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Everything posted by Hellzero

  1. Ok, I give up, for now on a chord is a single note that is not played. That way everybody will be happy and we won't have to take elephant in pills to go to sleep. After all, classical music and rules are just made to be ignored so keep on driving backwards on the wrong side of the road totally drunk and at twice the speed limit. That would be fun, no ?
  2. If you want the scientific explanation of a chord, here it goes : any sound produced by anything is made of natural harmonics, if you take the first 6 natural harmonics and delete the repeated ones, there stays only 3 natural harmonics which are in musical theory intervals of thirds, so it's the root followed by the third (minor or major) and the fifth. And according to a guy called J-S Bach that's the reason why a (perfect) chord is made of 3 "notes".
  3. And just so we're clear: you do have some idea how patronising this sounds...? Yes, and it's about time as this Monkeypedia is nothing but an anticiclopedia !
  4. And stop referring to Monkeypedia : read real books made with paper !
  5. Tell any classical conductor, composer or teacher that a chord is made of two notes and you'll get three options : he will die immediately, he will tell you that it's the best joke of the year or he will smash your face with his desk three times to help you understand the music theory ! And if your minor or major third sounds odd it's because of the tempered tuning (say hello Bach). If you want to hear all your notes precisely and exactly in tune : play fretless !
  6. But there is : you maybe don't hear it anymore or are so accustomed to anticipate it that you don't notice it anymore...
  7. I quite like the Devo look of this bass, but does it come with a yellow overall ?
  8. And could you put some pictures of the flightcase in the ad ?
  9. Is it the one with the removable neck as it looks like it ?
  10. You got it right, but nobody will ever read it as they claim there is no latency whatever system used. And you are right again, every MIDI bass player is anticipating that latency, and again just ask Alain Caron why he stopped playing MIDI bass for years... The other solution is to buy a SynthAxe, but there are only two guys able to use it : one is dead, the other is crazy...
  11. N'importe quelle 12AU7 fera l'affaire, mais tu auras revendu ou échangé ton instrument avant que cette lampe ne soit en fin de vie...
  12. Had one of these modular Mark Bass amp, great concept, great sound, but it didn't make it. You'll understand what it is here : http://www.markbass.it/product-detail/momark-sd-800/
  13. And that you are not older than 14 years or make another wish for Chrismtas as it's any day you want.
  14. I used a GK3 with a VBass and there was latency on the notes lower than the E. The GK3 had been fitted by Christophe LEDUC who also made the MP-5555 for Alain Caron in the early days of MIDI basses (0,33 second latency on the low B !).
  15. I really don't care of the colour hardware, the most important being the sound unplugged. If it's dull, than better forget it.
  16. Indeed, like any other system it needs the MIDI conversion card which is the Poly-Drive connected to the standard 13 pins output and then to your midi device. The difference between the hexaphonic Roland GK pickup and the RMC polyphonic piezo is the latency which is close to 0 in the piezo based systems or optical based systems like the Lighwave. Try the low B latency on a Roland GK and you'll understand why the MIDI bass master named Alain Caron uses now only the RMC's... He also used the excellent fret recognition based system, but it was impossible to use on fretless bases as the MIDI data is electrically recognised and it won't work with nylon strings either. And he stopped using the Roland GK because of it's too high latency.
  17. I forgot Godin and that it works with any fretless instrument, check Alain Caron using the RMC system !
  18. Put some RMC piezo pickups and electronics in your bass, these are the best ones you can buy with zero latency. Factory fitted by F-Bass, Fodera, Ken Lawrence, Zon, Klein, Conklin, Roscoe, Sadowsky, Lull, Dingwall, Leduc, Drozd,... to name a few. http://www.rmcpickup.com
  19. Ask any Gibson dealer about their mandatory buying policy and you'll have a great part of the answer to this highly predictable potential bankruptcy... Add to that the fact that their R&D department and marketing are lead by real American idiots believing that their almighty power over the guitar world is definitely acquired because of their brand name and you'll understand that the rest will be history. Sad but true. But don't worry, Fender will follow the same stupid path as people managing the brand don't know a thing about musicians real todays needs. The more I think about it, the more I see the old punks slogan : No future !
  20. Very interesting concept used in hi-fi speakers with a lot of succes, but I think the company isn't really existing anymore, sadly...
  21. Is the price is for the both of them ? What about shipping ? Could you be more precise ?
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