 strings etc.
  2. Good on the Rush team there, and other donating peeps. I admit; I bought Prog once a year at best and never the other publications. Lists and endless adverts are not worth the price tag. Shame as there was good stuff: I got the special edition of err CR?, Prog? with the Clockwork Angels release.
  3. I three finger gallop; two is just daft. Love noodling to Maiden tunes, there are plenty that just make you ache but most have accessible parts. Agree with an earlier post: Moonchild is insane, and 22 Acacia Avenue is epic.
  4. Newcastle used to have 7 or 8 gear shops: Sound Control, Sounds Live, Windows, Jake's Bass Place, the vintage shop near the fire station, one at Eldon Square (the street not the mall)...
  5. Ibanez Portamento is very nice.
  6. I had an RBX 370? (something like that) and a 765A. Both super-nice to play, not too heavy, good sound and quality.
  7. Yes - it is possible to be mentally ill and still be a supreme bellend. Mr West is living proof. It's tricky isn't it - on the one hand, he does and says some fairly daft and maddening things, but he does appear to suffer (possibly because of all the fame and illusory greatness he surrounds himself with.)
  8. Well - given that Angels or Let Me Entertain You are inevitable entries in dire pub karaoke nights - I reckon it has affected our culture.
  9. Currently binging on early albums after for years only listening to Monster onwards. Great tunes, although the smash albums are hit and miss for me.
  10. Jinkies. I recall seeing 18" Trace Cabs back when I bought my 15" in the 90s. I was staggered by the physical size - and weight. Amazing that you can now have them far more portable. Still a bulk though - if you're not careful your band mates will actually prefer unloading the drummer's gear...
  11. Yep - reverse auctions are good, some real giveaways. Sadly - as Drew has said: he has lowered some prices towards Trade and still not being snapped up. The used market and the fall in currency combine to make a lot of new gear too pricey for people worried about splashing out. Regardless of value for money - £1.5k on a shiny bass or amp/cab is a lot of money for almost anyone.
  12. Wow. I had an AH300 and that was plenty loud through a single 15! Glwts
  13. They are held up by several people, wearing lumbar support!
  14. I do like STS. Great noodling, much more melody and interplay than just aimless shred.
  15. Yeah - but does she know which bass is best for Metal? Eh? Srsly, polymaths. Hate 'em ;
  16. Oh my. That is art. What are all the knobs and switches for?
  17. Eric Johnson is famed for his OCD tuning between every song on stage. I can get that it would be annoying. Depends how much string bending you do I guess. You can do it quickly enough with a clip on or floor tuner - half your strings will be in tune anyway!
  18. I've tried the 5 through a markbass head and was sorely tempted.
  19. I have a tuner - don't need one in an amp. More to go wrong!
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