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Everything posted by Daz39

  1. Several issues I think: Your last clause infers an inherent bias that the female would not be the outstanding candidate, by using 'or.' By creating scenarios where the minority is not the most qualified/suitable - you reinforce the belief that it is unfair to discriminate on their behalf. Also selecting 3 as the pool, and 1 as the female sets a bias against reversing the ratio - as 2 females would seem more unfair to a society where male dominance is normalised. That is the problem - that there is only 1 woman in the interview pool - not that you feel forced to choose one unfairly. Why do more men aspire to distance running?
  2. They are lovely things, very versatile etc. I suppose their infrequency of appearance leads to the variance in listing prices.
  3. The media are everyone's worst enemy, to be fair.
  4. It's not that most white people ought to apologise, but rather be more aware of their privilege and be less entitled about it. As an example: complaining about MOBO awards needing to exist.
  5. There should be laws about looking at basses like that in daylight hours!!
  6. Yes. Exactly, Tim R. What the majority see as 'normal' is actually an oppressive state for minorities. I admit I am nearly as privileged as it gets in the western world: I'm white, male, middle class, degree-educated, straight, 40, without major disability/impairment. I even speak fairly accentless English. Any trouble I have finding work or getting ahead is entirely down to my competence. Society raised me to believe I was 'normal' and 'average' - and so blind to the extra few steps I am automatically ahead of people not like me. It's been shown countless times: sending out near-identical CVs with names from different cultures, changing gender or age when asking opinions of suitability for something. Female authors have been using initials instead of their first name for decades. It's quite staggering when you stop to think about it.
  7. Every other awards are not exclusively MOBO awards - I think that's the best way to put it. Privilege blinds us to the discrimination that occurs - If you look back at any awards across any media (film, tv, music etc.) that does not specifically focus on one group by colour, gender, race or religion - it has overwhelmingly favoured white, middle-class, western winners. Most of the judges have been from this group, most of the air/screentime has favoured this, and thus it favours these winners. If someone looks at the MOBOs and thinks 'where did all this music come from?' then that's the result of all of the above. It's always been there, but it has to meet higher expectations to compete. It's partly why Adele was complaining that Beyoncé ought to have won the Best Album Grammy (partly self-deprecating modesty too I imagine).
  8. Dawsons in Alty is nice, the ones in Chester and Leeds are good too. PMT in Leeds is a bit lame for Bass, there are a few small random shops about, but you've almost as much chance finding something bargainous in the pawn/payday loan shops on the high street.
  9. Ah - the rewarding sound of taking back control. Wait...
  10. This is one album that doesn't really need much isolation, the bass is so prominent!
  11. I use them. This set has lasted over a year. Lovely smooth tone and you can get zing if you dig in still. My fingers like the feel.
  12. Nice! What's the bar behind the bridge pickup, a midi thingy?
  13. Awesome - well done! I considered responding, as I am in Halifax, but I lack the time, and probably the skill...
  14. Your shed has a big lock on it, right?
  15. He's a total maverick, cool dude and ace player. I used to follow his blogs last decade when he would describe his portable espresso machine he designed for his motorbike, and his endless travels on tours. Dude's been around so long he played in a school band for JFK in err '62? I do want to know what Bass he plays and how for his tracks on the Union album for Yes. Sounds like a metal fretboard fretless, it's amazing. Let's not even start on his stick playing (GAS!)
  16. I've got a Modern Player Tele - it's lovely. Skunk stripe, honeyburst or charcoalburst it came in. 3 pickups (Neck tele, Strat-mid and a Humbucker at the bridge with a coil tap. Loads of options, great noise. Mine's actually heavier than my bass at 9lbs+, but it's worth it. I paid £380 for mine and I believe they're discontinued now, so might be bargains about.
  17. Looking good so far. Will the tuners be swooped for lightweight ones, as is often done?
  18. I've heard a couple of albums. It's epic stuff. Mr McM is frighteningly good.
  19. These are well reviewed and apparently solid tone machines that just play really well. Yeah, they look marmite but y'know; some of us don't look tort...
  20. What the above posted (because quote post keeps playing up). Every awards before a specific one targeted at (for example) POC - is in effect a White, middle class, award. It's privilege - and it applies to pretty much every area of modern western civilisation. I can see how having a targeted ad helps a band's identity and probably their chances of success, but that itself further reinforces privilege and systemic bigotry/racism.
  21. Exactly. Marketing. If they sell half the crazy basses they put out in this way, they cover their target for marketing spend I reckon. It gets people talking, and equating Ibanez with innovation. Some of their (in my opinion) mad ideas have worked: they have sold loads of the 7 and 8 string guitars.
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