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Everything posted by Hellzero

  1. Sadly, you'll discover why it's called "Courage". No offense at all.
  2. Here the Noll version : https://www.bassparts.de/epages/61038859.sf/de_DE/?ObjectPath=/Shops/61038859/Categories/NOLL_Elektroniken/Bass_Elektroniken/NOLL_PA_1_aktiver_Vorverstaerker And the 2 inputs Noll that also works as a balance : https://www.bassparts.de/epages/61038859.sf/de_DE/?ObjectPath=/Shops/61038859/Categories/NOLL_Elektroniken/Bass_Elektroniken/Mixpot
  3. https://www.woodbrass.com/en-at/guitar-pickups-and-preamps-bass-bartolini-agb918-2-p255086.html http://www.guitarcenter.fr/micros---preamplis/micros-basses/electronique-active/agb918/2-preampli-buffer-gain-ajustable-0-12db-/-9v-18v,p-107418.html And the double inputs one : https://www.guitar-parts.shop/bartolini-agdb-918-2-buffer-adjustable-gain-dual-channel-9-or-18v-voor-magnetic-pickup?SID=7t3ibca39vqek1874ral566812&___store=en&___from_store=default
  4. Ok, let me figure it out right. You finally like the sound of your bass with the stock pickups but don't need any EQ and like to have more gain, simply put. Right? So, what you need is a buffer preamp like these ones : https://www.bartolini.net/product-category/electronics/module/bufferpre-amp/
  5. But even uglier which, I thought naively, was impossible.
  6. They made some fretlesses a long time ago, but these days, absolutely not.
  7. They just need another Slash with a non Gibson guitar and pretend it's a Gibson : the story will go on once again. Maybe those Americans should also consider there is a market over here in Europe and stop taking us all for a**holes !
  8. The intonation correction is there, take a look here : But thanks to these exposed cores strings, the correction is very light. Look at the Anthony Jackson Fodera fitted with the same kind of strings and you'll notice the same.
  9. I can fret it. Byl was my nickname when I was young. I made something like 10 instruments on order and wanted to start making that for a living, but after around 10 years of absolutely not earning money I stopped definitely. I was also making repairs for guitars, basses and amps (I was well known for my knowledge in tubes). I even made repairs for high end hi-fi shops but fortunately (according to their retail price) they don't get out of use that often except for CD players. I used to work for the local shops and even for some other luthiers for their electronics issues or their clients amps. When I stopped, everybody asked me why I did it. My answer was always the same : Being honest will not make you earn your life and some of you still owe me a lot of money ! End of the (sadly usual) story.
  10. My 3 fivers are strung from E to C without any particular problem once the trussrod is adjusted, the intonation corrected and if needed the nut adjusted.
  11. And thanks for the compliment. If you look closer, you will see that there is a slight intonation correction, the B string being slightly further away (longer) than the E string, and so on.
  12. Just like Russ said, this is the way Erno Zwaan was making the original Q-Tuners. For the intonation that's the magic of the exposed cores strings which makes the setting very similar from string to string. With these strings there is almost no correction to make because the gauge is the one of the exposed part of the string. Try some and you'll see that this strange saddle position is right.
  13. Here is a picture of the 6 strings lined fretless I made for myself some 15 years ago, everything was done by hand with the only help of a router and some basic electric tools : is there anything wrong about it ?
  14. The laws of physics simply explained : could be useful for those pretending their 4 inches speaker can go down to 20 Hz in a bean can... But, tell me who can hear 11 Hz, apart from the US government ?
  15. I saw once Alain Caron "playing" a fretless bass he was invited to try : he simply played a minor scale in A on two octaves, that was enough for him to say that the bass was really good sounding. Some people should learn from this.
  16. F*cking slap. It's so boring to hear the same thing in any shop...
  17. Bought a set of LaBella Gold flats 6 from Sam. Everything was smooth and easy. Deal in confidence.
  18. Isn't that the new Bootsy Collins Fodera signature model?
  19. Ah Monkeypedia, the anticiclopedia ! All the friends I have living in Poland or being Polish pronounce the "w" like“ch"...
  20. It's in fact Sa-doch-ski in right polish way... Ask any Polish around.
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